Drop into a conversation with Bryanna about what it takes to live the life of your dreams, of your highest design... and the top thing keeping most people from actually living the dream. A little real talk moment, grounded in compassion and love for why we do this &&& an invitation into a New Way. PART TWO. Xx Bryanna Instagram Facebook Pinterest
Published 05/15/23
Drop into a conversation with Bryanna about what it takes to live the life of your dreams, of your highest design... and the top thing keeping most people from actually living the dream. A little real talk moment, grounded in compassion and love for why we do this &&& an invitation into a New Way. Xx Bryanna Instagram Facebook Pinterest
Published 05/01/23
This is my most requested topic lately... here we go. Xx Bryanna Instagram Facebook Pinterest
Published 04/17/23
The most successful business humans I know are masterful at relationships. Coincidence or By Design? ;) Xx Bryanna Instagram Facebook Pinterest
Published 04/03/23
A conversation that invites more abundance, wealth, and havingness in your life. Xx Bryanna Instagram Facebook Pinterest
Published 03/20/23
Xx Bryanna Instagram Facebook Pinterest
Published 03/06/23
Reframing business as a healing art, as a tool for transformation in and of itself. Xx Bryanna Instagram Facebook Pinterest
Published 02/21/23
A depthful, nuanced conversation about holistically co-creating the life you desire to live/the business you desire to lead. A foundational piece of everything we Be, Do, Have here at Holistic Life Design. Xx Bryanna Instagram Facebook Pinterest
Published 02/06/23
Welcome to Holistic Life Design, formerly known as Shadowlight: the Podcast. This show is the same as before, but different. Moving from emphasis on the shadow, on the unconscious (Shadowlight!) to emphasis on conscious co-creation, on making your whole life your unique work of art. Moving from surviving, deepening… to thriving, expanding… blending both paradigms together. Whole-ism. Integrating all parts for aligned, joyful, sovereign, multidimensional living. Whole-istic Living… by your...
Published 01/16/23
Bryanna shares her personal journey of creating her business. Instagram Facebook Pinterest
Published 11/03/22
In this episode, Bryanna offers a reframe of what business is and why we do it. She shares why all business is an exchange of transformation... how Being in business can be one of the most healing/transformational containers of life... how our business can be the greatest mirror into our soul. 🪞🪞🪞 Instagram Facebook Pinterest
Published 09/26/22
In this episode, I am offering a quick process for subconscious reprogramming that will help you take your power back and step back into the shoes of the conscious co-creator you truly are... no matter what is happening in your life.   WORK WITH BRYANNA Subconscious Self Mastery Waitlist (Group Coaching Program beginning October 2021) Go Deep -- 1:1 Coaching   CONNECT WITH BRYANNA Website | Instagram | TikTok | Pinterest  
Published 08/13/21
In this episode I am going to share how you can cultivate positivity and maintain a high vibration in your life. I'm talkin true, powerful positivity... not performative positivity. Spoiler alert: the secret is to FEEL ALL OF YOUR FEELINGS. Even (especially) the low vibe feelings. No amount of masking or repressing negative, low vibe feelings will make you high vibe--to the contrary, you will hold onto those negative emotions and stay in those low vibes. Feel them, heal them, alchemize your...
Published 07/15/21
Your subconscious is energy. Everything is energy. Energy is everything. ;) Understanding this is key to deep and expansive holistic healing and powerful co-creation.   WORK WITH BRYANNA Subconscious Energetics Masterclasses Subconscious Self Mastery Waitlist (Group Coaching Program beginning October 2021) Your Subconscious Home Waitlist for 1:1 Coaching (next opening end of July)   CONNECT WITH BRYANNA Website | Instagram | TikTok | Pinterest  
Published 07/08/21
In this episode, I am sharing my experience in our mental health and legal system &&& why I left it all behind four years ago to teach and coach. This episode contains my most candid share to date about my personal life experience that led to my professional obsession with advocacy and activism work. It also contains my most candid share about what I witnessed through both my personal and professional experiences and how that influenced what I understand and teach now, on so...
