Does essay writing cause your child problems at school? Many of my academic coaching students struggle with writing essays. Two major reasons are processing disorders and dissecting difficult prompts.  In this podcast, we consider vital steps to resolve essay writing problems. These include: Digging deeper to understand your child’s struggle with essays Breaking down prompts using Trello Maximizing my essay writing board for students
Published 03/18/20
How do I teach my children at home if the school closes during the Coronavirus? This is the most common question parents are asking right now. As such, I decided to record an impromptu podcast episode of School Counselor Gone Rogue to address what parents should consider if they are dealing with school closures or facing a closing after the break due to the Coronavirus. You can visit http://www.teampasch.com/structure for additional ideas and information about setting up a plan at home. 
Published 03/14/20
Do failing students deserve another chance? Many parents wonder about the number of second chances their kids deserve. When it comes to their child's work specifically, the question is “Why does a kid need a second, third, or tenth chance?” But what exactly are second chances? In this episode of School Counselor Gone Rogue, we address: · Should teachers put a cap on second chances? · The impact of second chances for struggling students · Steps to help you support your struggling teen or tween
Published 03/11/20
How does your child respond to criticism, and is there a difference between criticism and critiques? This week on School Counselor Gone Rogue, a podcast to help parents and educators, support teens and tweens that struggle at school, we discuss how to help your child respond to critiques without losing their cool.
Published 03/04/20
Are you receiving notes home from your child's teacher about inappropriate class behavior? Humor, curiosity and an outgoing nature are positive qualities, but do they translate to strengths in the classroom?  Learn how parents can build your child’s strengths if they present challenges in the classroom. We discuss how to help your teen or tween learn how to maximize their strengths but remain mindful of the time and place. 
Published 02/26/20
How can parents prepare for parent-teacher conferences? What if you are expecting the meeting with the teachers to go poorly? Parent-teacher conferences can be scary events to attend especially when your child isn’t rocking it in every area. But how can you learn to attend them with the right mind and attitude? Learn what I have discovered through the years as an academic coach and from the parents inside The Parent Lab! http://www.teampasch.com
Published 02/19/20
Should schools develop a child’s skills or strengths? What is most important? To get grades for turning in assignments early or to express their strengths (such as standing up for others) which aren’t necessarily measured by a grade at school? Or are both equally important?  This week on School Counselor Gone Rogue we discuss how to develop your child's strengths even if they are struggling at school. http://www.teampasch.com
Published 02/12/20
While many school counselors are using National School Counselor Week as a chance to advocate for their position. I wanted to use this moment to share a simple thank you and share with parents why this field is so important.
Published 02/05/20
Whether your child is in middle school or high school, there is a time of year where parents and their children must decide the classes for next year.  What classes does your child need to take in middle school and high school? What level of rigor they should take on? Why do I need two years of a language? Let's head into this task with a clear head and a plan! Listen to School Counselor Gone Rogue episode 72 and subscribe!
Published 01/29/20
Why does your relationship with your teen have to suffer when school is hard? When your child struggles at school their weakness is under a microscope and their awesome qualities take a back seat.   Why can't school grade creativity, compassion or curiosity?   School might not get it- but The Parent Lab does.   Let's chat about how parents can find support as they try to raise a confident student.  www.teampasch.com/parentlab 
Published 01/22/20
When your child is struggling at school, it can be difficult to maintain a pleasant relationship with your teen and help them at school. When the pressure from the school starts, and you feel the need to fix the situation so that your child can fit in, it can become a frustrating experience. On this week’s episode of School Counselor Gone Rogue we discuss five things parents can do to help your relationship with your child thrive even if school is a struggle. www.teampasch.com 
Published 01/15/20
If your child has struggled with school academically, it’s time that we make some changes. Going back to school means more than a new set of school supplies. It means new habits and a fresh attitude. In this episode of School Counselor Gone Rogue, we discuss the 5 questions to ask your child to ensure a fresh start to the school year. Join academic coach Marni Pasch for a discussion on how to get a new perspective on the school year.
