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Sam Buckingham
Song Baker
Song Baker is all about creative women rising to the top. Each fortnight I (Sam Buckingham) chat with female songwriters and creatives I admire, and ask questions you probably won’t hear being asked on radio. We talk about defining and making your own success, the songwriting and creative process, smashing bs sexism and conditioning, and how we can make the world a better place through art. Real talk. Unscripted, unedited, just two women talking about music and life. Hit subscribe so you don’t miss an episode, and head to to get the show notes - and some seriously...
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Published 12/06/21
We talk about how we tend to put other people on pedestals and "other" each other, creating a pretend hierarchy and constantly striving to "get somewhere and be perfect" (that place and state where everyone else seems to be).
Published 12/06/21
I answer Alieke's question: Now that you've started performing live again - after such a long time of not performing + talking to other artists for the podcast, and society as a whole being more focused on equality - has anything changed since the pandemic? Do you feel seen more and treated wth...
Published 11/22/21
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