Smart Home Choices - Wired Vs. Wireless Home Networks with TL Tech Smart
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A question that gets asked a lot by people doing major home renovations or a new build is whether they should include hardwired network connections throughout the home. As with all questions there is no one right answer and the best solution for you will depend on a number of factors. We are big fans of shows like Grand Designs and this often gives the impression that to include hardwired systems involves kilometres of cabling and a unit the size of a larder fridge to accommodate in a cupboard somewhere. But there are other options and it is often the case that a hybrid solution of wired and wireless gives the optimum connectivity to suit your requirements. We are joined by TL Tech Smart and we’ll discuss the options and the things that might influence your choices such as your lifestyle and budget. By the end of the podcast, you should feel more informed and confident to discuss your requirements with your electrician or smart home integration specialist.