Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹-上海加油 Lockdown Love 沪帮互助
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做这期节目的时候我们的心情是沉重的,就连这期的标题和描述都迟迟无法落笔,不是避重就轻,也不想顾左右而言他,只是真的很难准确地去描述目前上海的现状和生活在上海的人的心态,所以我们只是收集了一些身边人的真实故事和感受,请大家简单分享一些目前的状况,想要给大家创造一个有爱的“好意思社区”,我们知道有很多比我们更困难的人,每天都在求助和挣扎,但好意思姐妹想要给大家带来的还是有趣轻松的姐妹和乐观积极的正能量,毕竟现在我们也只能苦中作乐,抱团取暖,欢迎大家留言和私信,更希望大家可以发送语音到私信中,我们会征求你的同意后也在节目中跟所有人分享你的故事。 加油上海,上海加油! This is a special episode dedicating to all the amazing people stuck with the lockdown in Shanghai. We've been seeing so much negativity on social media everyday so we hope this show can deliver some positive vibe and optimism to you all. We asked a couple of our friends who live in Shanghai to share their lockdown situation at the moment, although it may not be thorough, but all the stories are true. And we are totally aware of people struggling with more serious issues other than coffee shortage, so if there's anything we can help with, just leave a comment below or DM us. We're in this together, and we believe in the great people of Shanghai. Let's get through this together!
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春节刚过,贝贝就约了全身体检,健康管理让自己安心! 但最近她的面试经历,真的就和相亲一样,真可谓旱的旱死,涝的涝死!
Published 02/28/24
我们立下的第一个flag已经完成了!拼了老命为大家录了一期沪语节目,难度比想象中的大多了!虽然电视剧《繁花》的 热度下降了,但希望大家学习上海话的热度不要熄灭!我们也知道我们洋泾浜的,所以欢迎大家留言指正和帮忙告诉我们,到底那几个词的上海话哪能刚? 感谢联通沃派,这个寒假希望小宝贝和大宝贝们都休整好了,如果你这个寒假做了比Jenny去看Taylor Swift演唱会更有意思的事情,也记得留言里告诉我们,让我们眼红一下!
Published 02/21/24