Leaping Over the ‘BAR’ to Leading Cyber in Africa with Confidence Staveley
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In this episode, Host Ron Eddings gets to know guest Confidence Staveley, founder of Merkel Fence and CyberSafe Foundation. He uncovers Confidence’s inspiring story, not only about how she transforms her community and the people around her through her non-profit, but the grit she needed to overcome the obstacles to get to a career in cyber and build her own company. In addition to learning about the potential of Africa as a booming tech talent hub, you’ll better understand what it takes to foster that growth in the tech industry. Impactful Moments: 00:00 - Welcome 00:44 - Introducing guest, Confidence Staveley 04:03 - Learning About Computers 06:46 - Women in Cyber & Access to Tech Careers 12:30 - Pushing Forward & Inspiring Others 15:05 - Solving the Cyber Problem 19:11 - Time Commitment to Get a Job in Cyber 24:45 - How CyberSafe Works 29:29 - Building a SOC in Africa 32:29 - One Step Better…   Links: Connect with our guest, Confidence Staveley: https://www.linkedin.com/in/confidencestaveley/ Check out the CyberSafe Foundation: https://cybersafefoundation.org/ Join our creative mastermind and stand out as a cybersecurity professional: https://www.patreon.com/hackervalleystudio Become a sponsor of the show to amplify your brand: https://hackervalley.com/work-with-us/ Love Hacker Valley Studio? Pick up some swag: https://store.hackervalley.com Continue the conversation by joining our Discord: https://hackervalley.com/discord
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