Nick Shelton is a person who likes his down time and has literally written the book on becoming a "World Dominating Introvert"
Published 02/10/21
We get so caught-up in the presidential election that sometimes we forget that the most important votes are the ones that affect us locally, such as who is going to be the next person to run the town or city you are in. During the Covid-19 pandemic, local leadership was crucial to help small businesses stay in business and your neighbors to be able to stay in their homes. Local initiatives have immediate effect on our lives. So we need to get to know who is going to be leading us heading into...
Published 10/28/20
Travis Stovall is the current mayor of Gresham, OR and continues to help people understand themselves and others better at erep.com
Published 10/28/20
Remember back to all of those really civil, insightful, and mind-expanding political discussions at Thanksgiving dinner? No? Because they don’t exist—at least not yet. Ed Wynn has spent the last 3 decades trying to help governments and companies find fixes to their problems. He is qualified to do so too, because he is really smart. Ed graduated summa cum laude at the University of Illinois and magna cum laude in law at Georgetown. Throw in the fact that he is a Truman Presidential Scholar...
Published 10/01/20
Ed Wynn is the author of "We The People" a book about improving political discourse in general and specifically for you. He also rides his bike more than you do.
Published 10/01/20
Have you ever just picked up and moved to a big, metropolitan city you have never visited on a whim? How about deciding one day that you need to thrust your fellow generation into informed political discourse? I’m pretty sure you haven’t done either of those things. You are about to meet someone who has. Claire Malkie grew up in Virginia and studied classical acting at Hofstra University. After graduating, someone suggested moving to Chicago and, without skipping a beat, she jumped at the...
Published 08/26/20
Claire Malkie hosts the "Sit Still, Look Opinionated" podcast where she entertains and educates recent generations on politics.
Published 08/26/20
When you were a kid and went out for a walk, you might have attracted mosquitos or flies. Not Dan Ram. Dan attracted Lions. Dan Ram is an accidental event master of ceremonies, has given TEDx talks 5 times and can even show you how to get yourself doing the same thing as a coach. He has met celebrities of all sorts, including being on-stage with Barak Obama, who actually remembered his name even if Dan mispronounced his. We hear about Dan’s childhood run-in with a giant kitty, which is...
Published 07/22/20
Dan Ram is an accidental event master of ceremonies, has given TEDx talks 5 times and can even show you how to get yourself doing the same thing as a coach. He has met celebrities of all sorts, including being on-stage with Barak Obama, who actually remembered his name even if Dan mispronounced his.
Published 07/22/20
Frank King is always on the verge of commiting suicide. It is a feeling that has plagued him since he was young, passed down from previous generations. When faced with a problem, Frank always sees an option a lot of people do not see, killing himself. Where most would see this as a detriment, Frank has turned suicide into a lucrative career as a comedian, public speaker and TED Talker. As The Mental Health Comedian, Frank confronts the standard taboos associated with suicide and speaks...
Published 02/10/20
Frank King is always on the verge of commiting suicide. It is a feeling that has plagued him since he was young, passed down from previous generations. When faced with a problem, Frank always sees an option a lot of people do not see, killing himself.
Published 02/10/20
Last episode we heard about Dune’s birthday party while he was in the hospital being a quadraplegic (seriously, it was better than any of your birthday parties) and what got him there. This week, we hear about how much Dune’s doctors were complete dicks to him, and why it worked. We also hear about dating while immobilized, being in movies and why Zion from “The Matrix” was filled with a bunch of nipple-necked cliques. This week’s sketch: “Spy in Translation” Sketch Comedy Podcast show...
Published 01/13/20
To refer to Dune as anything less than a superhero would be a gross misrepresentation. Dune has defied every odd, has looked death and worse in the eye and laughed, and has even attended my funeral before I died… this guy is INTERESTING! It is not often that one gets to talk to someone who was a quadriplegic, destined never to walk again, who just literally willed himself back on his feet. I don’t know what you did this weekend, but I certainly didn’t do anything like that! Dune DiCarnage...
Published 12/16/19
This week's guest, Bunny Young, is a therapist turned consultant (you may be noticing a trend as of late...) who specializes in helping companies recognize work/life balance and become better at making the world a better place, which is sort of her life's mission statement. Her company, "A Better Place Consulting" (abetterplaceconsulting.com), is a place where small to large companies go for more direction and also hire her for speaking engagements. Bunny currently has 5 great danes at her...
