好意思姐妹100期了! 谢谢大家陪伴了我们整整100集,陪我们坐人生的过山车起起伏伏,我们也见证了很多听众的人生故事,也是我们的幸运! 在评论区里告诉我们你最喜欢哪一集节目,我们会抽前三名送出礼物哦! 希望下一个100集也有你们在,还有更多的好意思“姐妹”“兄弟”们加入我们! 今天的节目我们聊了终于被解放获得了自由的小甜甜布兰妮,两对分手的明星情侣,以及最近大火的鱿鱼游戏,快来听听吧! Happy 100 episodes everyone! It is amazing we have made it so far and even more amazing that you're here listening! We would love to thank you for your support so the first three people to comment what their favourite Shameless Sister's episode is...will get a special gift from us!As usual, a PACKED...
Published 10/04/21
好意思姐妹100期了! 谢谢大家陪伴了我们整整100集,陪我们坐人生的过山车起起伏伏,我们也见证了很多听众的人生故事,也是我们的幸运! 在评论区里告诉我们你最喜欢哪一集节目,我们会抽前三名送出礼物哦! 希望下一个100集也有你们在,还有更多的好意思“姐妹”“兄弟”们加入我们! 今天的节目我们聊了终于被解放获得了自由的小甜甜布兰妮,两对分手的明星情侣,以及最近大火的鱿鱼游戏,快来听听吧! Happy 100 episodes everyone! It is amazing we have made it so far and even more amazing that you're here listening! We would love to thank you for your support so the first three people to comment what their favourite Shameless Sister's episode is...will get a special gift from us!As usual, a PACKED...
Published 10/04/21
上海这两天台风,好多人都在家办公,突然发现,原来节奏慢一点,给自己喘口气,可以带来那么多的收获,比在办公室跟着一起“内卷”舒服多了!越来越多的人选择“躺平”,那你呢? 本周要推荐给你一部新的美剧,叫《Modern Love》,其实也不算新,只是出了第二季,它是根据纽约时报的同名专栏改编的一系列爱情故事,每一集都是独立的,最让人惊喜的是有《权力的游戏》中Jon Snow的扮演者Kit Harington出演了其中一集,也是贝贝个人最喜欢的一集,强烈推荐大家去看! Stop what you're doing, grab a cup of tea (or coffee) and come take a break with us. If you've been feeling burn out, tired or unmotivated, this is the episode for you. We discuss the once admirable 'hustle culture' where the more hours you worked equalled the...
Published 09/14/21
上海这两天台风,好多人都在家办公,突然发现,原来节奏慢一点,给自己喘口气,可以带来那么多的收获,比在办公室跟着一起“内卷”舒服多了!越来越多的人选择“躺平”,那你呢? 本周要推荐给你一部新的美剧,叫《Modern Love》,其实也不算新,只是出了第二季,它是根据纽约时报的同名专栏改编的一系列爱情故事,每一集都是独立的,最让人惊喜的是有《权力的游戏》中Jon Snow的扮演者Kit Harington出演了其中一集,也是贝贝个人最喜欢的一集,强烈推荐大家去看! Stop what you're doing, grab a cup of tea (or coffee) and come take a break with us. If you've been feeling burn out, tired or unmotivated, this is the episode for you. We discuss the once admirable 'hustle culture' where the more hours you worked equalled the...
Published 09/14/21
不知道你是不是和好意思姐妹一样,常常会碰到来咨询你感情问题的同事,或朋友?但你有没有在真心诚意苦口婆心劝导一番之后发现,对方却在微信屏蔽了你?你开始怀疑自己是不是终究一片真心错付了? 与此同时在好莱坞,Kim Kardashian和Kanye West即使离婚了,也依旧成双入对地被狗仔拍到,甚至Kim重新穿上了婚纱,出现在了Kanye新专辑的发布会现场...意难忘? This week Love Doctor Jenny is back, but not for the romantic relationship kind...we are fixing Bei Bei's friendship problem! We all have that friend who only comes to you when they're single, for free therapy and when they're in a relationship, as Blair Waldorf once said 'the girlfriend becomes the best...
Published 08/31/21
不知道你是不是和好意思姐妹一样,常常会碰到来咨询你感情问题的同事,或朋友?但你有没有在真心诚意苦口婆心劝导一番之后发现,对方却在微信屏蔽了你?你开始怀疑自己是不是终究一片真心错付了? 与此同时在好莱坞,Kim Kardashian和Kanye West即使离婚了,也依旧成双入对地被狗仔拍到,甚至Kim重新穿上了婚纱,出现在了Kanye新专辑的发布会现场...意难忘? This week Love Doctor Jenny is back, but not for the romantic relationship kind...we are fixing Bei Bei's friendship problem! We all have that friend who only comes to you when they're single, for free therapy and when they're in a relationship, as Blair Waldorf once said 'the girlfriend becomes the best...
