【英语章节故事_11】Alice in Wonderland_Chapter 11(附双语文本)
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This is a little bit of the beautiful garden I told you about. You see Alice had managed at last to get quite small, so that she could go through the little door. I suppose she was about as tall as a mouse, if it stood on its hind-legs: so of course this was a very tiny rose-tree: and these are very tiny gardeners. What funny little men they are! But are they men, do you think? I think they must be live cards, with just a head, and arms, and legs, so as to look like little men. And what are they doing with that red paint, I wonder? Well, you see, this is what they told Alice. The Queen of Hearts wanted to have a red rose-tree just in that corner: and these poor little gardeners had made a great mistake, and had put in a white one instead: and they were so frightened about it, because the Queen was sure to be angry, and then she would order all their heads to be cut off! She was a dreadfully savage Queen, and that was the way she always did, when she was angry with people. "Off with their heads!" They didn't really cut their heads off, you know: because nobody ever obeyed her: but that was what she always said. Now ca'n't you guess what the poor little gardeners are trying to do? They're trying to paint the roses red, and they're in a great hurry to get it done before the Queen comes. And then perhaps the Queen won't find out it was a white rose-tree to begin with: and then perhaps the little men won't get their heads cut off! You see there were five large white roses on the tree-such a job to get them all painted red! But they've got three and a half done, now, and if only they wouldn't stop to talk-work away, little men, do work away! Or the Queen will be coming before it's done! And if she finds any white roses on the tree, do you know what will happen? It will be "Off with their heads!" Oh, work away, my little men! Hurry, hurry! The Queen has come! And isn't she angry? Oh, my poor little Alice!  这就是我前面提到的那个美丽的花园。你们瞧,爱丽丝设法又一次变小了,她终于如愿以偿地走进了那扇小门。我想,现在她的个头跟一只站立的老鼠差不多大小。当然,这玫瑰树也是微型的,那几个园丁的身材也非常矮小。园丁是一些模样滑稽的小矮人。你们觉得他们是人类吗?我想,虽然他们的脑袋和胳膊腿儿样样齐全,看上去很像人类其实,他们不过是几张活的扑克牌。我感到奇怪,他们手里拿着红色的油漆在做什么呢?他们告诉爱丽丝说,红心王后想在这个角落栽种一棵红玫瑰,结果,这些可怜的小园丁们却误种了一棵白政瑰!毫无疑问,园丁们犯下了一桩弥天大罪!因此他们一个个吓得魂不守舍,担心王后会大发雷霆,命令上兵将他们的脑袋砍掉!那位王后极其野蛮,无论是谁惹动了她的怒气,她都会下令将那人斩首:“把他们的脑袋砍掉!〞说实话,那些罪人的脑袋至今还完好无损地长在肩膀上。因为,没有人真的去执行她的命令。如今,这句话已经成了她的习惯用语.你们能够猜出来吗?那些可怜的小园丁们在做什么呢?原来,他们想要把白政瑰花漆成红色,并且要赶在王后到来之前完成。这样,说不定王后发现不了他们的失误,这此小家伙们也就不至于掉脑袋啦!瞧,这棵树上长着五朵硕大的白瑰花, 把它们漆成红色是一件相当艰巨的任务!这会儿,小园丁们已经漆好了三朵半。他们不应该停下来说话一他们应该一鼓作气地把活干完!加油,小家伙们!否则,还没等他们漆完,王后就会大驾光临,如果她发现了树上的白玫瑰花,你们知道会有什么后果吗?对,就是:“把他们的脑袋砍掉!”喂,抓紧干呀,我的小家伙!快点儿,快!说王后,王后到。王后看上去是不是物然大怒?啊,我可怜的小爱丽丝。
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