Listen in as we journey to the heart of the English countryside to unravel the mysteries of Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument that has captured human curiosity for centuries. We discuss its fascinating alignment with the solstices, a testament to the sophisticated understanding of the sun's yearly cycle by our ancestors. Whether it was a temple, a burial ground or a celestial observatory, Stonehenge's alignment with the solstices underscores a deep connection with celestial movements It's a...
Published 12/17/23
Dive into the depths of tranquility with "Sleep from Space" as we explore Neptune, the farthest known planet in our solar system. Known for its striking blue color and fierce winds, Neptune's mysterious, distant charm is the perfect backdrop for a journey into restful slumber. In this episode, we'll glide past its turbulent clouds and discover its intriguing moons and faint, dark rings. Let the stories of Neptune's discovery and its enigmatic features lull you into a deep, peaceful sleep, as...
Published 12/10/23
In this tranquil episode of "Sleep from Space," we journey to the enigmatic world of Uranus. Experience the calm of the cosmos as we delve into the mysteries of this ice giant, known for its peculiar tilt and pale blue hue. Glide through its cold, windy atmosphere and around its faint rings, as the story of Uranus unfolds in a gentle narrative, perfect for easing you into a restful state. Discover the intriguing moons that orbit this distant planet, each with its own icy charm. Let the...
Published 12/03/23
Tonight's episode of "Sleep from Space" takes you on a serene voyage to Saturn, the jewel of our solar system. As we float around its iconic rings, let the cosmic ballet of ice and rock serenade you into a tranquil slumber. Discover the mysteries hidden within the shadows of Saturn's moons and the ethereal beauty of its auroras. With every fact and story about this magnificent planet and its complex system of rings and moons, find yourself drifting closer to a peaceful night's rest under...
Published 11/26/23
In this episode of "Sleep from Space," we embark on a soothing journey to Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. As we glide through its massive, swirling clouds and unravel the secrets of its Great Red Spot, let the gentle hum of this gas giant's mysterious storms lull you into a deep and peaceful sleep. We'll explore Jupiter's fascinating moons, each with its own unique story, and the planet's profound influence on our cosmic neighborhood. Close your eyes and drift off as we...
Published 11/19/23
Welcome to "Sleep from Space," the podcast that combines the wonders of the cosmos with the soothing power of storytelling to help you drift into peaceful sleep. Every episode is a tranquil journey through space, where we explore the marvels of our universe – from the enigmatic rings of Saturn to the icy surface of Pluto, and beyond.As the night sky unfolds above you, let the serene narrative and gentle ambient sounds guide you through the mysteries and beauty of space. Each story is...
Published 11/19/23