75 year- old Alica Shapira recently visited Bristol from Israel and was invited to visit the studios of Radio Salaam Shalom. In this ‘enhanced’ interview, listen as she tells us about life in Casablanca in the late thirties and forties through the eyes of a Jewish child. Alica Shapira’s story … Continue reading
Published 12/10/09
WE TALK TO RON PROSOR, ISRAEL’S AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED KINGDOM. In the latest of our “Inclusive Exclusive” features, four of our Jewish and Muslim team were given an exclusive opportunity to spend time with a high-profile personality whose work puts him on the Jewish/Muslim radar. Ambassador Prosor was in … Continue reading
Published 12/10/09
This is the second in the ‘Women in Islam’ series hosted by Majida Khan. This podcast brings to light three stories of Muslim women, who keep their faith and femininity fully intact while carrying out dynamic peacemaking initiatives on numerous levels – international, national, community and even at home. Meet … Continue reading
Published 11/26/09
Since our launch in early 2007, the co-hosting team of Javid Latif and Tal Lesham have been an integral part of our Muslim-Jewish programmes. Anyone listening to their show “The Abraham Nexus” would know that their conversations revealed a growing mutual respect for and awareness of their own – and … Continue reading
Published 10/08/09
Yahav Zohar, an Israeli activist from Jerusalem, came into the Radio Salaam Shalom studio to tell us about the actions he takes to help bring about an end to the occupation. Yahav Zohar goes on demonstrations against the separation fence and land appropriations, volunteers with Rabbis for Human Rights accompanying … Continue reading
Published 09/17/09
In the latest of our ‘Roots of Hatred’ series, RSS presenters Valerie Emmott, Danyal Laskar and Madge Dresser continue their look at some small starts to big problems. With the recent rise of the far-right in the UK and European elections, what’s the uneasy balance between democracy, free speech and … Continue reading
Published 08/13/09
This podcast is presented by volunteers Lisa Saffron and Shabana Kausur, who are joined in the Radio Salaam Shalom studio with two climate change campaigners to talk about – but what else?… What can we do to save the planet? Along for the show’s eco-friendly ride were Christian Aid campaigner … Continue reading
Published 07/20/09
A ‘Special Feature’ presented by volunteer presenters Lisa Saffron and Madge Dresser. Today in Bristol, there’s a Muslim population of around 30 000, most of them relatively recent arrivals to the city, having arrived over the last 50 years. This compares to a considerably smaller Jewish community of something around … Continue reading
Published 07/13/09
EMPOWERED MUSLIM WOMEN First in the new series ‘Women in Islam’ presented by volunteer Majida Khan. Oppressed. Behind the veil. Submissive. These are just some of the myths and ideas surrounding Muslim women today. But are Muslim women really limited to this? Is the empowerment of Muslim women a myth, … Continue reading
Published 07/01/09
Presented by volunteer presenters: Tal, Lisa, Javid and Edson. (Lisa Saffron writes…) “True to our mission, Radio Salaam Shalom brings Jews and Muslims together to celebrate, debate and share issues that shape our daily lives. “One of the questions we use to start a dialogue is “What are you most … Continue reading
Published 06/26/09
PEACEFUL SOLUTIONS: BEING PEACE Presented by volunteer presenters Lisa Saffron, Danyal Laskar and Shabana Kausur. Danyel finds out about how exporting fun actually works with UK group ‘Circus2Palestine’. Lisa focuses on ‘Jewish Voices for Peace and the Bethlehem Link, an organisation that brings schoolchildren from Palestine to the UK where … Continue reading
Published 06/19/09
Roots of Hatred [Part1], presented by volunteer presenters Valerie Emmott, Danyal Laskar and Madge Dresser. >This year’s Cannes Film Festival premiered with Up, an innovative 3d animated film using new technologies which will lie at the foundation of future cinema. However, the film which won the prestigious Golden Palm award … Continue reading
Published 06/12/09
This podcast focuses on Bristol’s very successful hosting of the “Anne Frank + You” touring exhibition. Hear from volunteer presenters Javed and Brendi, who both volunteered as guides for the exhibition, as they share their experiences and thoughts on how this tragic story of the past is still relevant today. … Continue reading
Published 05/29/09
DJ Lisa Saffron talks to Amal, Sana and Samar of the Waasila young Muslim women’s club. These girls, age 13 to 19 years old, are based at the Bristol Muslim Cultural Society next to our Radio Salaam Shalom studio. Their goals are to make a difference and work together to … Continue reading
Published 05/19/09
Radio Salaam Shalom’s studios buzzed with music and chat as host Lisa was joined by Carolyn, Farhan and Danyal. Fresh from a private session with ex ‘Gitmo’ detainee Mozam Baig, Danyal talked about about Guantanamo Bay’s unexpected dialogue dividends. We also hear the music of Noa, the sounds of Andy … Continue reading
Published 05/05/09
There are multiple way of looking at the relationship between two of the world’s largest faiths. While some point to existing even worsening tensions, many who are involved in Christian-Muslim relations understand that the moral and social challenges facing us demand that people place God’s love and mercy at the … Continue reading
Published 03/16/09
Last year some of Radio Salaam Shalom’s team went off to London to shake their stuff to the sounds of the Psychosemitic collective. The intercultural project describes itself as a facilitator of “transformative interaction between Muslim, Jewish and Middle Eastern individuals and communities in the UK”. That’s music, dance and … Continue reading
Published 02/25/09
As the latest conflict in Gaza fades from the headlines, we focus on the issue of what lies ahead when the guns fall silent and the reporters go home: is there still a real vision for a peace beyond the destruction? In this podcast, our team of Muslim and Jewish … Continue reading
Published 02/04/09
As the latest conflict in Gaza fades from the headlines, we focus on the issue of what lies ahead when the guns fall silent and the reporters go home: what’s the vision for a peace beyond the destruction? As the latest conflict in Gaza fades from the headlines, we focus … Continue reading
Published 01/20/09
A very busy 30 days featuring Hanukka, Christmas, New Year and the beginning of the Muslim year 1430 Al-Hijira. With global attention once again on the Middle East, we provide a timely reminder that fighting is not the only thing happening in today’s world. People are still talking, still interacting, … Continue reading
Published 01/05/09
Eid Mubarak to our Muslim friends! In this drama-centred podcast, Lisa Saffron interviews playwright Sheila Yeger about her newest work, Dove. Dove is a short play with a message of peace. It’s set nowhere in particular but relevant everywhere. Available as part of this podcast as a rehearsed reading, it … Continue reading
Published 12/04/08
Peter Brill and Shabana Kausar bring you the latest Muslim and Jewish news. This programme includes: * contributions from the USA as Libby and Len Traubman’s ‘Living Room Dialogues’ share 6 stories of Muslim and Jewish co-operation from all around the world. * Radio Salaam Shalom were at the mid-year … Continue reading
Published 12/01/08
The Woolfe Institute of Abrahamic Faiths opened its Cambridge University-based Centre for Muslim and Jewish Relations at around the same time that Radio Salaam Shalom launched in early 2007. Now the 2008 Cambridge Festival of Ideas has provided our two organisations with an excellent opportunity to work together for the … Continue reading
Published 11/26/08