Concluding the year of sorrow Allah lifts the spirits of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) by ascending him to the heavens in the Al-Isra' wal-Mi'raj - the night journey. We learn of the command of Salah and the station it has been granted by Allah swt.
Published 07/13/23
We cover the lowest point of the journey of the Prohet Muhammad (saw) known as the year of sorrow.
Published 07/12/23
We explore the story of Al Tufayl bin Dausi and the seven that mock the Prophet Muhammad (saw) Allah grants further signs but those who disbelieve remain stubborn in their ways.
Published 06/26/23
The leaders launch a boycott that directly impacts the livelihood of the Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) makes a dua and a very powerful adversary joins the Muslims.
Published 06/26/23
Mounting pressure leads to the splintering of the Muslims as a group takes leave toward Abyssinia marking it as the first Hijrah.
Published 06/26/23
The Dawah continues and the Prophet Muhammad (saw) is reaching further people, the leaders of the Qureish plot a retaliation.
Published 06/26/23
We continue with the reaction to the Prophet (saw) openly welcoming people to Islam.
Published 06/26/23
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) is given the responsibility of giving Dawah openly. We explore the initial response and inevitable backlash from the leaders of the Quresh.
Published 06/26/23
We take a break to remind ourseleves of the importance of this month and why we should make the most out of every minute of it.
Published 04/07/23
We are joined by a special guest speaker brother Abdul Haqq who provides us with a pre talk ahead of the blessed month of Ramadan. This session will be followed by an episode concluding every 10 days during Ramadan In Sha Allah. 
Published 03/16/23
This episode covers the early stages of the Prophet (saw) dawah and the conversion of some prominent sahaba, In particular the conversion of Abdullah Ibn Masood and Abu Darr Ghafari (ra) and how from conversion they had a profound impact on the communities as a whole and the examples they set for us to admire.
Published 03/14/23
We cover the early stages of the Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) revelation and his interactions with Angel Jibreel. We explore some of the first conversations to Islam and the impact it had on their lives.
Published 03/14/23
We learn about the early stages of the Prophet (saw) receiving revelation and the means by which it was revealed to him. We also identify the difference between Quran and Hadith, how they were relayed to the Sahabah, recorded, and transmitted for future generations.
Published 02/27/23
We discuss some of the signs that indicate the coming of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) closer to his time. We also learn about the story of Salman Al-Farsi - the Persian boy who journeyed away from home to learn from the Christians, was eventually enslaved, and was later freed with the help of the Prophet.
Published 02/19/23
We proceed with exploring the early adulthood of Prophet Muhammad (saw) and examine how his character impacted those around him. This influence solidified his position in the community and ultimately led to his marriage with Khadija. We delve into the impact her marriage and support left on the Prophet Muhammad and how it was looked upon by Allah swt. Finally, we discuss the construction, destruction, and subsequent rebuilds the Kaaba went through over the years. 
Published 02/12/23
We continue exploring the adolescent life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and how the circumstances of his early years shaped the people around him, developed his character, and prepared him for the challenging tasks that lay ahead. 
Published 02/03/23
This session covers the parents of the Prophet Muhammad saw, his birth, infant years and the reaction of some who were anticipating his coming. We learn more examples of how Allah can use anybody as an instrument to bring about what he desires as was the case with Abdul al-Muttalib. 
Published 01/21/23
Picking up where we left Abdul Mutalib, this session covers the events of Surah Al-Fil (105) with Abraha comanding a military force headed up by the famed war elephants as they attempt to destory the Kabah in retaliation for the desecration of their church. 
Published 01/17/23
This session covers the struggle for power between the Quresh and the Khuza tribe resulting in the Quresh taking back control of Mecca and becomnig the custodians of the Khaba.  We are also introduced to Abdul Muttalib and the role he plays as an ancestor to the prophet Muhammad SAW. 
Published 01/17/23
We continue the story of Dhu Nuwas and the resulting conflict that comes from his actions of killing the people in the trench. The Negus dispatches two comanders Aryat and Abraha, fulfiling the dream of an Abasynian invasion of Yemen.  We explore how idol worship is introduced and goes onto further permiate the Arab lands. 
Published 12/13/22
We conclude the story of the boy and the king and lay the foundation of what will bring the Abyssinians into Yemen leading into the stroy of Surat Al Fil.
Published 12/06/22
Continuing to cover the many events that shape the cultural landscape ahead of the birth of Prophet Muhammad saw this session covers the Kattan tribe, Amir bin Amr and the foundation for what would become the Jurruhm and Huzzah tribes; a migration of Persians into the Arab lay-lands bringing with them the downfall of monotheism and introducing the Arabs to idol worship.
Published 11/28/22
We begin by introducing the framework of understanding the Seerah and its importance in shaping the belief of a Muslim. The first session serves as a prelude that will establish events leading to the introduction of the Prophet Muhammad SAW into the world.
Published 11/19/22
Published 11/10/22