In commemoration of Rabbi Sacks’ 2nd yahrzeit, we dedicated this episode of RZWeekly to explore the legacy of Rabbi Sacks, why his teachings resonate with so many people, and how his books and teachings are now being learnt and engaged with within Israeli society.
Published 11/15/22
Did Religious Zionism just win? Or lose? This week we discuss the success of the new Religious Zionist party, the reasons for its rise, and how we feel about it. We also discuss the reactions from Jews around the world to the rise of Itamar Ben Gvir, and the possible disconnect between Jews in Israel and those in the Diaspora.
Published 11/03/22
Dr. Yoel Finkelman recently wrote an article in Mekor Rishon which explored the meaning of post-modernism and which challenged the way this term is used by many Religious Zionist leaders. In this episode of RZWeekly we interview Dr. Finkelman,discussing with him why he wrote his article, what post-modernism really is, whether it is possible to reconcile post-modern thinking with Orthodox beliefs, and our thoughts on the issue.
Published 10/20/22
Dr. Yoel Finkelman recently wrote an article in Mekor Rishon which explored the meaning of post-modernism and which challenged the way this term is used by many Religious Zionist leaders. In this episode of RZWeekly we interview Dr. Finkelman,discussing with him why he wrote his article, what post-modernism really is, whether it is possible to reconcile post-modern thinking with Orthodox beliefs, and our thoughts on the issue.
Published 10/18/22
In this final episode of RZWeekly for 5782, each of us shares a thought that has been on our mind. Mali asks what lessons can we learn from the recent Royal Funeral about beauty, grandeur, royalty, and how those lessons apply to Rosh Hashana. Reuven discusses how can we remain cognizant of the core values that inspired previously established Jewish practices in the modern age. And Johnny considers how can we discover the rays of light in the clouds that some of us have encountered over the...
Published 09/23/22
How should we relate to royalty: in general, and in today’s age? In the latest edition of RZWeekly, two of us reflect upon royalty through the prism of the great contributions of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, while one of us is more skeptical of the whole enterprise.
Published 09/15/22
Which Elul customs do you do? Do you try and say ‘LeDavid’ each day? Or is it your practice to visit kivrei tzaddikim? Or do you take time to make a tally for any tzedakah that you may not have given during the year? In this episode of RZWeekly we share our customs and habits of Elul and discuss the ways in which we try and get ourselves ready for Rosh Hashanah. Then, we discuss ways to approach the upcoming Chagim from a positive, uplifting perspective.
Published 09/08/22
As we approach the Yamim Noraim, we at RZ Weekly decided to dedicate our first episode after the summer break to sharing Torah thoughts and insights relating to Ellul and the High Holy Days, and in particular, how we are working to get into the groove of this special time of year.
Published 08/30/22
Har Habayit: Have you visited, and if so what was it like? If you haven’t, what are your reasons for not doing so? What has contributed to the sharp rise in numbers visiting Har HaBayit in recent years? These are the questions that we discussed in the latest episode of RZWeekly which led to a riveting conversation. Listen. Enjoy. And we look forward to your thoughts.
Published 08/05/22
According to R’ Chaim Navon, Religious Zionist teenagers aren’t who they used to be. Rather than waking up with a spring in their step to serve their Creator and to live an industrious life, they wake up late morning or early afternoon; rather than adhering to the demands of their school, their schools now need to meet the demands of these students, and rather than parents parenting, they often mollycoddle their children who they often treat like grandchildren. In the latest episode of...
Published 07/24/22
Following the recent publication of ‘Nafshi B’She’elati: The Halakhot of Mental Health’, the RZ Weekly team were thrilled to interview Rav Yoni about the work that he and Dr. Shmuel Harris have done in creating a new genre of halachic writing that responds to the serious questions of those experiencing mental health challenges. In our conversation we discuss a range of important topics including the role such a work plays in our community, the role of the Rabbi vs. that of the therapist, the...
Published 06/07/22
Do Modern Orthodox Jews know what they believe about God? Why is there so little ‘God-talk’ in Modern Orthodoxy? And why, given the huge contribution of great Modern Orthodox teachers - like Rav Aharon Lichtenstein and Rabbi Jonathan Sacks - to contemporary Jewish thought and philosophy, have so few Modern Orthodox Jews committed themselves to understand and absorb some their profound contributions concerning our faith in God and our relationship with God in the modern age?
Published 05/25/22
Has the messianic fervor that inspired so many Religious Zionists in the past waned or disappeared? What are the causes of this messianic phenomenon? How should we personally relate to the question of messianism in our current reality? Listen to the latest episode of RZWeekly where we discuss all these questions – and more.
