Happy new year, everyone. Sorry our release schedule was so spotty last year. We're hoping to make up for it by starting to go weekly again. Expect these episodes to be recorded FAR in advance, so apologies if we make references that are far out of date. Case in point, this was recorded in October of last year. We know we're making these for at least a month out now so they should get less dated moving forward. So, we're talking about Out to Lunch, Ranma 1/2: Hard Battle, and Clay Fighter in...
Published 01/04/24
It's Thanksgiving weekend and you know what that means? It's time for our yearly (usually yearly) movie review podcast. We decided to watch Five Nights at Freddy's in the hope that we could spare any of you having to watch this boring, nothing-burger of a movie. So consider this your warning because we're spoiling everything about this movie. Are you spending the weekend with some relatives that are, let's say, not politically aligned with you? Well, this movie might give you something we...
Published 11/23/23
Hey everyone, we thought we'd do something a little bit different for Halloween. We wanted to talk about horror games and our experiences with horror media in general. All of this builds up to a discussion of the Super Famicom game Clock Tower. It may not have made it stateside, but we decided we'd give this one the SNEScapades treatment anyway. We hope you'll enjoy this little chat about our favorite horror games, Halloween's past, and this wonderful SNES game that we in North America had...
Published 10/31/23
Oh, why hello there. We've got another episode for you today. We're talking about Robocop vs. Terminator, Total Carnage, and Disney's Aladdin. What do they all have in common? Not really anything. I'm not sure why I asked. Robocop vs Terminator is the best SNES adaptation of either of those properties up to this point, but that's a low bar. Does that mean it's actually good, or simply not awful? Total Carnage has nothing to do with Spider-Man villains, but is a pseudo-sequel to Smash TV....
Published 10/13/23
We're back, everyone. Welcome to season 2 of SNEScapades! Why season 2? Well, we're going to be making a few changes to the way this all works going forward and we felt like this was a good time to do a soft reboot. We're not starting over, we're still talking about games in November 93 and moving forward, but not every game is going to get the kind of treatment they usually got in the past. Don't worry, we explain it in the episode and it's really not a drastic change. We hope you like this...
Published 10/12/23
We're back, everyone. Welcome to season 2 of SNEScapades! Why season 2? Well, we're going to be making a few changes to the way this all works going forward and we felt like this was a good time to do a soft reboot. We're not starting over, we're still talking about games in November 93 and moving forward, but not every game is going to get the kind of treatment they usually got in the past. Don't worry, we explain it in the episode and it's really not a drastic change. We hope you like...
Published 10/01/23
We had a tiny mix-up today, so we're only reviewing two games. We're discussing Actraiser 2 and Biometal. And you'll be sure to want to hear who won in the first four preliminary match ups of the 2023 SSMP Showdown. Biometal is another horizontally scrolling shooter. But unlike other shooters on the SNES, this one is powered by Eurodance! Specifically, MIDI versions of songs by the 90's own 2 Unlimited. And we'll just let ya know right now, that Actraiser 2 does not live up to the...
Published 08/07/23
We decided we wanted to spice things up just a bit as we head down that road toward episode 100. Emmy and Chase are both picking 16 of their favorite Super NES tracks and pitting them all in a tournament to see which one is the best. And you're going to help us decide! We hope, please? We'll announce who's moving on in different match-ups every episode starting with the next one. So be sure that you're following Chase on social media to let us know which tune you think is your...
Published 07/24/23
Another month is in the books and that means we're cracking open another issue of Nintendo Power. This time we're taking a look at the November 1993 issue. This issue contains some interesting information about Secret of Mana (which we already played) and a lot of maps of the SNES Jurassic Park game (which we have not yet played.) There's also some info for SimAnt, Aero the Acrobat, the penultimate issue of the Star Fox comic, and a Nester comic that was *gasp* kinda good? Most excitingly,...
Published 07/20/23
We made it just under the wire to celebrate Pride and wrap up the month of October 1993 with a nice, rainbow-colored bow. Today we're talking about The Wizard of Oz, True Golf Classics: Wicked 18, and Troddlers. Wicked 18 takes the True Golf Classics series in a new direction with impossible courses. But is it par for the course, or do these courses get a bit too silly for their own good? The Wizard of Oz on the SNES has a bit of a reputation and we're sad to say, it lives up to them. And...
Published 06/30/23
Hey everyone! We're still here, I promise. And we're talking about destructible toy lines, awful British fish things, and a really gross duo of cartoon animals. I guess you could say, this episode is about a bunch of dummies. First we're talking about The Incredible Crash Dummies, and how a PSA pleading with stubborn Americans to buckle up in the 80s lead to a toy line that would become the bane of many a vacuum cleaner in the 90s. Then we're talking about the Aquabats; an obscure...
Published 06/02/23
We've got cowboys, Jedi, and gambling. What more could you possibly want? Do you like really good arcade ports about colorful gun-slingers shooting capitalists? We got it! Do you like playing casino games but without the money or actual casino? We got that too! Do you like Star Wars? Oh boy, we got it! We've got some history behind the company that made Super Caesars Palace, but not much to talk about concerning the game, cuz there isn't much to talk about. But is it at least as good as that...
