[1]Three topics this week*: Arturo talks about his journey into the world of online discussion forums and blog comments Phil Davison [2], who has a bachelor's degree in Sociology, a bachelor's degree in History, a master's degree in Public Administration…and a master's degree in Communication. We discuss Urban Legends: Why suburbs, not cities, are the answer [3]. Download Lucky #13 [4]. * Well, actually last week: this was recorded on September 16. [1]...
Published 09/23/10
[1]This week Jesse, Jon, and Arturo (on location at the Denver airport) talk about What the Tea Party Really Wants [2] by David Brooks and Gail Collins. Topics include: the success of Glenn Beck; morality and the market; the idea that "everybody's to blame" for the sad state of the economy; and the power of catchy anecdotes against data and experts. Episode #12...gogetit! [3] [1] https://thesocietypages.org/improv/files/2010/09/album-art-ep12.png [2]...
Published 09/02/10
[1]This week we talk about two articles: What Is It About 20-Somethings? [2] Stop Admitting Ph.D. Students [3] Download and Enjoy! [4] [1] https://thesocietypages.org/improv/files/2010/08/album-art-ep11.png [2] http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/22/magazine/22Adulthood-t.html?_r=2&sq=emerging%20adulthood&st=cse&scp=1&pagewanted=all [3] http://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2010/08/18/harris [4] http://mediamill.cla.umn.edu/mediamill/download.php.mp3?orig=60999.mp3
Published 08/26/10
[1]Jon, Arturo, and Chris are joined by Jose Marichal [2] (of ThickCulture [3]) and Alexandre Enkerli [4]. A wide-ranging discussion ensues, and we tackle questions such as: Why haven't we had any women on this podcast? Is there anything wrong with Berkeley taking DNA samples [5] from incoming undergraduates? And when Eric Schmidt makes the distinction between privacy and anonymity [6], is he making any sense? We also manage to start a discussion about pornography on the internet and...
Published 08/13/10
[1]This episode we talk about ourselves. First, Jon and Arturo gaze at our podcasting navels. We discuss The Society Pages [2], our plans for Office Hours [3], and discuss what we've learned about producing podcasts and conducting interviews. Second, at about 42 minutes in, Jesse and Chris join the mix and we navel-gaze as sociologists and academics about e-books, academic publishing, and the state of sociology. So go grab a fuzzy navel, and listen to improv #9 [4]. [1]...
Published 08/07/10
[1]What deep sociological insights about race, nationalism, and culture can be gleaned from the world of competitive hot dog eating? We try really hard -- possibly too hard -- to provide an answer to that question. Then we turn our attention to Nerdcore hip hop [2] and a discussion about music, race, identity, and authenticity. So put this on a bun and eat it: episode #8 [3]! [1] https://thesocietypages.org/improv/files/2010/07/album-art-ep8.png [2]...
Published 07/08/10