Sex Toys
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Well, well, well. We’ve finally made our way to the topic of “Sex Toys”. Although finding a woman who is against sex toys is pretty rare nowadays, some men, however, are a little intimidated by the idea of bringing a little ‘something-something’ extra into the bedroom. Considering the orgasm-inducing power of some sex toys, it makes sense. Female (and male) sex toys have been on the rise for years, and more and more people are using them with their partners. A recent survey issued by “Lelo Global Sex” found that 72% of those who own sex toys use them with their partners. Of the women out there who own two or more sex toys, only 28% of them are single, in comparison to the 62% who are in committed relationships. Also, 78 % of women can’t orgasm by penetration alone and need clitoral stimulation. This means that if you’re not into bringing sex toys into the mix, then you had better step up your game. If you’re in the category that’s still like “m [...]
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