Beliefs can shape the way someone speaks, acts, and even dreams. Everyone believes different things, but sometimes those things aren’t true.  If your friend’s belief isn’t quite right, should you tell them? Does it really matter if it’s true or not?  Thank you to India for this curious question! 
Published 06/19/23
Lots of adults think children should never swear. Many Short & Curly listeners tell us they secretly swear behind their parent’s backs. So what’s wrong with swearing anyway? Aren't they just harmless words?  Brains Trust – Anula Primary School, Darwin:  Mariah, Megan, Dylan, Aeldrich, Lily 
Published 04/03/23
Have you ever wanted to give someone a taste of their own medicine? They might have hurt you or been mean to you or taken something that's yours. But is it okay to do the same thing back to them? Brains Trust – Anula Primary School, Darwin: Maggie, Feranmi, Leo, Oli, Esha, Marjorie
Published 04/03/23
Short & Curly listener Luca often gets stared at when he is in his wheelchair. His parents think the people who look too long are just being curious but Luca thinks it's just plain rude. So when does curiosity become rudeness? And how can we be curious about someone's difference without hurting their feelings? Brain Trust — Casuarina Street Primary School, Katherine: Bruno, Leilani, Eloise Lawson, Lexi, Kodah
Published 04/03/23
There are about 10 quintillion insects in the world. Yes, that's a real number. And it's a lot! They're very small and very different from us humans. We might not stop to think about it before we poison a cockroach, squish an ant with our shoe, or kill a mosquito, but is it ethical to kill an insect? Brain Trust — Casuarina Street Primary School, Katherine: Riley, Mahlia, Milo, Clay, Angus, Ava
Published 04/03/23
War, environmental destruction, inequality. We humans can do some pretty bad stuff. Lots of listeners have asked us if humans are more good than they are bad. Maybe it's time for you to be the judge. Brains Trust – Anula Primary School, Darwin: Mariah, Megan, Dylan, Aeldrich, Lily Extra: Brain Trust — Casuarina Street Primary School, Katherine: Bruno, Leilani, Eloise Lawson, Lexi, Kodah Brains Trust – Anula Primary School, Darwin: Maggie, Feranmi, Leo, Oli, Esha, Marjorie
Published 04/03/23
If you love watching cartoons where the good guys battle the bad, it probably has fighting, explosions, and maybe guns too. Is it okay to watch violence if it's in a cartoon? Can we laugh and find it funny? Thank you to Linus for this exciting question!
Published 12/05/22
Friends are like flowers. There are lots of different ones out there, but you pick a couple to be your favourites. But what about your teacher? Can you be friends with them? And if they're a friend, can they still be a good teacher? Thank you to Orli for this great question! Pssst, we love your favourite episode too! 'Are parents hypocrites?' was a goodie.
Published 12/05/22
Bullying is being mean to someone over and over again. It can happen at home, school, online, on the bus… and it's not always physical. When you're bullied, you can feel hurt, angry, and sad, all at once. So, if a bully hurts you, can you hurt them back? Can you call it justice? Thank you to Athena for this great question!
Published 12/05/22
What if your friend asks if their shirt looks cool and you don't think it does? Or your dad asks if you like his gift, but you actually don't? The truth can be so hard to say – especially to the people we love the most. Should we tell the truth even when it hurts someone? Thank you to Charlotte and Nima for this curly question!
Published 12/05/22
Sacrifice is a big word, and it's often said in a big situation. How much should a family sacrifice for one person's happiness? What if you're the only one sacrificing? Thank you to Eli for this curly question – hope you listen to this one on a car ride too!