Published 08/31/21
不知道你是不是和好意思姐妹一样,常常会碰到来咨询你感情问题的同事,或朋友?但你有没有在真心诚意苦口婆心劝导一番之后发现,对方却在微信屏蔽了你?你开始怀疑自己是不是终究一片真心错付了? 与此同时在好莱坞,Kim Kardashian和Kanye West即使离婚了,也依旧成双入对地被狗仔拍到,甚至Kim重新穿上了婚纱,出现在了Kanye新专辑的发布会现场...意难忘? This week Love Doctor Jenny is back, but not for the romantic relationship kind...we are fixing Bei Bei's friendship problem! We all have that friend who only comes to you when they're single, for free therapy and when they're in a relationship, as Blair Waldorf once said 'the girlfriend becomes the best...
Published 08/31/21
今天周五了,你是不是也很开心!所以今天送上一期节目,不仅要跟大家探讨一下老生常谈的话题,“分手”,但当你身边有朋友又经历心碎的时候,要怎么安慰和劝解他们,尤其是当他们问你,“到底有没有完美的恋爱?” 这个问题当然是仁者见仁智者见智,你都是怎么劝分手的朋友,让他们好受一点呢?请在评论里告诉我们,帮帮贝贝! 说点开心的,如果这周末你想看点好玩的东西,好意思姐妹给你推荐,登登登,Cooking with Paris Hilton! 大小姐帕里斯希尔顿,请来了她的好朋友们,向你展示她的私人食谱,以及她的厨房是如何奢华的! Happy weekend everyone! It's been a while but we're very excited to present you this week's episode. We have a friend who is going through a heart break and so we talked about when should someone stop searching for the "perfect one"....
Published 08/20/21
今天周五了,你是不是也很开心!所以今天送上一期节目,不仅要跟大家探讨一下老生常谈的话题,“分手”,但当你身边有朋友又经历心碎的时候,要怎么安慰和劝解他们,尤其是当他们问你,“到底有没有完美的恋爱?” 这个问题当然是仁者见仁智者见智,你都是怎么劝分手的朋友,让他们好受一点呢?请在评论里告诉我们,帮帮贝贝! 说点开心的,如果这周末你想看点好玩的东西,好意思姐妹给你推荐,登登登,Cooking with Paris Hilton! 大小姐帕里斯希尔顿,请来了她的好朋友们,向你展示她的私人食谱,以及她的厨房是如何奢华的! Happy weekend everyone! It's been a while but we're very excited to present you this week's episode. We have a friend who is going through a heart break and so we talked about when should someone stop searching for the "perfect one"....
Published 08/20/21
这周好意思姐妹和土象电台梦幻联动啦!而Normal Sisters原来是从Shameless Sisters得到的灵感!脏曼玉和高老师,今天也给我们介绍了新的综艺节目,也算给好意思姐妹破圈了~快来听听看吧! We have doubled this week! A special collab episode with the "Normal Sisters" podcast, double the fun, double the chat, double the SASS!Grab a cup of tea and a snack and get cozy as we chat about everything from how we met, why we started doing podcasts, our current favourite TV shows, the new gosisp girl that we hate to love and whether or not you would go no a reality TV dating show with...
Published 07/25/21
这周好意思姐妹和土象电台梦幻联动啦!而Normal Sisters原来是从Shameless Sisters得到的灵感!脏曼玉和高老师,今天也给我们介绍了新的综艺节目,也算给好意思姐妹破圈了~快来听听看吧! We have doubled this week! A special collab episode with the "Normal Sisters" podcast, double the fun, double the chat, double the SASS!Grab a cup of tea and a snack and get cozy as we chat about everything from how we met, why we started doing podcasts, our current favourite TV shows, the new gosisp girl that we hate to love and whether or not you would go no a reality TV dating show with...
Published 07/25/21
你有打疫苗吗?现在在中国打疫苗都有一些奖励的做法,但听Jenny说在澳洲现在还在排队,就算出钱也打不到疫苗! 最近小甜甜布兰妮又开庭了,曝光了多年来她的父亲和经纪人对她做的恶行,包括没收她的钱财,限制她的自由,已经强迫她工作,这次上庭布兰妮请求换别人作为她的照管,但是最终还是失败了,Free Britney!!!! It's Britney bit*h!Happy second half of 2021, you have made it this far AND survived TWO mercury retrogrades. Congratulations. Kicking off this new half year with a BIG episode, from vaccination reactions that apparently make your lips really big? To Britney's court hearing. Sit down, strap in, get some snacks and let's sip this...
Published 07/07/21
你有打疫苗吗?现在在中国打疫苗都有一些奖励的做法,但听Jenny说在澳洲现在还在排队,就算出钱也打不到疫苗! 最近小甜甜布兰妮又开庭了,曝光了多年来她的父亲和经纪人对她做的恶行,包括没收她的钱财,限制她的自由,已经强迫她工作,这次上庭布兰妮请求换别人作为她的照管,但是最终还是失败了,Free Britney!!!! It's Britney bit*h!Happy second half of 2021, you have made it this far AND survived TWO mercury retrogrades. Congratulations. Kicking off this new half year with a BIG episode, from vaccination reactions that apparently make your lips really big? To Britney's court hearing. Sit down, strap in, get some snacks and let's sip this...
