We look at Oswald's teen years right before joining the Marines. When did Oswald work at Pfisterer Dental Lab and Tujague's Shipping Company? Was Oswald really violent as a kid? Twitter - https://twitter.com/solvingjfk Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/solvingjfk Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/solvingjfkpodcast Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@solvingjfk Transcripts and Sources - https://www.solvingjfkpodcast.com
Published 12/20/23
Did Lee Harvey Oswald go to Stripling Junior High School? And did he know David Ferrie from his time in the Civil Air Patrol? Twitter - https://twitter.com/solvingjfk Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/solvingjfk Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/solvingjfkpodcast Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@solvingjfk Transcripts and Sources - https://www.solvingjfkpodcast.com
Published 12/13/23
What was Lee Harvey Oswald's life like growing up? Where did he live and go to school? We'll focus on his early years in Texas and New York and look at discrepancies in some of his official records during that time. Twitter - https://twitter.com/solvingjfk Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/solvingjfk Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/solvingjfkpodcast Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@solvingjfk Transcripts and Sources - https://www.solvingjfkpodcast.com
Published 12/06/23
In this bonus episode, Matt interviews his co-authors for the book: The JFK Assassination Chokeholds, including James DiEugenio, Paul Bleau, Andrew Iler, and Mark Adamczyk. For more information visit solvingjfkpodcast.com. Follow us on Social Media: Twitter - https://twitter.com/solvingjfk Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/solvingjfk Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/solvingjfkpodcast Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@solvingjfk Transcripts and Sources -...
Published 12/01/23
In this episode, we take a field trip to Pittsburgh for the 60th Anniversary JFK Assassination Conference at the Cyril Wecht Institute at Duquesne University. We hear from Alec Baldwin, Rob Reiner, Josiah Thompson, Jefferson Morley, Doug Horne, and more! For more information visit solvingjfkpodcast.com. Follow us on Social Media: Twitter - https://twitter.com/solvingjfk Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/solvingjfk Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/solvingjfkpodcast Tik Tok -...
Published 11/29/23
Solving JFK returns for Season 2. Before turning to Lee Harvey Oswald, we analyze the claims of former Secret Service agent, Paul Landis about finding the magic bullet behind President Kennedy in the limo. We even interview Mr. Landis! Twitter - https://twitter.com/solvingjfk Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/solvingjfk Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/solvingjfkpodcast Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@solvingjfk Transcripts and Sources - https://www.solvingjfkpodcast.com
Published 11/22/23
Last season on Solving JFK, we examined some of the most contentious issues in the case – weighing the arguments and evidence from both Warren Report defenders and critics – to see which is most credible on each individual point. In doing that, we learned that, while many evidentiary questions are a close call, Oswald was not likely the lone assassin of President Kennedy. But, we did not determine whether Oswald was involved in the assassination in some other way. We didn’t look at Oswald’s...
Published 11/10/23
Published 08/08/23
Published 07/11/23
Published 06/27/23
Could anyone have made the shots that Oswald was accused of making in a way that replicates the exact same challenges Oswald would have faced? Did Oswald have the skills to fire that shot? Did Oswald practice shooting a rifle before the assassination? Did the presidential limo stop in Dealey Plaza? What was the spacing of the shots? Did a bullet hit the windshield of the limo?  Follow us on Social Media: Twitter - https://twitter.com/solvingjfk Facebook -...
Published 05/23/23
In this episode, we attempt to answer what the podcast believes happened regarding the Single Bullet Theory (including CE 399), the head wound, allegations of forged autopsies and x-rays, as well as the allegation of a forged Zapruder film.  Follow us on Social Media: Twitter - https://twitter.com/solvingjfk Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/solvingjfk Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/solvingjfkpodcast Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@solvingjfk Transcripts and Sources -...
Published 05/09/23
In this episode, we talk about the trajectory of single bullet theory and the ballistic evidence. We also look at the body alteration theory involving John Liggett. We also examine the body swap and alteration theory of ARRB investigator Doug Horne. Finally, we look at some interesting statements from JFK's doctor, Admiral George Burkley.  Note: The proper way to pronounce "Sibert" is with a long I sound. I split the difference in this episode, part of which was recorded before I knew how to...
Published 05/02/23
Is the Zapruder film in the National Archives today the original one that was taken by Abraham Zapruder - or has it been altered? Is there any evidence to demonstrate that the autopsy photos or x-rays are not reliable?  Follow us on Social Media: Twitter - https://twitter.com/solvingjfk Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/solvingjfk Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/solvingjfkpodcast Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@solvingjfk Transcripts and Sources -...
Published 04/25/23
In this episode, we look at the president's head wound according to the Warren Report, the later Clark Panel (which was adopted by the HSCA), as well as the Parkland Doctors and medical professionals at the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda. Which direction did the bullet come from?  We will begin looking at the Zapruder film in the next episode.  Follow us on Social Media: Twitter - https://twitter.com/solvingjfk Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/solvingjfk Instagram -...
Published 04/18/23
In this episode, we'll look at CE 2011, which summarizes the chain of custody of the so called magic bullet, CE 399, including Agent Bardwell Odum. We'll also see what Governor Connally's injuries can tell us about CE 399. Finally, we'll take a look at the condition and weight of the bullet.  Follow us on Social Media: Twitter - https://twitter.com/solvingjfk Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/solvingjfk Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/solvingjfkpodcast Tik Tok -...
Published 04/11/23
In this second episode of the series on the medical evidence in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, we continue looking at the back or back of neck wound and begin to discuss the injuries to Governor Connally. We also get started with our examination of the chain of custody of CE 399 - the so called magic bullet.  Follow us on Social Media: Twitter - https://twitter.com/solvingjfk Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/solvingjfk Instagram -...
Published 04/04/23
Today, as we begin our study of the medical evidence, we will first look at the statements regarding Kennedy's throat wound and back or rear neck wound. We'll also examine statements to the effect that the autopsy was controlled by the military.  Follow us on Social Media: Twitter - https://twitter.com/solvingjfk Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/solvingjfk Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/solvingjfkpodcast Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@solvingjfk Transcripts and Sources...
Published 03/28/23
In this second recap and rebuttals episode, we review the Dealey Plaza related issues that we discussed in episodes nine through twelve. We also address five rebuttals from those episodes. Jeff Crudele, host of JFK The Enduring Secret podcast joins us to talk through his impressions of the Dealey Plaza issues that we discussed in the last 4 episodes. If you want to rank the issues yourself, feel free to use the issue scorecard at the bottom of https://www.solvingjfkpodcast.com. Show Note:...
Published 03/14/23