These 4 traits are consistent among top performing sales executives and entrepreneurs. A segment taken from a keynote at Armor Pest Defense.
Published 07/23/17
Luis Congdon went from sleeping on couches to making a six figure income through podcasting. This week on SalesFounders, we talk about why podcasting is such a powerful medium to establish authority and trust. We talk about how to leverage podcasting to find and qualify customers and how guest appearances can help you sell product and establish market presence. Luis is a podcast and social-selling guru and I am honored that he took time to let us in to his secrets to driving sales growth...
Published 07/18/17
An accomplished sales executive understands that “closing” starts before the sale begins. Persuasive closing tactics will have little impact if they lack the core tenants of effective communication and rapport. In fact, your level of confidence, product knowledge, and persistence will have more of an impact on performance than the most eloquent closing scripts. Selling is a number game and your goal should be finding the most efficient way to close sales. Here are 6 keys to get your...
Published 07/14/17
The most expensive capital a founder will ever raise is the first round of equity. An early equity round can be a harsh reality check for a founder considering whether to bootstrap or face dilution. The good news is there are other options to consider. In fact, there are ways for early stage startups to obtain funding without having to sacrafice equity. One approach is called Revenue Based Financing (RBF), and happens to be the  specialty of my guest, Chris Russell.  Chris has extensive...
Published 07/11/17
As a follow-up to the 4 Pillars of Online Marketing, this week's Mastery episode focuses on how to pick the right marketing and SEO firm for you business, as well as what you should expect for results and costs. Without a background in web development and SEO, it is extremely difficult for entrepreneurs to create a competitive online presence. At some point, you will need to enlist some professional help to build a powerful lead-generating engine. As you consider your options, here are a few...
Published 07/07/17
Online marketing is one of the most cost effective strategies to attract leads and drive revenue. The challenge is that most entrepreneurs get it wrong as they attempt to develop it themselves. This week, Voxxy Marketing founders, Michael Clark and Justin Taylor join me to explore the 4 key components to your online presence: your website, content, SEO, and paid strategies. We walk through the steps to leverage each component into a cohesive strategy that will have a magnetic impact on your...
Published 07/05/17
When it comes to lead strategy, efficiency is the key to success. On this episode of mastery, we explore the reasons most startups struggle with lead strategy, the key components of a winning lead strategy, and a few cautions and best practices to you develop or refine yours.     
Published 07/01/17
A crowdfunding campaign has become one of the most powerful, and competitive, platforms for entrepreneurs to introduce products to the market. The challenge is that less than 20% of campaigns succeed and most of those fall short of reaching their potential. This week, SalesFounders pulls the curtain on America’s leading crowdfunding marketing agency, funded.today. Co-founder Zach Smith joins us to talk about the secrets of crowdfunding and how his team has their clients raise more than $135...
Published 06/27/17
The mentor dynamic is a key component of success, especially when it comes to entrepreneurship. Too many entrepreneurs embrace the "lone-wolf" strategy with a fierce independence and desire to grind it out alone. The reality is that every entrepreneurial success story is built upon a network of relationships, advocates, mentors, and supporters.  "No individual has sufficient experience, education, native ability, and knowledge to ensure the accumulation of a great fortune without the...
Published 06/23/17
Narrowing your startup into a specific niche might seem counter-intuitive in the early stages of development. "What if I get it wrong?" "How can I possibly say no to willing customers?" This is a narrative familiar to most founders, especially during the pivotal stages of validation. The truth is that finding a niche is the only way to differentiate yourself in today's noisy market. Playing it safe just doesn't work anymore, and my guest, Nick Wood shares how hard work, sales mastery, and a...
Published 06/20/17
This might be the perfect case study on the topic of crowdfunding and the lean startup. My guest is Bryson Hill, co-founder and CEO of Daplie, a startup that offers the internet's first personal at-home cloud server that anyone can set up and use. Their mantra is to "Take back the internet" and Bryson joins us to share the exciting trajectory that is going to fundamentally change the internet.  Daplie is also the first company to launch simultaneous equity and reward crowdfunding campaigns....
Published 06/13/17
“More than 90% of startups fail, due primarily to self-destruction rather than competition. For the less than 10% of startups that do succeed, most encounter several near death experiences along the way.”  - Startup Genome This week, we take a closer look at the causes of startup failure. Considering that 70% of failures are attributed to premature scaling, it's imperative that entrepreneurs understand the startup framework as well as the red flags and warning signs of premature scaling.   ...
Published 06/09/17
Episode Summary  Entrepreneurship seems to be commonly associated with stigma of crazy hours, high stress, and a constant need for multi-tasking. Ironically, these are three of the most devastating forces to your productivity and success. The reality is that most of us misuse the the most powerful asset we have - our brain! James Garrett is the creator of Brain by Design, a coaching and consulting company that translates what scientists know about the brain into practical tools that anyone...
