Episode 09: Lyn Joyfull - Love Yourself Jewelry
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Welcome to the "Showing Up BIG!" Podcast.   Description: In today's noisy, distracted and desensitized world, irresponsible and morally bankrupt information is prevalent. As an alternative, we offer the Showing Up BIG! Podcast, where our  “free-range guests” serve up their REAL stories, REAL problems, and UNREAL results, in their Zone of Genius!  ​ Episode Notes: In this episode, I bring my beautiful wife Marci on the mic with me to co-host and co-interview Lyn Joyfull, a Master Jewelry Designer, Visionary, Imagineer and Servant of God! Together with her 19 year old daughter, Kara, they run an online business called "Love Yourself Jewelry." Their magnificent story of triumph through adversities, is sure to leave you inspired and empowered! Mom and daughter get real and honest and incredibly transparent in this powerful, heartstring tugging episode!   Lyn and Kara's professional website is: LoveYourselfJewelry.com. Click on over and see all the wonderful jewelry these magnificent ladies have designed especially for YOU or that special someone in your life!    Please follow them on Instagram, by clicking here...    Follow them on Facebook, by clicking here...   We hope you'll be inspired and encouraged by this episode, and as a result, take a step, even a tiny little baby step towards pursuing your DREAMS!! ​ Let Marci and I ask you a couple questions to see if you can relate?        * Have you ever felt lost, worthless, incomplete, or simply like you were on the wrong life path?         * Have you ever felt like no one understands what you're going through? Not even God Himself!        * OR... have you ever been so sure you were doing the RIGHT thing, and then your whole world came crashing down in a split second, because it turns out you weren't? ​      * Have you ever thought you weren't good enough or no matter what you do, you just can't seem to win?   Well, if there's ONE thing I am certain of, it's that most people have experienced most, if not all of these scenarios.   Well, don't worry, there's hope for us yet...​​   I truly want to help you find your inner strength, inner confidence and ultimately your "Zone of Genius!" That is WHY I started this podcast! In this episode, you'll hear from Lyn Joyfull and her daughter Kara, and their many talents in the professional jewelry making business.   Jump on over and listen to this Episode and allow Lyn and Kara to help you let your own story be just perfect for YOU and let it continue to evolve and thrive! ​ Are you ready? Press PLAY and dive in! ​ Please Subscribe and Review in iTunes. Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. Seriously! I have great plans to add BONUS episodes for Subscribers and even have secret SPECIAL GIVEAWAYS too! If you're not Subscribed, there's a good chance you might miss out on these cool Bonus Episodes and awesome stuff I will be giving away! Click here to subscribe on iTunes...  ​ If you're feeling super awesome, I would really love it, and be super duper grateful if you left me a 5-star Review on iTunes too, Those reviews will help other people find my podcast, and I love to read them! So THANK YOU in advance! Just click here to submit a 5-Star Review! Please select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. THANK YOU!  If you enjoyed this episode and love the format of the Showing Up BIG! Podcast, and helping people find their lane in life, and leave their mark on the world, while Blessing people, would you PLEASE help us with this mission of spreading GOODNESS?? All you have to do is leave a quick review on iTunes and make sure to subscribe too (if you haven't already). Your kind gesture would seriously ensure GOODNESS gets a fo
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Welcome to the "Showing Up BIG!" Podcast. Description: In today's noisy, distracted and desensitized world, irresponsible and morally bankrupt information is prevalent. As an alternative, we offer the Showing Up BIG! Podcast, where our  “free-range guests” serve up their REAL stories, REAL...
Published 10/21/19
Published 10/21/19
Welcome to the "Showing Up BIG!" Podcast.   Description: In today's noisy, distracted and desensitized world, irresponsible and morally bankrupt information is prevalent. As an alternative, we offer the Showing Up BIG! Podcast, where our  “free-range guests” serve up their REAL stories, REAL...
Published 09/09/19