The Perils of Copying a Competitor
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We’re back from our mid-winter break and tons of great (and not so great) things have been happening in the social media digital world. Let’s start with LinkedIn. Okay, we can agree it was time for facelift but why on earth copy Facebook? Perhaps that wasn’t the plan but it is certainly the outcome and according to many social channels, the reaction is not good. We love to talk about video and Bravo to Instagram for being the first to really stretch the envelope on what you can do in a single post. Try sharing up to 10 pictures and videos! This is not an invitation to bombard your audience with every bad picture sitting on your smart phone, but (done correctly) a boon to marketers. Periscope finally closed the back door to groups. Starting immediately only creators of groups can add and remove members or change the title of the group. Silly mistake but many groups were compromised because non-creators were wreaking havoc. Here’s a good question: Do you know what the Von Restorff Effect is? Well, we will share the answer on today’s Social Solutions Show. And if you stick with us, we will also share the five C’s of effective social media as published by Buzz Sumo.
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As you know by now, this is the last Social Solutions Show for a while so it is important that we go out with a bang. But since Halloween is only a few days away, we are using that holiday to talk about the creep factor going on and coming soon to your favorite social media platform. Perhaps...
Published 10/26/17
Facebook introduced Job Listings and now they are testing the ability to upload your resume. If these features sound familiar, then you probably already know this is what LinkedIn has been doing for years but with a larger audience could this be the beginning of the end of LinkedIn’s reign as the...
Published 10/18/17
When Twitter is ready. That’s the simple answer. So what does it mean to marketers and business owners when we will have the ability to double our tweets? Hopefully very little. The 140 character tweet that we have grown to love works. When you hear Ken Herron and Carol McManus weigh in on the...
Published 10/12/17