EP.03 (Topic) More and more Chinese enjoy being single? (Slow Chinese Listening Practice - Intermediate Level)
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Are you single? Do you enjoy a single life? China is reported to have over 200 million single adults at the moment and this number keeps growing. Many of the young singles manage to find their own ways of enjoying life with themselves. Their lifestyle has even pushed the development of certain economic sectors. If you wonder how they lead a single life, join me with today's episode - where there are singles, there are singles‘ ways. 00:00 - 04:36 Slow Speed Version 04:37 - 07: 32 Normal speed version Video with Full Script and PDF downloading please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday.(click here)  Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei (click here) 👉 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chinesewithmei Daily Chinese videos : 👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chinesewithmei/ Podcast:👉 https://open.spotify.com/show/5dWBxmI6mzjt6xvIYcI4Ox Facebook Page:👉 https://www.facebook.com/meilaoshi9 据央视报道,中国单身人数已经超过了2亿。 在一线城市,大约40%左右的单身青年都处于“月光”的生活状态。 一位网名蒂凡尼的女士说,她今年31岁,是一位在上海工作的单身白领。 她最近刚刚买了一套房子,每个月房贷三千元左右。 尽管如此,月薪两万的她,到月底还是存不下钱。 另一位女孩莫莫,是西安90后单身女孩。她特别喜欢看电影。 几年时间里,她一个人把西安大大小小的电影院去了个遍, 攒下了400多张电影票。 因为不需要陪伴家人和伴侣,单身人士更愿意花时间和金钱享受自我。 他们不仅追求好看的皮囊,还看重有趣的灵魂。 一次“说走就走的旅行”、一场一个人的电影、一顿喜爱的大餐, 只要能取悦自己,单身人士们都毫不吝啬。 因此, “单身经济”应运而生。 比如,“一人食”餐厅越来越多。 另外,家电行业也推出了不少小容量、高颜值、多功能的迷你家电。 甚至,人工智能也进入了单身经济领域。 仅仅在2019年一年,可以陪聊的智能音箱就卖了4589万台。 尽管单身群体更愿意消费,有些专家担心, 长期来看,单身经济可能会带来“单身困境”, 例如一系列的社会问题,家庭结构的改变,人际关系的挑战等。
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