Published 05/06/23
Hey everyone! Chase and Emmy are back to discuss ants and rpgs. First up is the Maxis game SimAnt, another PC sim port. Emmy has a lot of love for this game, but Chase isn't a huge fan of bugs. Give this one a listen and find out if Emmy's nostalgia will win the day over Chase's entomophobia. Then we have two games all about magic. The first is a traditional RPG called Paladin's Quest. It's certainly not one of the better known SNES RPGs. Is there a reason for that, or is Paladin's Quest a...
Published 04/13/23
Your hosts Chase Keys and Willie Martindale are back to discuss another three strange games in the short library of an equally strange system. First, we're talking about Inca and wondering, is the gameplay any good? Who wrote that amazing theme song? Is this game problematic? These are just a few questions we'll ponder as we discuss this FMV puzzle game/shooter/space combat about an ancient people fighting Space Spaniards. Totally normal game that still somehow manages to be more...
Published 04/01/23
Today we've got three games that are fine. These are fine. They're fine. Well, two of them are fine. Well, Emmy thinks two of them are fine. Chase thought one of these games wasn't worth his time. But they both agree on one thing: one of these games is very bad. The others... they're fine. Emmy was pleasantly surprised by Lock On and found it's gameplay similar to parts of Star Fox 64 while Chase didn't care for it very much. Who will have more sway when it comes to placing it on the list,...
Published 03/10/23
Classic Looney Tunes shorts, American game shows, 90s anime; these are just some of the topics we talk about in this episode. We're talking about Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions, Family Feud, and Kendo Rage. Marvin Missions is based on the classic Duck Dodgers and the 24th 1/2 Century short (that's really funny, you should go watch it.) Is this game worthy of the classic short, or is it as useful as a disintegration pistol?  We also go into a brief history of the game show Family Feud...
Published 02/18/23
Okay, Chase and Emmy were a little cranky on this one. But you would be too if you had to play these three games back-to-back. Cliffhanger is a boring game that plays acceptably, until it doesn't. Battletoads and Double Dragon isn't fit for either of those franchises (and that's saying something because we already kinda don't like Battletoads.) And Aero the Acrobat is kinda like if a DM went through the trouble of crafting a really excellent story, and was then just hell-bent on wiping the...
Published 02/01/23
We have made it to another month in our chronology, so it's time to talk about an issue of Nintendo Power. Our guests for this episode are two-thirds of the amazing team from the Gateleapers podcast. Jason and Matt might have been too young to have read this issue when it was new, but they have a ton of hilarious commentary to offer anyway. If you're into fonts, early 90s CGI, Yoda feet, Plok, or wrestling then we've probably got something for ya. Also plenty of humorous US/UK...
Published 01/19/23
Happy New Year, everyone! We're kicking off 2023 and saying goodbye to September 1993 with a trio of pretty all-right games. We start with Wing Commander: The Secret Missions. It was, perhaps, a bold move to release what was an expansion for the computer versions of this game as a stand-alone game on a system that was already a bit ill-suited to it. Despite that (and not being a genre Chase enjoys all that much) maybe Chase and Emmy are feeling a little more fond of this game than they were...
Published 01/06/23
It's a few days before Christmas, and we just have a regular episode that's been in the can for a week. Sorry about that. But the games are pretty interesting. We're talking about Tuff E Nuff and Top Gear 2. Also we briefly mention Utopia: Creation of a Nation. Tuff E Nuff is a goofy fighting game taking place in a dystopia where society has collapsed and the majority of its roster is locked behind a cheat code. But other than that, this one actually isn't bad for a fighting game of this...
Published 12/23/22
Well folks, it's finally happening. We've talked about wanting to make some changes to the list for some time and we're finally doing it. We're not just potentially re-ranking, we're changing the way ranking works. Basically, we're changing things to a tier list. We'll explain more in the episode. Is your favorite game getting a more or less favorable position on the new list? Listen and find out. And there's one more little change that's going to be talked about at the end, so don't check...
Published 11/24/22
Hey everyone. Sorry for the delay. We're back and we're recording again. But before that, we need to get this episode out there that we recorded months ago but never got to actually edit and put up. So here it is! We're talking about two classic children's franchises that were adapted to the Super NES.  Actually, that's a lie. One of them is Super Widget, based on the cartoon Widget the World Watcher. Will this game be a pleasant surprise, or is it as forgettable as the cartoon on which it's...
Published 11/18/22
Hey everyone, sadly there won't be any SNEScapades in October. But here's a quick announcement about why and what the future might hold for the show and other stuff.
Published 10/05/22
It's time to talk about a certain rodent who likes to go really fast, has attitude, and tends to get kissed by human ladies. We're talking, of course, about Rocky Rodent, the infamous dine-and-dasher. Emmy and Link are a bit divided on the game's quality, but Rocky himself makes for such a strange specimen, that they can't stop talking about him. It's a wonder that he never got a single other game other than this debut outing. It's a crime! There's so much more Rocky Rodent lore to be...
Published 09/16/22
We've got, not one, but two racing games for you today... kinda. Redline F-1 Racer really isn't much to write home about, but Rock N' Roll Racing has become one of our favorite racing games on the system. We hope you'll enjoy rocking out to some midi versions of classic rock songs while we talk about this strange spiritual successor to RPM Racing. Also, Plok is here. He's alright. Has some neat ideas. Shigeru Miyamoto seems to have really liked it so that must count for something. We also...
Published 09/01/22