Following the 1868 discovery of the Mesha Stele, a series of artifacts emerged, suggesting a rich Moabite culture. These finds, known as the Moabitica, quickly caught the attention of collectors and scholars, igniting a fervent race among nations to secure these treasures. At the heart of this tale is Moses Wilhelm Shapira, an antiquities dealer in Jerusalem, who found himself entangled in a web of ambition, deception, and scholarly rivalry. Despite initial excitement, doubts about the...
Published 03/14/24
Four biblical kings (the kings of Israel, Judah, Edom, and Moab) face off in the Battle of Moab. The story has long been known to us because of the Second Book of Kings, but in the latter half of the nineteenth century, an archaeological treasure surfaced that provided another account of this battle. Explore an extraordinary discovery made in August 1868: the Mesha Stele; also known as the Moabite Stone. Recognized as one of the most significant archaeological finds related to the Hebrew...
Published 03/14/24
In this installment; "The Dead Sea Scrolls' Precursor," Ross and Jono explore the remarkable story of Moses Wilhelm Shapira and his acquisition of sixteen mysterious leather fragments. The episode links Shapira's find to the groundbreaking discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran, providing new insights into the historical context of both finds. Initially, Shapira's claims about the origins of his scroll were met with skepticism by his contemporaries. However, with our current...
Published 03/14/24
Episode One of "INFAMOUS: XVI Fragments" introduces the mysterious world of Moses Wilhelm Shapira. This episode rewinds to December 2019, marking a shift in Shapira's story from a mere historical intrigue to the heart of our project. Here, Ross and Jono recount their paths to discovering Shapira, setting up a season of intriguing discoveries, discussions, and historical investigations. The episode offers a glimpse into what lies ahead: the fascinating aspects of Shapira's life, the...
Published 03/14/24
Pentateuch: A New Look -Torah Portion: Vayakhel -Book: Exodus -Chapters: 35:1 - 38:20 Video: https://www.youtube.com/rossknicholstv
Published 03/14/24
Pentateuch: A New Look -Torah Portion: Ki Tissa -Book: Exodus -Chapters: 30:11 – 34:35 Video: https://www.youtube.com/rossknicholstv
Published 03/02/24
Pentateuch: A New Look -Torah Portion: Tetzaveh -Book: Exodus -Chapters: 27:20 - 30:10 -Host: Dr. James D. Tabor Video: https://www.youtube.com/rossknicholstv
Published 02/24/24
Pentateuch: A New Look -Torah Portion: Terumah -Book: Exodus -Chapters: 25:1 - 27:19 Video: https://www.youtube.com/rossknicholstv
Published 02/24/24
Pentateuch: A New Look -Torah Portion: Mishpatim -Book: Exodus -Chapters: 21:1 - 24:18 Video: https://www.youtube.com/rossknicholstv
Published 02/10/24
Pentateuch: A New Look -Torah Portion: Yitro -Book: Exodus -Chapters: 18:1 – 20:23 Video: https://www.youtube.com/rossknicholstv
Published 02/03/24
Pentateuch: A New Look -Torah Portion: Beshalach -Book: Exodus -Chapters: 13:17 - 17:16 Video: https://www.youtube.com/rossknicholstv
Published 01/27/24
Pentateuch: A New Look -Torah Portion: Bo -Book: Exodus -Chapters: 10:1 - 13:16 Video: https://www.youtube.com/rossknicholstv
Published 01/20/24
In this installment, the fourteenth of our series, we delve into the fascinating first chapters of the Book of Exodus (Exodus 1:1-6:1). In this session, filmed during a previous live series, Ross K Nichols offers a deep dive into the narrative, beginning with the birth of Moses, a pivotal figure, and his first defiant stand against Pharaoh. This class is more than just a story; it's a critical exploration of historical contexts, textual nuances, and the intriguing question of the 'Biblical'...
Published 01/17/24
Pentateuch: A New Look -Torah Portion: Vaera -Book: Exodus -Chapters: 6:2 - 9:35 Video: https://www.youtube.com/rossknicholstv
Published 01/17/24
Ross K. Nichols delves into Torah Reading VaYishlach (Genesis 32:4 - 36:43), focusing on the pivotal journey of Jacob. Exploring the intricate relationship between Jacob and Esau, bringing a fresh insight into their legacy. Follow Jacob's strategic encounters, his transformative night at Peniel, and his emergence as Israel. This narrative, enriched by Hosea's reflections, invites us to explore the depths of Jacob's struggles and their significance in faith and history.
Published 12/31/23
This week in "Pentateuch: A New Look," we begin a new section of Genesis called Eleh Toledoth Ya'akov. This section, the final of ten such sections in the book of Genesis, will carry us through the end of the Bible's first book. Our focus now shifts to Joseph, the favored son of the favored wife of Jacob. The Joseph Saga is one of the most cherished in all of biblical literature. We begin to examine the stories of Joseph and his family in this introductory class.
Published 12/31/23
This class covers the annual cycle reading known as MiKetz (Genesis 41:1-44:17). It is part of the popular series of Pentateuchal studies and the second in the Joseph Saga. In this teaching, we discuss the texts from Pharaoh's dreams through the meeting in Egypt between all Israel's sons. The class provides insights into the connectedness of these ancient stories through words and phrases showing patterns used by the ancient scribes.
Published 12/31/23
This class is the twelfth in our ongoing journey through the Pentateuch and the third teaching from Eleh Toledot Ya'akov. It is based upon material from the annual reading called, VaYiggash (Genesis 44:18-47:29). The narrative in this section is among the most dramatic in biblical literature. Judah draws near to "the man, the lord of the land," offering himself in the place of Benjamin for the sake of his father. Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and then arranges to care for his family...
Published 12/31/23
This teaching covers the final reading of Genesis according to the annual cycle of readings. The narrative focuses on Jacob's final words to his descendants, first to the sons of Joseph (Chapter 48) and then to his sons (Chapter 49). Joseph’s sons are elevated to the status of sons of Jacob (48), and the best “blessings” go to Judah and Joseph in chapter 49. In addition to their presentation in our texts as words to the sons of Jacob, as Jacob’s days draw to a close, they also take on...
Published 12/31/23