EP.07 (HSK3+) Bedtime story: Monkeys Fishing the Moon 猴子捞月
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Let's learn Chinese language and Chinese culture through Slow Chinese Podcast. Children's day just passed! I wish everyone at all ages enjoyed yourselves. Today I'd like to share a story that I enjoyed very much when I was a kid, which is also a popular story that many Chinese kids have been read to before bed. It's about a couple of monkeys who wanted to rescue a moon out of a well. Did they succeed? Let's find out together! 00:00 - 05:04 Slow Speed Version 05:04 - 08:39 Normal speed version Video with Full Script and PDF downloading (Pinyin/Chinese/English/Thai) please go to my Youtube Channel : Chinesewithmei Everyday. Daily Chinese videos please follow my Instagram Channel: Chinesewithmei  一天晚上,有只猴子在井边玩儿,它往井里一看,发现里边有个月亮。 小猴子马上叫了起来:“不好了,月亮掉进井里了!” 大猴子听见了,跑过来一看,也跟着叫了起来:“不好了,月亮掉进井里了!” 老猴子听见了,跑过来一看,也跟着叫了起来: “不好了,月亮掉进井里了!我们得想想办法,把它捞起来。” 于是,猴子们都爬上了井边的大树。 老猴子倒挂在树上,拉住大猴子的脚。 大猴子也倒挂着,拉住另一只猴子的脚。 猴子们就这样一只接一只,一直挂到井里头。 小猴子挂在最下面。它伸手去捞月亮。但手刚碰到水,月亮就碎成一片一片的了。 小猴子慌张地说:“糟糕,月亮被我抓破了!” 大家都埋怨起小猴子来。 过了一会儿,水面恢复了平静,井里又出现了一个又圆又亮的月亮。 小猴子再次伸出手去捞月亮,可是刚一碰到月亮,马上就又碎成一片一片。 猴子们捞了几次都没有成功。 大家嚷嚷着:“累死了,月亮还是捞不上来。我们不捞了。” 这时候,老猴子一抬头,看见月亮还在天上, 它喘着气说:“不用捞了,不用捞了,月亮好好的挂在天上呢, 井里的月亮是它的倒影。” 猴子们抬头看着月亮,都笑了起来。 这个故事告诉我们,做事要认真观察,仔细思考, 不要像猴子那样自作聪明,到头来白忙活一场。
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