Published 07/01/21
Rebirth, rebrand, reframe. Same as before, but different. Moving from emphasis on the shadow, on the unconscious (Shadowlight!) to emphasis on conscious co-creation, on making your life your work of art. Moving from surviving, deepening… to thriving, expanding. Integrating all parts for aligned, joyful, sovereign, multidimensional living. A container for even more magical conversations about all things energy, intuition, feng shui, holistic healing, subconscious reprogramming,...
Published 05/24/21
A riff on what it means to expand/raise consciousness and how to do it. Hint: the what doesn't involve suddenly becoming "more woke" than someone else and judging them for where they are at, and the how does involve looking into your subconscious.   Work With Me: 1:1 Coaching Program 6 Month 1:1 Coaching 60 Minute Breakthrough Session Group Coaching Program 6 Month Your Subconscious Home Course
Published 03/11/21
Apply for Subconscious Self Mastery - my six-month-long group mentorship program beginning 1/1/21. This week’s episode is with Coach, Sound Meditation Healer, Podcast Host, and Mama Bear, Brittany Pollard. In this episode, we talk all about the courage it takes to dream up and actually create your dream life, burnout and the importance of slowing down through the creative process, wellness, and so much more. Brittany is a dear friend and profoundly wise being that I am thrilled to share with...
Published 12/22/20
Apply for Subconscious Self Mastery - my six-month-long group mentorship program beginning 1/1/21. This week’s episode is with Self Love Coach and Breathwork Facilitator, Stevie Wright. In this episode, we talk about all things masculine/feminine energy, embodiment, breathwork, Self love, creating your reality, relationships, and so much more. Stevie is one of my best friends and we have both come together to heal some major relational trauma in the past year, and we share a lot about that...
Published 11/27/20
Apply for Subconscious Self Mastery - my six-month-long group mentorship program beginning 1/1/21. You are a powerful creator of your own reality. LET’S CONNECT Website: Bryanna Dee Instagram: @bryannasayingthings Facebook: Facebook.com/bryannadee Pinterest: Pinterest.com/bryannadee/ SAY HI @ Instagram Learn more @ Website Join the Inner Circle Email list for exclusive Inner Circle only pricing, special incentives/bonuses/freebies, and love notes/personal updates from Bryanna. Get...
Published 11/17/20
Apply for Subconscious Self Mastery - my six-month-long group mentorship program beginning 1/1/21. You are a powerful creator of your own reality. LET’S CONNECT Website: Bryanna Dee Instagram: @bryannasayingthings Facebook: Facebook.com/bryannadee Pinterest: Pinterest.com/bryannadee/
Published 11/17/20
This week’s episode is with my dear friend and law school classmate, William Igbokwe. William is both an attorney and a performer in Portland, Oregon. He views his career in law as just a piece of the larger part of his life’s work as an advocate. In this interview, we discuss a wide range of issues (hence the lengthy title!) primarily related to the law and social justice and how these macro issues affect each of us on the micro-level. This is my second interview with William and is really...
Published 10/20/20
Apply for Subconscious Self Mastery - my six-month-long group mentorship program beginning 10/25/20. Rob Starbuck is a Breathwork Facilitator and Artist based in Los Angeles, CA. Rob brings a unique and powerful energy to creating transformative breathwork journeys ranging in size from 10 - 300+ people in Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, and locations around the world. Rob believes deeply in the power of the breath’s natural ability to transform lives and strip out old belief...
Published 10/06/20
Apply for Subconscious Self Mastery - my six-month-long group mentorship program beginning 10/25/20. Rob Starbuck is a Breathwork Facilitator and Artist based in Los Angeles, CA. Rob brings a unique and powerful energy to creating transformative breathwork journeys ranging in size from 10 - 300+ people in Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, and locations around the world. Rob believes deeply in the power of the breath’s natural ability to transform lives and strip out old belief...
Published 10/06/20
Apply for Subconscious Self Mastery - my six-month-long group mentorship program beginning 10/25/20. This week's episode is with a dear mentor and friend, Alexandra Roxo. Alexandra is an artist, writer, storyteller, and mentor and teacher for women. Her career has traversed genres, but always with a through-line of exploration of the female body and the exploration of feminine traditions and narratives associated with divinity. Alexandra has been making art, writing, and sharing her heart...
Published 09/30/20