Published 12/02/19
’Tis the season for endless holiday specials. I remember torturing my parents by requiring us to all watch the same crappy shows every year… “Here Comes Santa Claus” or “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” or watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade or seeing “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” for the upteenth time… it was really a sacrifice because back then we didn’t have more than one TV in the house and it wasn’t like my Dad could watch something else, or play on his iPad, while I watched “A Very...
Published 11/25/19
Look, it’s not every day that you get to talk to someone who is registered to be on the ballot as a presidential hopeful in 2020, and you have to hop on each one of these types of opportunities. Does it help that Mark Whitney is also a comedian? Well… maybe. Mark Whitney is, in fact, running for President in 2020. This is not a joke, he is serious, and I think it is wonderful that we could get a chance to hear someone like Mark debate the other two candidates on a national level. Mark has...
Published 11/06/19
https://www.youtube.com/embed/oXp0k5hGXGA Jarrod Haning eventually came out of the closet… the closet that he would practice in for thousands of hours with his violin, on a journey to become a symphonic concert violinist. At one time, he was putting people in homes and making them so happy that they would praise him on the national news programs. Now, Jarrod helps people, like you or I, find our groove and double our income by reading our minds! Sort of. Jarrod uses a Nobel-nominated...
Published 10/22/19
Susan Guthrie has been a divorce attorney for 30 years, and now calls herself a recovering litigator and helps people separate peacefully and respectfully with mediation. After living in California for a couple of years, she even offers a mindfulness track with mediation, breathing exercises and intention setting. We talk about, you guessed it, divorce and how after 30 years Susan pivoted her career to out of the courtroom, calling herself a recovering litigator, to a meditation practice...
Published 09/24/19
Well… that was unexpected. My intent with this show was to talk to someone who was an expert in tabletop gaming, but found a bank robber, author, filmmaker and a whole lot more! Steve Wollett started off as an idiot (his words, not mine) and progressed into an honest-to-god bank robber in his early years. No joke. This guy made hundreds of thousands of dollars walking into banks and spending about 2 minutes, then walking out with a sack full of cash! Eventually, Steve was caught, and...
Published 09/09/19
Did I get your attention with that description? Good. Although that was my introduction to her, Amanda Richards is much more… SO MUCH MORE! Amanda is a 6-time Grammy Nominated member of Outlaw Country Music Royalty (according to her) and has been recording and releasing albums since 2004. Her songs are a combination of heartfelt country and lyrical whimsy… how many country artists would release an entire album of zombie-inspired tracks? Amanda did on 2011’s “Play Dead” (h). She also wrote...
Published 08/19/19
Billy Lonas has a deep interest in the Bible that came about when he was 12 years old and was told that God loved him but if he didn’t do what God said he would got to hell forever and ever… that didn’t make sense to Billy. So, he started questioning the methods that people used to study and understand the Bible and spends his time sharing a message of love and selflessness as opposed to dogma. This is a conversation that does an incredible job of putting a lot of religions on notice and...
Published 08/04/19
Livia Milano has been on “Key and Peele”, spent some time on “Millionaire Matchmaker”, has written dozens of screenplays that you have not seen (not your fault) does stand-up comedy in Los Angeles and has a cat. She is also, and most importantly, the host of the “Not So Sexy, Sexy Podcast” where she picks a topic and will rant about that subject or has occasional guests on her show where they talk about things as well. The show is a fantastic blend of blog, confessional, comedy and what it is...
Published 07/22/19
Are you into black magic? I’m not talking about the dark arts here, I mean entertainers that use magic that happen to be African-American! Rajon Lynch, or better known as RJ the Magician, is one of the top black magicians in the world today, and he is only 23! RJ uses a lot of comedy in his act… sometimes it may not be the most appropriate comedy for his audience, but everyone has a lot of fun at his shows. In fact, he was recently awarded “Rising Star” from the International Coalition of...
Published 06/24/19
Well, this is every parent's dream... Stuart's 21-year-old step-daughter, whom he raised, got asked to do sexual acts, on film, for lots of money... and she did not say no. We talk about the situation, how she processed the information, asking random people walking into gas stations for life-advice, the lure of easy money, what life looks like as someone who does adult films for a living, and, ultimately, Amber makes a decision. If you are a parent, this is a great video to watch to see...
Published 06/22/19
Jason Eric Ross does stand up AND therapy… but never at the same time… this week’s sketch has him combining to two to see what that would sound like and see if this is a show he can take on the road! Make sure to check out Jason this Fall on “Paper Empire” with Denise Richards, Wesley Snipes and Steve Guttenberg! Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions,...
Published 06/17/19