Published 07/07/21
你有打疫苗吗?现在在中国打疫苗都有一些奖励的做法,但听Jenny说在澳洲现在还在排队,就算出钱也打不到疫苗! 最近小甜甜布兰妮又开庭了,曝光了多年来她的父亲和经纪人对她做的恶行,包括没收她的钱财,限制她的自由,已经强迫她工作,这次上庭布兰妮请求换别人作为她的照管,但是最终还是失败了,Free Britney!!!! It's Britney bit*h!Happy second half of 2021, you have made it this far AND survived TWO mercury retrogrades. Congratulations. Kicking off this new half year with a BIG episode, from vaccination reactions that apparently make your lips really big? To Britney's court hearing. Sit down, strap in, get some snacks and let's sip this...
Published 07/07/21
终于终于终于水逆就要过去了!祝贺大家又撑过了2周! 贝贝这次换工作...又失败了!难道被她自己说中了,跟现老板“分手”失败,所以又要跟这个ex老板ex工作“复合”! Well,人生就是这样,碰到不顺心的时候就怪在水逆身上!所以这次水逆过去了之后,大家的生活一定都会顺利很多!
Published 06/22/21
终于终于终于水逆就要过去了!祝贺大家又撑过了2周! 贝贝这次换工作...又失败了!难道被她自己说中了,跟现老板“分手”失败,所以又要跟这个ex老板ex工作“复合”! Well,人生就是这样,碰到不顺心的时候就怪在水逆身上!所以这次水逆过去了之后,大家的生活一定都会顺利很多!
Published 06/22/21
2021年的第二次水逆又开始了,你受到影响了吗? 水逆,aka水星逆行,虽然也没有科学的解释,但每次水逆好意思姐妹都会实实在在感受到影响,所以最近你也要好好注意电子产品,出门都要double check,写的方案和ppt也都要记得及时保存哦! 那今天又聊到,和老板分手,和工作分手,其实跟和恋人分手也很像,你经历过的最糟糕的分手是什么形式呢,到底有没有一个最佳的分手方式? and今天Jenny要给大家推荐的电视剧,又是一部真人秀,叫做 the Circle, 也算是竞技类的,是网红与网红的比赛,看谁可以涨粉最多,可以坚持到最后的才是冠军,如果最近你剧荒了的话,推荐你去看一下哦! Breaking up with your bf/gf and breaking up with your boss...same same but different.One is definitely better face to face, the other is more acceptable via email, one needs two weeks' notice and the...
Published 06/07/21
2021年的第二次水逆又开始了,你受到影响了吗? 水逆,aka水星逆行,虽然也没有科学的解释,但每次水逆好意思姐妹都会实实在在感受到影响,所以最近你也要好好注意电子产品,出门都要double check,写的方案和ppt也都要记得及时保存哦! 那今天又聊到,和老板分手,和工作分手,其实跟和恋人分手也很像,你经历过的最糟糕的分手是什么形式呢,到底有没有一个最佳的分手方式? and今天Jenny要给大家推荐的电视剧,又是一部真人秀,叫做 the Circle, 也算是竞技类的,是网红与网红的比赛,看谁可以涨粉最多,可以坚持到最后的才是冠军,如果最近你剧荒了的话,推荐你去看一下哦! Breaking up with your bf/gf and breaking up with your boss...same same but different.One is definitely better face to face, the other is more acceptable via email, one needs two weeks' notice and the...
Published 06/07/21
In English there's a saying 'don't cry over spilt milk!' If the milk is already spilt, there is nothing you can do it about, so save your tears...and sing along to the The Weeknd and Ariana Grande! Also, something not to cry over is Melinda and Bill gates divorce, more and more drama is coming out! 
Published 05/19/21
In English there's a saying 'don't cry over spilt milk!' If the milk is already spilt, there is nothing you can do it about, so save your tears...and sing along to the The Weeknd and Ariana Grande! Also, something not to cry over is Melinda and Bill gates divorce, more and more drama is coming out! 
Published 05/19/21
In English there's a saying 'don't cry over spilt milk!' If the milk is already spilt, there is nothing you can do it about, so save your tears...and sing along to the The Weeknd and Ariana Grande! Also, something not to cry over is Melinda and Bill gates divorce, more and more drama is coming out! 
Published 05/19/21
前阵子贝贝过了生日,当然每年这个时候免不了要年龄焦虑一把,你现在还过生日吗?会有什么特别的仪式吗,会不会也有年龄焦虑呢?不过贝贝要给你推荐一家上海的餐厅,还挺特别的,如果你在上海的话值得去探一探店哦! 今年的热门选秀节目创造营2021也已经落下帷幕了,你pick的小哥哥们都出道了没?没有了创造营,接下来要追什么节目呢,可以在留言里告诉我们,推荐给Jenny和贝贝哦! It is Bei Bei's birthday episode! She is serving some life facts with a slice of birthday cake as well. Turning 30 is often portrayed as a very big moment and quite daunting, for women in particular. But Bei Bei is here to tell you all the other better things that come with being in your 30s (the new 20s...
Published 05/01/21