Are you walking through a hard time in your life? Are you feeling hopeless or stuck in a cycle of depression, anxiety, fear or lack of purpose/motivation? If this sounds like you (or someone you know), listen in. Today we are talking about why women that claim Christ shouldn't be living in this state. It's some tough love going on in here today, but I love you too much to let you live in a state that is less than what God died to give you. Please reach out if you or someone you know needs...
Published 10/06/22
Do you find yourself struggling with being a stay at home mom? Are your dishes and laundry piling up? Do you feel like it's been a week since you showered? In today's episode I'm sharing some ways that maybe you can gain some of your time back. Being a stay at home mom doesn't have to be exhausting and soul sucking. It is possible to actually enjoy being home and *bonus* having some time to do the things you love. If this sounds dreamy to you, listen in! I'd love to connect!   Schedule...
Published 10/03/22
If I were to ask you what it is that you wanted out of your life, could you answer me? Do you feel like your days just fly by in a blur or restlessness, purposelessness, or boredom? Do you have good intentions to get things accomplished but just never get to it? Today I am giving you 7 questions to ask yourself that will help you discover what it is that you want and also how to make sure that you are intentional in going after it.  I'd love to connect! Schedule an Unstuck Session with...
Published 09/29/22
Are you ever irritated with your husband? Does he ever break plans that you were super excited about? It's story time today on the podcast. Listen in as I share a time when my husband broke plans and how I reacted. It aint't pretty. But there is always a lesson to be learned and I hope my story helps you next time you find yourself in a hard marriage situation.  I'd love to connect!   Schedule an Unstuck Session with me! https://calendly.com/nicolejyoung/unstuck Message me: ...
Published 09/26/22
Ever feel like you are too much? Too loud. Too opinionated. Just too much of everything?  Me too. This lie has held me back for so long in my life, but no more. My personality is exactly what I need to fulfill my calling and purpose in this life and I'm not shying away from it anymore.  If you feel like you constantly "shut yourself down", listen in. I'm going to help you step into who you've been created to be.  I'd love to connect!   Schedule an Unstuck Session with me!...
Published 09/22/22
Do you look for quick fixes? Are you always searching for "how to do something"? Do you get the answers you're seeking only to not do what they say? If you are finding yourself on information overload yet you still aren't moving toward accomplishing your goals, you are in good company. We live in a society where how-to's are everywhere and yet so many are still stuck in the same place year after year not ever reaching their goals. If this sounds like you, listen in....I have some easy to...
Published 09/19/22
Do you shrink back because of what others tell you that you *should* be doing? Are you missing out on things because you are trying to keep up with status quo? Does it always seem like you are swimming upstream? This was totally me. I have missed out on so many things because I was always chasing what I thought I *should* be doing instead of staying true to who God says I am and living out the life He is calling me to live.  I have wrestled with myself so many times trying to *tame*...
Published 09/15/22
Do you ever feel that stirring from the Lord to take a step of faith? Are you scared to move forward because of what others may think? When you actually do take that leap of faith, are you diligent to see it through? I've been in all of these situations and I bet you have too. In today's episode, I am sharing a story that is near and dear to my heart that shows God's calling, God's provision, God's grace, and everything in between. I was inspired again just by recording it and I pray that...
Published 09/12/22
Do you use prayer as a last resort? Do you stop praying if something bad happens? It's so easy to question God if things aren't going our way, but that never leads to happiness or joy. Sometimes our very way of thinking is what is keeping us stuck in a defeating mindset. Today we discuss how to turn that mindset around. It's not easy but it is simple.    I'd love to connect! Message me:  https://faithfueledwellness.com/contact/   Follow me on Facebook: ...
Published 09/08/22
Do you struggle to find joy in your day to day life? Do you find yourself frustrated, complaining, or just not happy with life? Are you struggling with contentment? In today's episode I am sharing 5 practical, easy ways to be able to consistently have joy in your life. These things don't take much time and are easy to incorporate but the impact they have is huge! Don't keep living without joy in your life!!   I'd love to connect! Message me: ...
Published 09/05/22
Is your marriage full of useless bickering? Do you feel that you treat your husband better than he treats you? Are you irritated that your husband leaves his dirty clothes next to the hamper, never takes out the trash, or doesn't fold the towels the way you "taught him"? I get it, I've been there. If this sounds like you, listen in while we unpack what changed for me that in turn changed my marriage.    I'd love to connect! Message me: ...
Published 09/01/22
Do you ever feel stuck in your emotions? Did you have something big and terrible happen to you and you feel like you'll never get past it? Today I am sharing 3 steps to take to get you from stuck to thriving again. Bad things will happen in this life but how you respond to them will be the difference between moving forward in life and staying stuck in the hurt or sadness. You really do have a choice, I'm going to help you get moving forward again.  I'd love to connect! Message me: ...
Published 08/29/22
Have you ever looked back over your life and were reminded of how God showed up for you? How He prepared you for something in your life that you never saw coming but in hindsight could see that He saved you from something terrible?  Sometimes we get so caught up in our own shortcomings that we forget to look back and see how much God really does care for and love us well. How much he answers prayers....sometimes prayers that we didn't even know we were praying. God showed up for me in a huge...
Published 08/25/22
Sometimes life sucks, but your outlook can change everything. This episode is a gentle reminder that all we need to do is surrender our lives to the Lord and focus on gratitude. When you are in the middle of the mess, it's easy to get stuck in a "why me" place or a place of worry, anxiety, or worse. It doesn't have to be that way. I hope this episode challenges you to release that control, ditch the worry, and to find beauty in every situation. We are promised in the Bible that we WILL walk...
Published 08/22/22
Have you ever found yourself saying, "why is she wearing THAT?" or "no one cares what you are eating, stop posting it on social media" or maybe, "I can't believe she lets her kid do that??!!" Me too! I too often found myself secretly irritated with others or being extremely judgmental. As I worked through my own junk, I started to realize that it really had nothing to do with them at all. If you are finding yourself constantly worried about what others are doing and looking at them with...
Published 08/18/22
Hey Friend,  In today's episode, we are talking about marriage. Specifically, what to do when you are mad or upset that your husband is not romantic, makes you feel unloved or unappreciated, or if he just generally doesn't make you feel wanted.  I get it, I've been there. Come listen as we go through what God showed me regarding my husband and my marriage and how those lessons changed me as a wife and also changed my husband. Maybe your marriage isn't horrible but it's not as great as you...
Published 08/12/22
Hey Friend,  In today's episode, I am sharing my background. I love knowing where others are coming from and what makes them tick.  Listen in to learn a bit more about me!   I love to connect! Message me// https://faithfueledwellness.com/contact/ Follow me on Facebook// https://www.facebook.com/nicolejenniferyoung/ Join my FREE private community!! // https://www.facebook.com/groups/seekingcontentmentcommunity
Published 08/12/22
Hey Friend,  In today's show, you will be hearing me chat about why I started this podcast, why I chose the name "Seeking Contentment", and what I hope to serve you with throughout this podcast journey.  I hope that this will help you feel as if you are not alone and that you truly can find contentment in all areas and in all circumstances!  Praying for you daily,  Nicole    I'd love to connect with you! You can find me in the following places....... Send me a message//...
Published 08/12/22