"As I was taking leave of the sisters and was about to depart, one of them apologized much to me for having helped me so little in my duties," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.org. Support our Ministries here. 
Published 08/15/24
"On the evening of the last day before my departure from Vilnius, an elderly sister revealed the condition of her soul to me," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org. Support our Ministries here. 
Published 08/14/24
"At the beginning of Lent, I also asked to have the subject of my particular examen changed, and I was told to do everything with the pure intention of reparation for poor sinners," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org. Support our Ministries here. 
Published 08/13/24
"March 1, 1936. Today during Holy Mass I experienced a strange force and urge to start realizing God’s wishes," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.org. Support our Ministries here. 
Published 08/12/24
"O my Jesus, I implore You by the goodness of Your most sweet Heart, let Your anger diminish and show us Your mercy," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.  Support our Ministries here. 
Published 08/11/24
"O Holy Trinity, Eternal God, I thank You for allowing me to know the greatness and the various degrees of glory to which souls attain," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.  Support our Ministries here. 
Published 08/10/24
"And Jesus answered; And as for Me, I bestow special graces on those souls for whom you intercede," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 08/09/24
"Once, when I saw that God had tried a certain Archbishop because he was opposed to the cause and distrustful of it," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 08/08/24
"When I receive Holy Communion, I entreat and beg the Savior to heal my tongue, that I may never fail in love of neighbor," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 08/07/24
"On one occasion, I saw Jesus thirsting and fainting, and He said to me, I thirst," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 08/06/24
"... on a certain day, during prayer, I saw a great brilliance and, issuing from the brilliance, rays which completely enveloped me," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.  Support our Ministries here. 
Published 08/05/24
"Once, when my confessor told me to say 'Glory be to the Father' as my penance," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 08/05/24
"O my Jesus, Eternal Truth, I fear nothing, neither hardships nor sufferings," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 08/04/24
"The Superior should be distinguished by humility and love toward each sister without exception," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 08/03/24
"One day, after Holy Communion, I suddenly saw the Infant Jesus standing by my kneeler," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 08/02/24
"Thursday. I felt urged to undertake as soon as possible the task which the Lord was asking of me," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 08/01/24
"The use of the parlor. None of the sisters will make use of the parlor without special permission of the Superior," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 07/31/24
"And always and in everything, their intention should be pure, for every sort of mixed-motive is displeasing to God," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 07/30/24
"The postulancy will last one year. During this time, the candidate should examine whether she is attracted to this type of life," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 07/29/24
"Each sister will have a separate cell, but life will be communal as regards prayer, meals, and recreation," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 07/28/24
"Your purpose and that of your companions is to unite yourselves with Me as closely as possible," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 07/27/24
"The 14th. This Thursday, when we were having nocturnal adoration," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 07/26/24
"The mercy of the Lord I will sing forever, Before all the people will I sing it," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 07/25/24
"When my intentions are not recognized, but rather condemned, I am not too much surprised," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 07/24/24
"Do nothing without the consent of the superiors," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit  ShopMercy.org.
Published 07/23/24