What do you need to know while dropping your child off at school? How should you navigate through the minefield of school zones? We'll guide you through these questions, referencing research from the National Safety Council, as we explore the unseen perils in school areas and around school buses.  Host: Tim Page-Bottorff 
Published 08/16/23
Remember a time when you barely made it to the school bus? Well, Tim shares a heart-wrenching story of a kid who barely survived a grave accident trying to catch a school bus. This episode of SafeTalk with SafeStart calls attention to the serious issue of school zone safety, underscoring the long-lasting effects of haste and inattention.  Host: Tim Page-Bottorff https://youtu.be/y5gpVZwtoV8
Published 08/14/23
What really leads to a fatal road accident? Could it be something as common as fatigue? This episode of Safe Talk with Safe Start is a gripping exploration of a tragic real-life automobile accident, where a family lost their lives on a routine journey home.  Hosts: Danny Smith and Tim Page-Bottorff   https://safestart.box.com/s/pj8706zgeezzutl5bfepftpdyznc44ii
Published 08/07/23
Those seeking the key to a safer, more productive work environment know that it lies not just in your hands, but in those of the employees around you. In this insightful episode with Danny Smith, he delves into a powerful real-life example from a Japanese auto manufacturer that illustrates the transformative power of the individual learning loop on the organizational learning loop. Host: Danny...
Published 07/31/23
Have you ever wondered how compliance, risk management and regulatory understanding can transform the culture and safety of an organization? Meet Abby Scott, SafeStart's newest addition with over 15 years of experience in industries like chemical manufacturing, logistics, safety, and waste operations. Unearthing her personal journey from a severe injury to becoming a devotee of SafeStart, Abby is a testament to the power of safety consciousness both in and out of the workplace. Host: Tim...
Published 07/24/23
Have you ever had a gut feeling that something isn't quite right and ignored it? That's exactly how Mike found himself with a dislocated and broken neck and paralyzed from the neck down. Join us to hear how his personal journey to recovery has shaped his understanding of risk-taking, human error, and complacency. Host: Danny Smith  Guest: Mike Shaw
Published 07/17/23
Every so often, you come across an individual who leaves a lasting impact. John takes us through his remarkable journey, from leading Scot Forge to becoming the first forging company to be accepted into OSHA's Safety & Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP), to being named one of the 50 people who most influenced EHS in 2014-2015, to Scot Forge earning America's Safest Companies Award, twice, with his help, and why he decided to join SafeStart. Host: Danny Smith Guest: John...
Published 07/10/23
The chances of fatality in a motorcycle crash are approximately 30 times higher than in a car accident. But that doesn't have to be a hard and fast rule. SafeStart's resident motorcycle expert Michael Blandford provides safety tips for motorcycle riders and those who share the road with them. Host: Tim Page-Bottorff Guest: Michael Blandford https://www.iii.org/fact-statistic/facts-statistics-motorcycle-crashes https://msf-usa.org/brc.aspx ​​https://msf-usa.org/core.aspx
Published 07/03/23
Struggling with the challenge of introducing SafeStart concepts to Contractors and Subcontractors? This episode has got you covered! Join us as we sit down with fellow consultant Leigh-Ann Stewart, who shares her insights on the importance of communication and our moral obligation to protect all workers, regardless of their status.  Host: Tim Page-Bottorff Guest: Leigh-Ann Stewart 
Published 06/26/23
Do you know that slips, trips, and falls are among the top three causes of injuries resulting in missed workdays and even the second biggest cause of preventable death at home? It's time to take action and prevent these incidents from occurring in our lives.  Host: Danny Smith Guest: Teena Blount
Published 06/19/23
Have you ever had a close call that could've ended in disaster? Debbie Clark joins us to share her personal stories of two such incidents.  Listen in as we analyze the states and errors that led to these situations, and learn critical error reduction techniques that can help you avoid similar incidents in your life. Host: Danny Smith Guest: Debbie Clark
Published 06/12/23
Our Flex Series continues as we zero in on how problematic complacency is (75% of the critical error reduction techniques are dedicated to complacency). Complacency not only impacts performance but can also negatively lead to poor decision-making—the flex unit helps to identify when you're complacent and how to manage it.  Host: Tim Page-Bottorff Guest: Chris LaSalle  
