Victoria is a Ukrainian born in to Ukrainian parents who fled the collapsing Soviet Union to begin a whole new life in the USA. At home in the US she is an ER nurse and has been serving as part of a team of Ukrainian doctors and nurses bringing top medical care into the remotest villages eastern Ukraine, close to the front line.
Published 05/26/23
Since the Russians invaded his home town of Sieverodonetsk in Ukraine Ruslan Netsvitaiev has served as a volunteer evacuating people from the front line towns and villages under fire. He attributes his earlier escape from a life of addiction to the goodness of God and the prayers of his mother. He tells some cool stories of God's miraculous protection and shares an important message. For loads more content check out https://www.paullwhite.com https://linktr.ee/paullwhite
Published 05/22/23
The Hebrew scriptures, some dating back more than three millennia, are the basis of Christian eschatology. In this episode we take a look at Jewish eschatologies and discover the hope of the Messiah.  For loads more content check out https://www.paullwhite.com https://linktr.ee/paullwhite
Published 05/21/23
The world of Doomsday Preppers is no longer just a bunch of heavily armed survivalists and conspiracy theorists hidden somewhere in Nevada. Prepping is now mainstream, with the super rich investing in state-of-the-art bunkers in New Zealand and some governments relying heavily prepared civilians as part of their nation defence strategy. For loads more content check out https://www.paullwhite.com https://linktr.ee/paullwhite
Published 05/16/23
Chapter 13: This amazing book concludes with lots of pastoral instructions on how to practically run this race. The possibility of having angels in our homes, seated at our table; the encouragement to keep offering up praise to God continually, whilst living sacrificially, and many more. For loads more content check out https://www.paullwhite.com https://linktr.ee/paullwhite
Published 05/13/23
Chapter 12: Strip down, shape up and run! This chapter begins with a powerful image of running a race, or engaging in an athletic contest. We find ourselves in the same race as the heroes of faith from chapter 11. It finishes with a comparison of the awe-inspiring environment of the old covenant to the glorious and vastly better covenant mediated by Jesus. For loads more content check out https://www.paullwhite.com https://linktr.ee/paullwhite
Published 05/12/23
Chapter 11 This chapter is the definitive text on faith. We have some hugely important definitions and one-liners, woven in with stories of some of the great Old Testament heroes of faith. This is a chapter to read and re-read, reflect on and commit to memory! #heroesoffaith #hebrews11 #faith #evidence #substance #invisible  For loads more content check out https://www.paullwhite.com https://linktr.ee/paullwhite
Published 05/11/23
Chapter 10 This chapter is a serious but massively encouraging boost to the reader to not be tempted to return back to something that simply cannot save! To those living at the time of writing, experiencing extreme persecution and pressure to return to the sacrificial practices of Judaism, or to those living now, the message is the same. #sacrifices #bloodsacrifice #jesus #covenant #hebrews For loads more content check out https://www.paullwhite.com https://linktr.ee/paullwhite
Published 05/10/23
Chapter 9 part 2 Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. We understand that forgiveness from God comes at an immense price. #forgiveness #hebrews #covenant #sheddingblood  For loads more content check out https://www.paullwhite.com https://linktr.ee/paullwhite
Published 05/09/23
Chapter 9 part 1: We are given a quick summary of the physical environment of the tabernacle - the holy tent built by Moses in he wilderness after the Exodus from Egypt. We discover that all of the rituals that had occupied the priests, Levites and indeed the whole nation, were only shadows of a far greater reality. #levites #priests #hebrews #tabernacle #redemption #greaterreality For loads more content check out https://www.paullwhite.com https://linktr.ee/paullwhite
Published 05/08/23
In this episode we take a look at the possible origins of Mr Putin's Third Rome Eschatology and consider its far-reaching impact on our world today. #thirdrome #warinukraine #russia #crisis #nuclearthreat #ukraine #refugees For loads more content check out https://www.paullwhite.com https://linktr.ee/paullwhite
Published 05/07/23
Chapter 8: We see that Jesus is the mediator of a better covenant - the Old Covenant, the Levitical priesthood, the temple, all are declared obsolete. These things were shadows of a much greater reality. This is a strong word from the writer to the Hebrews! #hebrews #obsolete #betterpromises #temple #priesthood #highpriest #covenant For loads more content check out https://www.paullwhite.com https://linktr.ee/paullwhite  