Published 12/05/22
It's one of the most requested topics ever – homework! Nobody loves doing it, but is it something we should do or not? Molly and Carl find out whether teachers should be allowed to give you work to do outside of school time. Brain Trust — Casuarina Street Primary School, Katherine: Bruno, Leilani, Eloise Lawson, Lexi, Kodah
Published 09/14/22
Molly has a confession to make. In her youth, she was a famous cat burglar, who stole precious jewellery and never got caught! But now as an elderly woman, justice has caught up with her. But if her crimes were a long time ago and she's changed a lot since then, should she still be punished? Brains Trust – Anula Primary School, Darwin: Maggie, Feranmi, Leo, Oli, Esha, Marjorie
Published 09/14/22
Short & Curly listener Tabitha thought it would be great to get some backyard chickens. Delicious, fresh eggs every morning and cute birds to name and look after. But in reality, it wasn't so easy. Like, what happens when the chickens get older and stop laying eggs? Is it okay to kill them and replace them with younger chicks who will lay eggs? Brains Trust – Anula Primary School, Darwin: Maggie, Feranmi, Leo, Oli, Esha, Marjorie
Published 09/14/22
Have you ever found yourself being rude to a smart speaker because it doesn’t understand you? As robots get better and smarter and more human-like, how should we treat them? Does it matter if we act badly towards something that isn’t even human?   Brain Trust - Casuarina Street Primary School, Katherine: Riley, Mahlia, Milo, Clay, Angus, Ava 
Published 09/14/22
If you've seen the movie The Lion King, you'll know that envy and jealousy play a big part in the story. Scar's envy of his brother King Mufasa takes him down a very dark and murderous path. But is envy always a bag thing? Is it wrong to really, really want something someone else has? Brain Trust — Casuarina Street Primary School, Katherine: Bruno, Leilani, Eloise Lawson, Lexi, Kodah
Published 09/14/22
Have you ever been trying to convince your parents of something and just ended up crying, yelling or storming off to sulk in your room? Grown-ups might be bigger than you, they might have more power than you, and they might even be wiser than you, but that doesn’t mean you can't beat your parents in a good fair argument. And even if you still don’t win, learning to argue in a way that’s good for everyone is a really handy skill to have.    Brains Trust: Lyneham Primary School: Neve, Ashwyn,...
Published 03/31/22
Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who was killed by the Nazi's a long time ago. Before she died she wrote a diary which ended up become a book. It has now been read by millions of people and is often given to school kids to read in English class. But should we really be reading her diary at all? Interview: Stephanie Irvine Brains Trust: Newtown Public School: Kate, Wolfgang, Gabriel, Jesse, Betty, Honey.
Published 03/31/22
People often give certain kinds of toys and games to girls when they are young and other kinds of toys and games to boys. But do the toys and games you are given as a child shape what sort of person you will become in life? And does it matter? Brains Trust: Lyneham Primary School: Oliver, Lanna, Toby, Riley, Elly
Published 03/31/22
If someone does or says something bad to you, but then apologises for it, should you forgive them no matter what? Even if you don't really feel it in your heart? Brains Trust: Lyneham Primary School: Neve, Ashwyn, Alice, Ava, Sammy
Published 03/31/22
There's so much junk flying around in outer space – broken bits of old rockets and thousands of dead satellites. There are even golf balls left on the moon! But who has the responsibility for cleaning up all this rubbish? Brains Trust: Newtown Public School: Oliver, Freya, Maggie, Arun, Heath, Malley
Published 03/31/22
Molly has an update about when new episodes are coming out.
Published 03/28/22
If you make something delicious to eat, do you have to share it evenly with other people? You did all the work, so is it fair to have to share? Today's BITE: If you make a cake is it okay to have a bigger slice than everyone else?
Published 01/12/22
If parents give more attention to one of your siblings does that mean they're playing favourites? Is it okay to give you less attention than you RIGHTLY DESERVE??? Today's BITE: Is it okay for your parents to give more attention to your younger sibling? Thanks to Maddie for this excellent question.
Published 01/12/22
People get judged for how they dress, the way they do their hair and what kind of body they have. But what would life be like if we just ignored all our differences completely? Today's BITE: Would the world be a better place if everyone looked the same?
Published 01/12/22