Published 06/05/23
Why is SafeStart's state-to-error pattern universal?  Answer: Where there are people you'll see Human Factors. Cultures are certainly different around the globe. However,  we are more alike than you might think. How do we compare to the rest of the world and what we as North Americans can learn from others? Host: Tim Page-Bottorff Guest: Larry Wilson   
Published 05/29/23
Nothing could be as relaxing as watering your outdoor plants. However, mix in some human factors and your stress-relieving activity soon turns into a chore and an accident waiting to happen. Our Story Series continues with how this summertime ritual could have ended with a SIF! Host: Danny Smith Guest: Amy Hutchinson
Published 05/22/23
The SafeStart Human Factors Review can evaluate how your SafeStart journey is going with the existing systems in place (and their effectiveness), the safety climate, and employee engagement (with respect to safety) to discover what is working well on your site and what needs attention. Hear about the three-step process and how it all works straight from the Piggee's mouth.  Host: Danny Smith Guest: Rhonda Piggee       
Published 05/15/23
You never know who's listening which is why 24/7 safety is so important. In this SafeStart Story series episode, Client Success Manager Drew talks about how working from home has caused subliminal learning for his wife, and the surprising way he found out about it. Host: Tim Page-Bottorff Guest: Drew MacDonald
Published 05/08/23
Summer's coming and with it an increase in summer students and temporary workers. Since most of them will only be on the job for a matter of weeks or months, our new short-term worker unit is designed to provide the common SafeStart language they will hear and see on the job site, allowing them to “talk the talk”. Mark shares how training summer students who work at his wife’s retail stores requires a different approach than the permanent employees. Host: Danny Smith Guest: Mark MacLellan   
Published 05/01/23
The Flex Unit series is meant to provide a quick overview of SafeStart Now's flexible training units. 4 Habits to Prevent Back Pain outlines how to keep your back safe both on and off the job. Guest Jeremy Hyde shares a back story that really demonstrates the state-to-error risk pattern and details how this flex unit works to prevent back injuries. Host: Tim Page-Bottorff Guest: Jeremy Hyde  
Published 04/24/23
Golf is often described as a quiet sport that takes place on serene courses. Would it surprise you to know that you're more likely to get hurt playing golf than rugby, hockey, or boxing? This SafeStart story will demonstrate how easily an injury (or a near miss in this case) can happen in a quick round of golf. Host: Danny Smith Guest: Yvonne Wallace
Published 04/17/23
Good things take time—but beyond the cliché, have you ever wondered why we rush? Danny speaks about this and how SafeStart can help you to identify the telltale signs that happen mentally and physically when you're rushed. Host: Danny Smith    
Published 04/10/23
According to the NSC, an estimated 8 people are killed daily due to distracted driving. Tim gives us the top 10 distractions behind the wheel, tips to overcome them, and describes how teens can be the best messengers to keep everyone safe. Host: Tim Page-Bottorff   
Published 04/03/23
The state-to-error risk pattern focuses on how someone's state of mind can cause them to not think about the risks related to the task at hand. Jack brings us a hilarious example of how failing to recognize the state-to-error risk pattern hurt his pride and thankfully nothing else. Host: Tim Page-Bottorff Guest: Jack Jackson  
Published 03/27/23
SafeStart Now has non-sequential flexible training units meant for just-in-time use—an improved version of our critical decision units. Whether you drive for a living, it's a part of your job (mobile equipment) or driving is just something you do daily, the Enhancing Driver Safety On and Off the Job, flex unit is an example of how this digestible information will impact you 24/7. Host: Tim Page-Bottorff Guest: Dave Silva  
Published 03/20/23
Do you know how to identify the elements of a good SafeStart story when the SafeStart technique used to prevent the situation from being worse is part of the story? Yvonne Wallace, SafeStart Client Growth Manager does just that in her winter driving story, see if you and your group can dissect the story from this angle.  Host: Danny Smith Guest: Yvonne Wallace
Published 03/13/23
Are you looking for ways to keep SafeStart concepts top of mind in your organization? The Rate Your State Process for SafeStart is the best way to protect your SafeStart investment. Think of it as BBS for SafeStart! But without any of the logistical limitations and complexity of BBS. Just a positive, meaningful (meaning a good use of everyone's time) conversation.  Host: Danny Smith
Published 03/06/23