Published 05/06/23
Chapter 7: The mystery writer of this book now introduces us to the Old Testament mystery character, Melchizedek. His background and parentage is unknown and his death is never recorded. He seems to prefigure Jesus in some ways, but the most important issue in this chapter is the replacement of the Hebrew priesthood. This is radical! #radical #upheaval #priesthood #hebrews #jesuschrist #highpriest #sacrifice for loads more content check out https://www.paullwhite.com https://linktr.ee/paullwhite
Published 05/05/23
Chapter 6: This chapter continues in the vein of not drifting away from our hope, or allowing our heart to become hardened to God's voice, but also contains a very sober warning. Many hours of discussion have been sparked by these verses! #hope #drifting #warning #hebrews  https://linktr.ee/paullwhite
Published 05/04/23
Chapter 5: Jesus our great High Priest is so intimately aware of our weakness and vulnerabilities, as he became fully human. The writer of this letter develops and extends our understanding of Jesus in his humanity without ever diminishing his identity as God the Son. #highpriest #jesuschrist #humanity #divinity #intercession #hebrews 
Published 05/03/23
The science of climate change has taken on a deeply moral tone in recent years; even adopting religious language in the endeavour to activate the consciences of climate transgressors. We take a look at the prophets, experts and sacred texts of this popular eschatology. #eschatology #climatechange #recycling #massextinction #populationcontrol #endtimes #environment #planet #virtuesignalling
Published 05/02/23
Chapter 4. The writer of this amazing letter stresses the urgency of Today. He urges us, the readers, to respond to God's invitation to enter his Rest. Today. Jesus has done all the hard work. He has made a way. We come because Jesus invites us. #hebrews #rest #invitation #today #jesus
Published 05/02/23
Chapter 3. We discover how the process of drifting can lead to us hardening our hearts to God's voice. The  writer uses a powerful example from Israel's history to illustrate just how much we can lose by allowing our hearts to harden. #israel #hardheart #drifting #voiceofgod #encouragement #hebrews
Published 05/01/23
We discover that Jesus is amazingly fully human, yet fully God. By virtue of his humanity he is able to be a High Priest who fully knows what it is to be human; having fully experienced human suffering; yet he is also able to be the exactly perfect sacrifice to pay for all of our sin debt. #propitiation #sacrifice #jesus #highpriest #suffering #human #divine #hebrews
Published 04/29/23
This amazing book shines like a polished jewel from the pages of the New Testament. It speaks to us in the 21st Century as powerfully as it spoke to its audience almost 2000 years ago. Join me as we consider the identity of Jesus, revealed by the mysterious, yet profoundly inspired writer of the book addressed to the First Century Hebrews. #hebrews #christology #theology #christ #messiah
Published 04/28/23
Jihad has been slightly less in the news lately, although is currently very much centre stage in certain African nations. We explore how jihadist groups are driven by an interpretation of Islamic eschatology. We discover how some threads of belief seem similar to Jewish and Christian ideas and where they part company. #eschatology #jihad #islam #christian #mahdi #messiah #jesuschrist #endtimes
Published 04/24/23
Dilshan Fernando is a pastor and church planter in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. He is also a business leader and entrepreneur. Join me as he tells his story and shares his secrets of running businesses as a disciple of Jesus. #business #marketplaceleader #ministry #churchplanting #srilanka #colombo
Published 04/23/23
Everyone believes something about the end of human life on earth. Even people who hold no religious beliefs believe something. Eschatology is the study of the end times. Join Pete Millner and myself as we explore just how mainstream and influential different eschatological beliefs are - right now - in the 21st Century. #eschatology #endtimes #religion #climatechange #jihad #revelation #christianity #prepper #doomsday 
Published 04/10/23
Andreii, a young Ukrainian soldier was fighting for the town of Solidar at night when he was shot in the leg above the knee. His story of his rescue is a story of true heroism and sacrificial friendship. #solidar #heroism #warinukraine #soldier #sacrifice
Published 02/27/23
This is a recording of me preaching at the Prayerhouse on 8th January 2023 following my return from Donbas in Ukraine just before Christmas. I share some experiences from the trip and we consider how God can seriously promise to comfort people who mourn using us as his means of delivery. #bakhmut #donbas #warinukraine #comfort #mourning #grief #isaiah61
Published 01/09/23