SBJ Spotlight: July 14, 2021
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SBJ debuts the latest episode of its video news series, "SBJ Spotlight." This episode looks at the hottest news in the industry, including ESPN dealing with personnel drama even as it enjoys great ratings for several properties, how a Game 7 in the NBA Finals would erase talk about low ratings and make ABC happy, whether ESPN and Turner will be successful with their NHL studio shows, and the latest news around the Olympics. In addition, our experts look at the athlete rights movement and the first few weeks of the NIL era in collegiate sports. The episode concludes with our Insiders Roundtable offering predictions and people of the week.
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SBJ’s Austin Karp talks with Octagon SVP William Mao about the recently announced joint venture between ESPN, Fox, and Warner Bros. Discovery.
Published 02/07/24
Published 02/07/24