Published 01/08/20
How can you help your child prevent academic burnout? In school, the definition of a struggle for a child differs a lot. The struggle can come from trying to become valedictorian, dealing with classes you don’t enjoy, or struggling with a learning difference like ADHD. How can you help teens and tweens on the verge of burnout? Listen to this episode, hosted by academic coach, Marni Pasch www.teampasch.com 
Published 01/01/20
Enjoy this previous episode of School Counselor Gone Rogue where we look at how to appreciate the little things, even if you have a child who struggled at school.
Published 12/25/19
If your child struggles at school, how can parents handle the isolation and stress that comes with it? How can parents maintain your relationship with your tween or teen and support them at school? We look at the things I have learned from parents this past year through my academic coaching experience, and what parents need to hear as they help their child thrive in school.
Published 12/18/19
When your child won’t do homework, it can cause frustration and stress at home. How can parents help their children if they refuse to do homework? Academic Coach, Marni Pasch looks at the steps to follow when your child won’t do their homework. 
Published 12/04/19
When we look around at all the successful school students and their parents, it’s easy to feel like a parenting failure.  Parents we need to stop feeling like a parenting failure! In this episode, we look at what causes us to feel like we are struggling to raise our children, especially when we look at school. It’s easy to say that we simply shouldn’t compare ourselves to others.  That doesn’t really help. So, let's talk about it! www.teampasch.com 
Published 11/20/19
Nothing frustrates a struggling student more than a failing math grade. Unlike other subjects,  memorizing it isn’t enough. You either end up falling in love with math or don’t. Some end up getting better at it later in life.  Why do so many students struggle with math? Adding to the frustration is the ease that some children have with the subject, while others struggle.  Let's look at the main reasons students struggle in math and how to help them thrive with confidence!
Published 11/13/19
Why does my child lack motivation? How can I get my child motivated? Why are my students not completing homework? So many parents have asked my opinion, as an academic coach, on these questions.  The key to this is helping students understand the connection between hard work and success. Which brings up the next question naturally. How to motivate students, especially the struggling ones?  We’ve prepared some tips for you! So let's talk about it!
Published 11/06/19
Parents want to know - what do I do if my child receives a bad report card? What can parents do to help their child rebound from a low grade? This becomes even more pressing when your child is a teenager in middle and high school. We will look at what to do and what NOT to do if your child receives a report card with low grades. Having a rough patch at school does not determine your child’s success in life. It’s the work they take to improve that shows a growth mindset and ability to change.
Published 10/30/19
How can you help your child when their grades struggle without becoming a nag? It's the million-dollar question that we are answering this episode! Parents, here are easy tips to follow, by academic coach Marni Pasch, to help you support your child at school, without arguments. Let's chat about how parents can support their middle school and high school-age children without stress and foster independence. 
Published 10/23/19
How do you become a Meteorologist? We are bringing back Career Week Gone Wild and this week I’m talking with Maureen McCann, our local meteorologist from Channel 13 News.  We discuss her career as a broadcaster, but also the steps to get there, how she pulled from middle school and high school experiences and how sometimes the way to get ahead when you are a teen is to go after what you want. Grab your umbrella, and let's chat with Maureen McCann
Published 10/16/19
SAT or ACT stress hitting your home? Know a teen or student who has no desire to study for college entrance tests? Flashback to high school - I felt test prep courses were made for everyone EXCEPT me. What if there was a program that got it? Enter Magoosh. A test prep company with a new philosophy.  I tested the program for a month and hold the cheese sticks - they helped me understand MATH.  Want to learn more? Listen up!
Published 10/09/19
Do cell phones cause distractions at school? There are arguments for and against cellphones in the classroom. but if schools adopted a uniform policy for posting assignments the need for phones diminishes. Let’s look at the pros and cons of phones in the classroom, and whether a ban on cell phones levels the playing field for all students.
Published 10/02/19