All parts in the logistical chain needs to link together  Listen to Emily Babot, Environmental Project Manager, Aeler Technologies, a young engineer and a former sailor. We talk about how rewarding it is to work in the maritime industry since we face many challenges. Emily's passion for the sea made her go for a career in shipping, first as a cadet and then on the engineering side when she decided to go ashore. Today, she works on the smart container and wants to spread the word about the...
Published 06/16/23
The future is digital  Listen to Pacmar, an experienced Singapore-based ship agent who recently embarked on their digital transformation journey with MagicPort's Ship Agency solution. Capt Sitki Kok, the founder,  joins us, and Mr Osman Budak, the Operations Manager for their agency business. Together with Magic Port, we will create dedicated content focused on the digital transformation journeys of these crucial maritime industry players in a series of podcasts. This episode focuses on the...
Published 06/02/23
There is so much spotlight today on diversity, inclusion and equity What do you stand for? What are your values? What is your purpose? What is your goal? Those are the things the next generation is looking for. They will not choose to work for you if you don't have the answer. Listen to Eman Abdalla, Global Operations Director for Cargill Ocean Transportation, describing what an attractive employer looks like.  Also, this episode is packed with good advice from a modern leader walking the...
Published 05/19/23
In my honest opinion Every conversation matters. That is something that I have realised over the years of producing the Shipping Podcast. We need to talk about the change we want, and we need to speak about what we want to achieve. And we need to listen to people with other viewpoints to understand the pain points and how we can make them less painful.  Where do I find the Stars of the Sea to be guests on the Shipping Podcast? I often get that question, and here I spill the beans. Do you...
Published 05/05/23
It's all about changing our behaviour and opening-up The maritime industry is facing so many challenges. The only way forward is to change our behaviour and collaborate with others. Listen to Sameer Kalra, President of the Marine Division and Executive Vice President at the Alfa Laval Group. Going from old traditions to a new way of thinking is how you change.  It's interesting to listen to Sameer's insights and that he is willing to share them with the world. After all, he is a leader on a...
Published 04/21/23
What do the young people in our industry think about the future?   Be comfortable to be uncomfortable; it's crucial when working at sea.  The next generation of leaders is singing the same old song; We need to promote working in shipping since hardly anyone knows what it's like. It's the same old Cinderella story. It's time for us to do something about that! Otherwise, the explanations to friends and family will continue for generations. But, unfortunately, we do not have the time for that;...
Published 04/07/23
What do the young people in our industry think about the future?  Who better to ask than the next generation of shipping? Listen to Jeanna, Alva and Max. They are at the beginning of their careers and are very passionate about the maritime industry. We can learn so much by just listening to what they think.  This exciting conversation continued for a while, so the end product is two episodes, 210 & 211. What do you think? Is there a place for ordinary seamen (OS) in five years? Drop me...
Published 03/24/23
Electric hydro foiling vessels trending again Seeing is believing. That is a saying that fits very well with Candela. You need to see this video to understand what we are talking about. Boats flying! It's super cool, and it's a changemaker.  Erik Eklund is the Chief Commercial Officer of Candela. When he talks about his career, it's like it was all building up to his current position. You can hear in his voice how passionate he is. And I cannot wait to go to Stockholm in the autumn to...
Published 03/10/23
Parenthood at sea   According to the IMO, 2% of seafarers are women at sea. I wonder what the percentage of Mummies at sea is!? Like 0.01%!!?! Less!!?! A post on LinkedIn sparked my curiosity. Heather Enness, Master Mariner and mother of three, posted the above. Young people I meet in the maritime industry get questions about if they don't want to have a family since they are going to work at sea. I knew I just had to speak with Heather and find out if that is a hurdle nowadays, to be a...
Published 02/24/23
Waves of change In episode 207, you meet Matthew Schwab, Captain, CEO, and Subject Matter Expert. Matthew is a former Master Mariner who has gone ashore and is now using all his skills from his time at sea to business development and coaching. Matthew believes in the true strength of blockchain and is sorry to see the TradeLens project being scrapped. We discuss web2 and web3, and Matthew explains the non-fungible token NFT. There are a lot of things to pick up on in this conversation.  ...
Published 02/10/23
The maritime industry from the view of a young Chinese woman   I received an email from a loyal listener in Shanghai who is entering her career in the maritime industry and wanted to tell me how much the Shipping Podcast has meant to her. Of course, I wanted to speak to her and hear what she had to say about our industry not being so visible and unable to reach the #nextgeneration with our message to come and work.  In episode 206, you meet Anna Wu, Project Logistics Specialist in China....
Published 01/27/23
From the Netherlands to South America and back again  In this episode, I am in conversation with Dita Bruijn, the Director North Sea of P&O Ferries. Dita is a true global maritime professional with an exciting career in the liner business who has now taken on the challenge of working with ferries. She is very interested in the digital transformation the maritime industry is experiencing.    Dita Bruijn is passionate about shipping. You can hear that from her way of describing the...