Published 05/12/22
A recent controversy in Israel erupted around the choice of Lucy Aharish to moderate a panel at the 929 convention. In this episode we explore this question, the nature of the 929 project, and ask why one respected Religious Zionist Rabbi participated in the panel while others were highly critical, and whether the decision to invite Aharish crossed an unacceptable line.
Published 04/08/22
In what differing ways do Chareidim and Religious Zionists relate to gedolim? Who was Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt’l to Religious Zionists, and how should they relate to his death? In this episode we reflect on the life and death of Rav Kanievsky, as well as what we can learn from the outpouring of respect and affection seen at his funeral.
Published 03/23/22
Following the appearance of recent online posts discussing a steady decline in the applications of young American women to Midrashot (Seminaries) in Israel that emphasise Gemara study, the latest edition of RZWeekly considers the possible factors for this decline, and what this says about changing trends about Torah study by women.
Published 03/16/22
What is the basis for the coordinated attack on the rulings of Rabbi Eliezer Melamed? What is it about the rulings found in ‘Peninei Halacha’ that worries, or threatens, so many rabbis who are seemingly part of the same ideological camp as Rabbi Melamed? In the latest episode of RZWeekly we consider the various factors driving the objections to Rabbi Melamed and his rulings, as well as what is unique about Rav Melamed’s approach, which comes through in Peninei Halacha, one of the most popular...
Published 03/03/22
Why do Israeli families go on Shlichut? What is it like to move into and to take a leading role within a community that you don’t know for a period of 3 years? And do Shlichim serve as a bridge between various different communal institutions? Please listen to our latest edition of RZWeekly where Johnny and Reuven speak with Oded Pe’er who, along with his wife Eliya and their children recently served as Shlichim in Lower Merion, PA.
Published 02/10/22
Why are so many Modern Orthodox people talking about Miriam Anzovin’s tik-tok daf yomi videos? Are there things we can learn from their success? And does our infatuation with these videos point to weaknesses or failings in the Modern Orthodox community?
Published 02/02/22
According to Dara Horn, “People Love Dead Jews”. The question we discuss in the latest episode of RZWeekly is what Horn means by this, as well as what other central themes regarding Anti-Semitism and the Jewish experience Dara Horn explores. Is she correct? If so, why may this be the case, and how do we understand this phenomenon? A discussion by three Jews who were born and raised in the Diaspora and who now live in Israel.
Published 01/18/22
What does it take to learn and produce daily Torah content? In the latest edition of RZWeekly, Johnny discusses his learning and writing of a daily daf yomi insight, while Reuven speaks about his learning and production of his Mishna Yomi videos.
Published 01/07/22
The events surrounding Chaim Walder, including terrible abuse and a suicide, are well known throughout the religoius Jewish world. How should parents and educators address the many thorny issues the episode raises in our homes and schools? How can we teach our children (and ourselves) about safety, while striving for a sense of balance and emotional health? Reuven interviews Mali, as we open up a conversation about these and other difficult questions.
Published 12/30/21
Give to the Mishnah Project Inaugural Campaign here: https://my.israelgives.org/en/campaign/MishnahProject. Since being appointed as Minister of Religious Affairs, Matan Kahana has hit the ground running. He has proposed far sweeping changes in the areas of kashrut and giyur, and generally taken a very different approach than have many of his predecessors in the role. More importantly, he has exhibited a sense of religious pride and confidence as a Religious Zionist. While many Chareidi...
Published 12/22/21
Give to the Mishnah Project Inaugural Campaign here: https://my.israelgives.org/en/campaign/MishnahProject. How should the Israeli government handle tourism during the pandemic? Who should be afforded special status and exemptions? Beyond family members, how should the Israeli government relate to diaspora Jewry regarding this question? After the mailbag, Reveun and Mali discuss this issue, first with each other and then with special guest former MK Rabbi Dov Lipman, founder of Yad L'olim,...
Published 12/07/21
Please support our sponsors! Give to the Mishnah Project Inaugural Campaign here: https://my.israelgives.org/en/campaign/MishnahProject. ‘What is Chanukah?’ This question is asked by our Sages in the Gemara, and in the latest edition of RZWeekly, we also ask ‘What is Chanukah?’. What is it about? What does it represent? And have we lost sight of its core message? Beyond this, our episode concludes with Reuven’s (Chanukah) about sufganiot (donuts!). Listen, enjoy and Chanukah Sameach!
Published 11/26/21