Episode 01: Dr. Natacha Nelson - Finding Courage to Let YOU Out!
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Welcome to the "Showing Up BIG!" Podcast.   Description: In today's noisy, distracted and desensitized world, irresponsible and morally bankrupt information is prevalent. As an alternative, we offer the Showing Up BIG! Podcast, where our  “free-range guests” serve up their REAL stories, REAL problems, and UNREAL results, in their Zone of Genius!   RSS Feed: https://showingupbig.libsyn.com/rss ​ Episode Notes In our first "real" episode of our maiden voyage into Podcasting, I wanted to bring on a dear friend of many years, Dr. Natacha Nelson, and allow her to share her story, struggles, victories and Passions with our listeners.  ​ Let me ask you a question: Can you relate to any of these issues when it comes to looking at yourself in the mirror, analyzing your own life, and getting all up in your own bees wax?        * Have you ever felt lost, or like the path you were on was leading to nowhere?        * Have you ever felt like all your choices were blowing up in your face?         * Have you ever been so sure you were doing the RIGHT thing, and then your whole world came crashing down, because you weren't? ​      * Have you ever made a major life decision for someone else's approval or acceptance and lost your own identity in the process? And then hated yourself for it?        * Have you ever felt like... if something doesn't CHANGE in my life, quick, I'm going to die?   If there's one thing I am certain of, it's that most people over 25 years old have experienced most, if not all of these scenarios.   Well, don't worry, there's hope for us yet...   Two things my guest, Dr. Natacha Nelson shared on the podcast today that really resonated with me, and I think will with you too, are:        1. You ARE NOT ALONE and with the proper encouragement and permission, you CAN overcome and be Victorious over your past track record. (No more telling yourself otherwise!)        2. This Episode and the stories Dr. Natacha Nelson shares of her own struggles, addictions, rock-bottom moments, and ultimate transformation and VICTORY, will help the worst case find a lit path to rescue and freedom!   I truly want to help you find your inner strength, inner confidence and ultimately your "Zone of Genius!" That is WHY I started this podcast! In this episode, you will hear candid, uncut and very vulnerable stories, of a never-say-die woman who almost gave up many times, but always found her way out and through her trials. She simply gets stuff done!   Jump on over and listen to this Episode and let Dr. Natacha Nelson take you on a roller-coaster journey of the worst life can dish out, as well as the best, when staying in the battle is the gameplan! ​ Are you ready? Press PLAY and dive in! ​ Please Subscribe and Review in iTunes. Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. Seriously! I have great plans to add BONUS episodes for Subscribers and even have secret SPECIAL GIVEAWAYS too! If you're not Subscribed, there's a good chance you might miss out on these cool Bonus Episodes and awesome stuff I will be giving away! Click here to Subscribe in iTunes! ​ If you're feeling super awesome, I would really love it, and be super duper grateful if you left me a 5-star Review on iTunes too, Those reviews will help other people find my podcast, and I love to read them! So THANK YOU in advance! Just click here to submit a review. Please select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. THANK YOU!  ​ AND DON'T MAKE SURE TO GET DR. NATACHA'S BOOK! Available in hardcover, softcover and e-book at https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Courage-Let-You-Out/dp/1982218681    Please reach out to Dr. Natacha Nelson and follow her at http://www.lif
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Welcome to the "Showing Up BIG!" Podcast. Description: In today's noisy, distracted and desensitized world, irresponsible and morally bankrupt information is prevalent. As an alternative, we offer the Showing Up BIG! Podcast, where our  “free-range guests” serve up their REAL stories, REAL...
Published 10/21/19
Published 10/21/19
Welcome to the "Showing Up BIG!" Podcast.   Description: In today's noisy, distracted and desensitized world, irresponsible and morally bankrupt information is prevalent. As an alternative, we offer the Showing Up BIG! Podcast, where our  “free-range guests” serve up their REAL stories, REAL...
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