Published 01/13/23
Our cultural values align with the Volvo Group and include customer focus, passion, teamwork, and professionalism. There are so many good things to pick up on in this episode. Sustainability, leadership, courage, new tech, next generation. And all is connected. Everyone must take a leap of faith and dare to learn new things. That is how we will reach the maritime industry 2.0 - just like every line of business that wants to stay in business needs to do.  Listen to Heléne Mellquist,...
Published 12/30/22
IoT is not scary; it's enabling us to focus on exciting things In episode 203, we meet a Change Agent who promotes and supports a new way of doing things. Marianna Levtov is currently working at Nexxiot, where she focuses on IoT, innovations, and digitised solutions in transport and logistics. We discuss why shipping and maritime, which have been so instrumental in globalisation for a long time, are now viewing ourselves as not so advanced regarding new tech and digitalisation. We also talk...
Published 12/16/22
Powered by wind  Meet Niclas Dahl, Managing Director of Oceanbird, the startup company aiming to re-introduce wind as power for vessels transporting goods. It sounds like going backwards, but it's taking advantage of all new tech available, contributing to a sustainable maritime industry.  Listen to our conversation, which sails through the challenges of starting a new setup in an old-fashioned industry, diversity, leadership and unexpected collaborations. You don't want to miss out on this...
Published 12/02/22
Life at sea. In episode 201, Captain James Foong, Master Mariner from Malaysia, speaks about the life of a seafarer. We talk about the challenges, the marine family you belong to when onboard, the different cultures you meet and why being a Captain is being a Leader.  James is passionate about raising the profile of the maritime industry, and he does a good job. He is interested in the new media landscape and even landed a new white-collar job via LinkedIn, where he now has more than 28,000...
Published 11/18/22
Unbelievable! I am celebrating the 200th episode of the Shipping Podcast!! If anyone had told me when I started in 2015 that I would go on, releasing one new episode every other Friday, I would not have believed it. And yet, here we are! I have met so many people, generous with their time and knowledge! And when I think back, I have learned so much!  Thanks to my listeners, I still feel like there are things to know and people to listen to, so you can be sure that more episodes from me...
Published 11/04/22
Procurement or purchase? Maria Theodosiou, Managing Director, GenPro, is the interviewee in episode 199. She explains what a maritime procurement company brings to the maritime industry. We speak about so many exciting topics, and Maria underlines the different moral compasses of the next generation. To lead them into the business, we must consider being open-minded, inclusive, brave, and approachable and creating a safe environment where it's possible to speak and ask about anything.  ...
Published 10/21/22
MASS, Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships. A Working Group at the International Maritime Organisation focused on international regulations of autonomous ships. The Chairman of this Working Group is Henrik Tunfors, Senior Advisor at the Swedish Transport Agency, and he is the interviewee in episode 198 of the Shipping Podcast!  What do you think? Will we see a code for safety and regulations of MASS in 2025? What are the obstacles?  So many questions in this episode, but also so many good...
Published 10/07/22
It's difficult to see the consequences of the current crises Finally, an in-person interview again! But, of course, there is a difference between having a screen in between my guest and me. I went to the University of Gothenburg and met Johan Woxenius, a professor of Maritime Transport Management and Logistics and asked him about maritime transport in the logistical chains.  Johan thinks we have a few turbulent years ahead of us. So many crises at the same time that we are in the middle of...
Published 09/23/22
We need the forerunners In episode 196, you meet Agustina Calatayud, Lead Transportation Specialist in the Inter-American Development Bank Transportation Division (IDB). IDB is working to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through financial and technical support for countries working to reduce poverty and inequality, we help improve health and education and advance infrastructure.  Listen to Agustinatalking about how she is promoting the maritime leg of the supply chain and...
Published 09/09/22
It's a people's business   I got the idea in my head to speak to someone else doing podcasting in the #maritime industry.  Marcus Hand is the Editor of Seatrade Maritime News and the host of the Maritime Podcast. In addition, I have met Marcus before, so I knew he had something to bring to the table.  I hope you enjoy our conversation about the maritime industry. We touch upon many current topics.  Give us a shoutout, listen to the Maritime Podcast and let us know what you think!  Every...
Published 08/26/22
The Blue Economy   Part 2 of my conversation with Kate D Adamson focuses on what ESG means for the shipping and maritime industry.  We need to start talking about the Blue Economy and what opportunities lay there instead of the segments of everything like we do today. Once we change our mindset, that's when we can become a sustainable industry.  Kate underlines that we need to pivot. We do that by  Purpose/Values  Interdependence Openness Trust There are so many titbits in this episode....
Published 08/12/22
It's been seven years!  Something to celebrate! 193 episodes have been released about the maritime industry! So many interesting conversations and EVERY CONVERSATION MATTERS!  This is a walk down memory lane. How did it all start? Why did I start a podcast? Who were the first guests and why did I choose them?  Thank you for listening! You are my most loyal listeners, you who want to know everything there is to know. I love you!   
Published 07/31/22
The new morale age Welcoming Kate D Adamson back to the Shipping Podcast, she dives deep into the current paradigm shift. She speaks about changing expectations among stakeholders and difficult choices that have to be made. This is the first part of my conversation with Kate; the second part will be released on August 12, 2022.   Give us a shoutout on social media if you agree or disagree with our discussion. Thanks for listening. 
Published 07/29/22