In this episode Shayla and Payton share how they both have been navigating lulls in their energy and their connectivity with Spirit.  They navigate how even when things can feel so magical, they are just human and get worn down like everyone else.  Shayla shares how dancing came back into her awareness and that this was an effective way of shifting her energy around and helping her feel more aligned again.  It also became clear during the card pull at the end that Spirit was channelling a...
Published 06/18/23
Just in time for Pride Month. Payton shares an experience he had with another spiritual influencer out there and how that left not only a bad taste in his mouth but the feeling of needing to speak up for what's right. Payton and Shayla navigate through a few hot topics that arose by this influencers blatant anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. We also share some more love given to us by our amazing listeners. We end this episode with a few card pulls that brings messages of peace, unity and grace along with...
Published 06/06/23
We start this episode by sharing some amazing feedback we've received from a couple of our listeners. They share stories that relate to a couple of our past episodes. Afterwards, Payton shares a story about a past life he witnessed during a past life regression he had a few years back. Then shares with us how a current experience validated a feeling he remembers having during that regression. Shayla then shares with us a story about how she received glimpses into some of her past lives when...
Published 05/25/23
We dive into discussion about the effects of the current Mercury Retrograde session and how it's been effecting our lives.  Shayla shares some personal family experiences, histories and even a current book she read that brought her to start thinking about how one small change in the timeline of events can create so many possible outcomes.  As this makes her reflect on the past she also shares stories of how people from her past have reentered her orbit and this only further takes her on a...
Published 05/07/23
In this episode, Shayla and I asked our friend Sonja Petrik to create for our listeners one of her beautiful guided meditations. We asked for something that would be a great tool for those who are either beginning their meditation practice or for those who are well skilled but enjoy new journeys.  This meditation will help you build and feel your own energy (Prana) and then help you move that energy to fill up your heart chakra and connect deeply with your power.  We recommend listening to...
Published 04/27/23
Join us for a Spring Energy Oracle Card Reading. We flow into multiple topics in this episode. We talk about musical synchronicity and message through music from the spiritual realm. Shayla shares about being rejected by some religious folks in her life recently, and Payton shares a story of a nudge he got from Spirit before going on a first date. Have an idea for a future episode? Want to share a story? Send it to us: [email protected] Visit Our Souly Links To Book A Reading With...
Published 04/09/23
This is one of those interesting and somewhat “paranormal” conversations that you won’t want to miss. If you have ever wondered about multi-verses, alternate time lines, or historical accuracy then join us for this fun and curious take on the weird and often times mind bending collective experience of The Mandela Effect. We touch on it from a logical point all the way to the "woo" and metaphysical stand point! Haven't heard of The Mandela Effect? Well buckle up and be prepared to go down a...
Published 03/31/23
In this episode Shayla suggests playing a card game called "Cool to Connect". A card game that's great to play with friends when wanting to get to know each other better. She chooses random cards that asks a few deep and insightful questions.  It brings up some really great topics, beautiful memories and some deep thoughts on a few life topics and experiences we've had. Especially, a beautiful memory Payton shares of a dear friend of his who passed away in 2022 and a beautiful memory Shayla...
Published 03/23/23
In this episode we are so grateful to have the amazing Meg Bartlett, an Oracle and dream interpreter join us for a deep dive conversation about dreaming.  Meg takes us on a journey to what brought dream interpretation into her life and helps us dissect the different types of dreams we experience, how our brains process information in dreams and how our dreams help our minds make sense of the waking world.   We go over nightmares, reoccurring dreams, common themes and so much more. Her many...
Published 03/16/23
We have the amazing Andrea McCallum from Concrete And Crystals join us for a conversation on Reiki, distance healing and how all of it works!  Andrea is an intuitive energy curator, Reiki practitioner, artist and so much more…seriously this woman has so many talents and skills! If you have heard of Reiki and have felt a bit confused on what it is, or if you are someone who already loves the world of energy work than you will love this conversation.. You can find Andrea at: IG...
Published 03/11/23
On this episode of Souly we get curious about Angel energy! We share our thoughts and ponderings towards the angelic realm. Some of the things we ask are…What do Angels look like? How can they help us on our human and spiritual path? What does Angel energy feel like? How can we work with Angel energy?  Learn about how Angels can be apart of your spiritual discovery. Email us: [email protected] Visit Our Souly Links:   https://bit.ly/Souly-Links Join us on Instagram: Shayla...
Published 03/05/23
Let’s talk about “The Language Of Spirit” also know as “The Psychic Clairs”. Learn about how they work and connect within our daily lives. Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairalience, Clairgustance, Claircognizance. We also talk about the new wave of light workers over the last few generations. Why we feel so many people are waking up to a more spiritual side of themselves in this ever changing ever crazy time in our world history. Towards the end we give a collective intuitive...
Published 02/16/23
Are you wanting to get a spiritual/metaphysical reading but are feeling a bit confused about which one to choose? Or maybe you are curious about what’s out there in the metaphysical world in terms of readings. There are so many options to look into. Each with there own unique purpose and energy. In this part 2 episode (Check out Part 1 first) we go through some of the most common readings and why you may want to explore them. In part 2 we touch on: Readings such as Tarot, Divination;...
Published 02/11/23
Are you wanting to get a spiritual/metaphysical reading but are feeling a bit confused about which one to choose? Or maybe you are curious about what’s out there in the metaphysical world in terms of readings. There are so many options to look into. Each with there own unique purpose and energy. In this part 1 episode (See part 2 next) we go through some of the most common readings and why you may want to explore them. In part 1 we touch on: Mediumship, Astrology, Numerology, Human Design,...
Published 02/11/23
We are talking with Sonja Petrick, also known as Mintaka Phoenix about creative soul work, art, motherhood, her spiritual path and the hot topic of AI. We also touch on how AI can have a place in spiritual work and how Sonja is exploring the two as a connective force with positive effects. Recorded in December 2022 Find Sonja on Instagram @phoenix_oracle Visit her link tree which houses all her current mediations including the “Star Bathing Meditation” we mentioned on the podcast, and her ...
Published 01/29/23
Our take and personal stories on dream work, spirit visitation dreams, prophetic dreams and more. Tips on how to make the most of your own dreamland! All Souly Links:https://bit.ly/Souly-Links Who we talked about in this episode: Our mentor Danielle "The Squamish Medium" IG @squamishmedium  Meg the dream interpreter IG @souldreamexp Michael Lennox astrology and dream expert IG @drlennoxdreams 
Published 01/14/23
In this episode: We share signs from Spirit that we have experienced over the years. Explore the beautiful and unique ways our loved ones can connect with all of us from the other side. Ways to expand your own connection to spirit.  Plus the story of how Payton & Shayla met. Souly Links: https://bit.ly/Souly-Links [email protected]
Published 01/06/23
In this episode Intuitive Mediums Shayla Marko-Oxley and Payton Scroggins get spiritually curious about the theory of ghosts. We share our personal experiences with ghost and ask the basic yet fascinating question of “what is a ghost”. We speak on how our viewpoints have changed over the years, media representations of the paranormal, religious and spiritual influences. Our first creepy encounters as kids and how we feel now in terms of our understanding of the world of ghostly...
Published 12/31/22