Published 06/06/17
This week, we take a closer look at the stages of startup growth. Entrepreneurs who discipline themselves to follow proven methods of validation and growth can drastically reduce the threats of premature scaling. In episode 1, Paul Ahlstrom suggested that "premature scaling is often a result of doing many of the right things, in the wrong order." Join us as we explore the objectives and blindspots that face entrepreneurs in each stage, as well as the resources available to help you...
Published 06/02/17
One of the biggest hurdles facing entrepreneurs is raising capital! It's hard enough to decode the red tape and fine print of most investment vehicles, not to mention the unlikely chance you will find yourself in a position where the amount of equity or "skin" required justifies the capital offered. With over $531 billion dollars funding startups in the US each year, it's time we explore some strategies to give some leverage to entrepreneurs.     My guest this week, Leo Kanell, is the...
Published 05/31/17
Who you are is a direct result of the questions you ask! Asking is at the foundation of every great opportunity. The problem is that most people aren't thinking big enough. There is a limitless supply of success, fortune, abundance, and happiness all around you. The only way to get it, is to ask for it.  "Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers." –Tony Robbins For more information, visit us at www.salesfounders.com/blog
Published 05/26/17
"Passion is powerful," say's Jason Adams when asked about launching Bex sunglasses  with only $600. 8-years later, Bex is a multi-million dollar brand that sells hats, sunglasses and apparel throughout the world.  This week, Jason joins me to walk through the creation of what started as a passion for design and a belief that he could create a successful business doing something he loved. Well talk about branding, funding, growing pains, competing with major brands like Oakely, and RayBan,...
Published 05/22/17
"Knowing thyself is the beginning of all wisdom" - Aristotle How well do you know your strengths and weaknesses as an entrepreneur? Are you aware of your blindspots? Understanding who you are, your natural strengths, and disposition is the only way to truly leverage your potential as both a leader and a founder. On this episode, we explore how you can discover and align with your strengths and how to identify and mitigate your weaknesses. 
Published 05/19/17
What if there was a formula that an entrepreneur could follow to ensure startup success? This week, PrinterLogic CEO, Ryan Wedig shares 7 steps he's followed to transform a tech-founders epiphany into an world-class software company. From messaging and sales strategy, to cap tables and advisors, Ryan explains how PrinterLogic has grown to #141 on the Inc. 5000 list and become a disruptive force in the print management industry.
Published 05/16/17
It's troubling that so many brilliant entrepreneurs cringe at the idea of selling. Selling is merely an exchange between two parties, and whether you realize it or not, you've been selling since the day you were born. When you break it down, the currency of the exchange is value. The good news is that there is a simpler approach to selling. On this episode of Mastery, we explore salesmanship, human nature, and 3 simple models to understand why customers buy.
Published 05/12/17
Eirini Schlosser is the CEO and Founder of Chuz, a mobile app that is being described as the “Spotify of where to go and what to order.” More specifically Chuz is disrupting lifestyle decision making with the mapping of human emotions. On this episode we are going to break down the business model to learn more about how Chuz is disrupting mass-review sites like Yelp and Foursquare with a data-driven solution that adapts to the mood and behavior of its users.  On this episode we discuss: ...
Published 05/09/17
Introducing the SalesFounders Mastery series. Each weekly episode takes a step outside of your business to focus on you, the Founder. Join us as we explore the habits, strategies, and mindsets of successful founders and how you can lead your startup to the next level.   The root cause of startup failure, or an individual's failure to succeed can be traced to a disconnect, or an imbalance between disciplines of salesmanship, entrepreneurship, and the organizational focus toward an ultimate...
Published 05/05/17
In spite of the obvious stigmas of entrepreneurship, the reality is that most successful entrepreneurs seek to avoid risk. Moreover, companies that have emerged from their humble garages did so NOT by brute force and good luck, but through disciplined learning and calculated risk.  Dr. Eric Pedersen joins us this week to discuss strategies to mitigate startup uncertainty, and the calculated risks necessary to become a truly scalable organization. If there is even a shred of uncertainty as...
Published 05/02/17
In 2004, David Williams was asked to help close down a startup that had amassed $2.5 million in debt and still had no product to offer. When David arrived on the scene, what he saw was “the opportunity of a lifetime.” On this episode, we explore the power of Social Capital and how 6 employees and 1 strategic partnership helped David  transform Fishbowl into the leading inventory management solution. Sure, his approach might have “broken a few rules” but the results will compel you to...
Published 04/25/17
Entrepreneurs need to constantly be thinking about lead sources and profitable strategies to generate customers. In spite of so many overpriced lead strategies, the most powerful and often underutilized lead source is your own expertise. My guest this week is Brian Horn, a best-selling author, investor and entrepreneur who helps professionals leverage their knowledge to gain authority status and national media exposure. On this episode, we explore the strategies of thought leadership and how...
Published 04/18/17