Hello Listeners the Guest on our show today is a Brand Consultant, has worked with firms like TW Thomson and Mudra, he is a Hockey Player and a certified Coach with the Indian Hockey Federation, Film Director, Theater Persona and now a Life Coach. He...
Published 07/15/20
Is more choice a good thing? Barry Schwartz the author of the Book - Paradox of Choice seems to think otherwise. In his TED talk of 2008 he presents the case where greater choice has left people confused  , paralysed and despondent. Infact he write this...
Published 07/13/20
This episode is a conversation with Tameika Isaac Devine. Tameika Isaac Devine is an elected o!cial, attorney and a leading expert and speaker on work-life integration for busy working moms whose insights have been featured in CNN, MSNBC, Forbes, Jet...
Published 07/08/20
Published 07/07/20
A man was visiting a Mental Asylum when he came across an inmate sitting on a Rocking Chair cooing Sofly. Subscribe on any of these podcatchersGoogle Podcasts: bit.ly/slogcity-googlepodcastsApple: bit.ly/slogcitypodcastSpotify: bit.ly/slogcitypodcastspot 
Published 07/05/20
Work while you Work & Play while you PlayOne Thing at a TimeAnd that is the Way.We have grown up listening to these lines but our overly connected world has blurred the difference between Work and PLay.  We knowledge workers with our easy access to...
Published 06/26/20
When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in '97 , he was faced with a product line of 350 different products. Over the next 2 years he brought it down to 10. He took great pride in saying that the entire product range of Apple can fit on an Office desk. At the...
Published 06/14/20
Sabyasachi Patra the Guest on our show today is a Metallurgist by Qualification, A Consultant by Profession And a Wild Life Filmaker by Passion. In a sense He is a monk who has given up a 5star Hotel hopping lifestyle to explore the limits of his...
Published 06/10/20
THE PING SOUND Our Momentary Pleasures ...www.slogcitypodcast.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/slogcitypodcast
Published 06/07/20
The Challenge of Execution when it comes to implementing The One Thing - Book  by Gary Keller Connect on the Facebook Grpup : https://www.facebook.com/groups/slogcitypodcast. 
Published 06/05/20
Giving feedback is one of the most difficult jobs because in most cases the other person doesn't hear it. He is in a justification mode. So how do you get through the defences of the recipient and get yourself heard. Here is a quick framework.Joing our...
Published 06/01/20
Time Stamps 4:26 -   Lego Bricks Background History 9:00 -   Model of an Unhappy Customer 11:00 - Setting Up an LSP Workshop 16:00 - 4 Steps of the Workshop21:10 - Participation21:26 - Hand Knowledge Application The Video is available : 
Published 05/30/20
The history of Lego goes back to post World War Europe in a Danish Carpentry Workshop. From being a line of childrens Construction toys and Board Games manufacturer Lego the Firm has diversified manifold and now offers products for Business process...
Published 05/27/20
A very short anecdote about DaVinci and his Pupil.Asks you a Question.Are you Willing? 
Published 05/25/20
This episode is the 2nd part of our Conversation with Divya Sriram a Visual Thinker, Storyboarder and Leadership Coach. She Says that the greatest gift that one can give someone is to Hold their Story i.e to help them remember their story. Divya has...
Published 05/21/20
There's nothin' behind me and nothin' that ties me to Something that might have been true yesterday Tomorrow is open, right now it seems to be more than enough To just be here today,John Denver (Sweet Surrender) In this fast changing covid infected...
Published 05/20/20
When a door Closes another one opens. But, the misery os caused by the doors that are actually closed but appear to be open. Listen to this Story of Muthu the money Lender  www.Slogcitypodcast.comFacebook Group-...
Published 05/18/20
This episode is part of a series of short episode with a quick Win - a Nugget.Stop thinking and your problems will end - Lao TzuThis story of the King and the Guru explains this quote of Lao Tzu. Idam Tubhayam Idam Na mama - This is your it is not mine....
Published 05/13/20
                                                                      You are never too Young to change the world.  Natalie Cheung is an award winning leader and volunteer with a Passion for youth development and Diversity in STEM. In this casual chat...
Published 05/12/20
We reflect plan and set out towards our Goals  - Then Life Happens.In a world full of temptations – distraction is the norm. Our heads and our lives are full of well worn pathways, once our minds get distracted we find ourselves back on the path that we...
Published 05/06/20
Shiva Maran is the Bangalore boy who considers his life to be extraordinarily ordinary. An electronics Engineer with a strong coding bent he is a devoted disciple of Search , His last 10 years being devoted to it. His first venture was Hudki - (Kannada...
Published 05/05/20
Published 04/28/20
Scaffolding is the temporary structure on the outside of a building made of steel or bamboo poles which is used while constructing. This book is about the behavioural scaffolding to help us build the path to our Goal. We hear a lot about Dreaming Big,...
Published 04/28/20
Necessity is the Mother of Inventions. You could also say innovation. And innovation is all around us in the midst of the global pandemics. We have innovated our Greetings from a Handshake to a Namaste we have innovated around social distancing and the...
Published 04/23/20