Pastor Jeff Johnson is in the middle of his study in First John, and we left off at chapter two, verses 18 and 19. Here the apostle John speaks of many antichrists that have come into the world, as well as a coming final antichrist who will emerge in the last hour! Could his arrival on the global scene be sooner than we think? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 05/04/24
Any building contractor will tell you, it’s important to build on a good, solid foundation! Failing to do so can be catastrophic. The same holds true when building a life. We need a good foundation for that too. Are you a wise or foolish builder? We’ll set out to answer that question today on Sound Doctrine! To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 05/03/24
Deception will be great in the last days, and this deception even occurs within the heart of mankind! We can easily be self-deceived if we’re not careful. So how do you know for sure that you’re saved and on your way to heaven? Jesus doesn’t want us to be confused or deceived on that matter, so let’s hear what he has to say. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 05/02/24
One day Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats, the saved from the unsaved. And very sadly there are many living today that are self-deceived thinking they’re right with God but in actuality they are not! Obviously we don’t want that to happen to us, so turn with us to Matthew chapter seven. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 05/01/24
Jesus said in the last days take heed that no man deceive you, and many will be deceived. We’re seeing that play out before our eyes today aren’t we! So we need God’s discernment, and today’s Sound Doctrine can serve to help sharpen those skills. Pastor Jeff Johnson is in Matthew chapter seven where we’ll learn about counterfeits, or false prophets how to both recognize them and deal with them too. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/30/24
We’re developing a study in Matthew, and today we receive a very serious warning from Jesus about counterfeits. In the last days there will be many roaming around, but how do we recognize them and deal with them? We’ll talk about that and more in this helpful Bible study. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/29/24
The Bible warns us in the last days there will be antichrists, and then a final antichrist! They will deceive many and oppose God at every turn. Very much a counterfeit of the truth. Today on Sound Doctrine we’ll receive this much needed warning and be encouraged to shine brightly for Jesus in a dark world. Pastor Jeff Johnson has framed his talk around First John chapter two, and verses 18-19. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/27/24
Ever gone down the wrong way on a one-way street? After a few dirty looks you realize, you’re going the wrong way! Maybe spiritually speaking that will be the case for you today after you listen to today’s message. You just may come to realize you’re going the wrong way! Today on Sound Doctrine we’ll hear of two gates. The wide, broad, easy way. And then there’s the narrow, hard way that few follow. If you’re going the wrong way, pastor Jeff Johnson will explain how we can get on the...
Published 04/26/24
See if this sounds familiar. You’re driving down the road thinking you’re well on the way to your destination. You pass several signs that say otherwise but they don’t catch your eye. Finally you come to the realization that you’ve been going the wrong way! Maybe that will happen to you, spiritually speaking, today on Sound Doctrine. Countless people today think they’re on the highway to heaven, but in reality are on the road to destruction. Pastor Jeff Johnson takes us to Matthew...
Published 04/25/24
Hey do you have some rules that you live by? Many do. And today we’ll hear Jesus share the Golden Rule that is the ultimate rule to live by. While many of us have heard it more times than we can count, are we really living it out? Pastor Jeff Johnson will have us consider that today on Sound Doctrine as we return to Matthew 7:12. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/24/24
Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them! It’s been often referred to as the Golden Rule! But what is Jesus driving at here, and are we truly living it out in the day to day? Join us for a very encouraging time in the Sermon on the Mount today on Sound Doctrine. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/23/24
We’re making our way through the Sermon on the Mount with pastor Jeff Johnson, and today we return to chapter seven and receive some prayer pointers. The first of which has to do with knowing our need and God’s grace that meets that need. We’ll then transition to knowing God as our Abba Father, and finally be reminded that God is perfect and doesn’t make mistakes. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/22/24
There’s a danger we need to be aware of as Christians and that is becoming worldly! Simply put, worldliness is anything that takes us away from loving God and doing His will. Last time, we uncovered a couple of reasons why Christians shouldn’t love the world. Because of what it is, and what it does to us! Pastor Jeff observes a couple more reasons today in First John chapter two, verses 15-17. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/20/24
Today on Sound Doctrine we’ll be looking at a section of the sermon on the mount that is crucial to the life of a believer. We often find ourselves in a position as Christians where we lack what God wants to give us, and it’s because we haven’t asked! Even when we ask God, we very often ask off target because we rarely know what’s best for us in life. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/19/24
We return to the Sermon on the Mount today. Some would have you believe that we’re never to judge, but as we’ll learn today Jesus really never taught that. As we travel through life we’ll need to make some judgement calls and discriminate. We’re just not to do it like the Pharisees of old. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/18/24
We’re setting out to answer this question today on Sound Doctrine, Is Discrimination Scriptural? Before you answer that, or draw any premature conclusions, find your place in Matthew chapter seven, as we again examine the Sermon on the Mount with pastor Jeff Johnson. You just might be surprised to discover that Jesus and His disciples used some discrimination and discernment. While we too should discriminate, we need to be careful not to take things too far and become hyper-critical or...
Published 04/17/24
The Lord said, Judge not, lest you be judged. It’s become one of the most misused and misunderstood statements ever uttered by Jesus. You’ll hear that phrase often invoked to excuse all sorts of bad behavior. But is that an accurate usage of the Lord’s words? Is Jesus saying, we’re to refrain from exercising judgement and discernment? We’ve come to the seventh chapter of Matthew here today on Sound Doctrine- where Jesus takes on the subject of judging others and the right and wrong way of...
Published 04/16/24
Today on Sound Doctrine we'll be going over what may be one of the most misunderstood sections of the Sermon on the Mount. How many times have we heard someone say, Judge not! It’s almost always quoted out of context, and is often used to condemn anyone who chooses to make judgements based on the teachings and standards of the Bible. Pastor Jeff Johnson will help us arrive at a better understanding of what Jesus is really communicating to us here in part one of, Judge Yourself. To support...
Published 04/15/24
Today on Sound Doctrine we’re talking about a love that God hates. Maybe that sounds a bit strange upon first hearing. But the love we’re talking about is a love for the world! And First John contains a much-needed warning about it that we’d do well to pay close attention to! You’re about to hear four very good reasons Christians shouldn’t love the world. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/13/24
We’re talking about worry today on Sound Doctrine, both its causes and cure. We’ll be in Matthew chapter six, verses 33-34. In the last few verses of this chapter Jesus again is talking about worry. And for those of us prone to this sort of thing, this will prove to be valuable instruction. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/12/24
Maybe you’ve noticed here in the last days there’s a lot of anxiety, fear and worry in the hearts of mankind! So today on Sound Doctrine we’ll pause to consider the causes and cure for Worry. And Jesus spoke about it plenty in the Sermon on the Mount, and today we take you to the end of Matthew chapter six to hear what He has to say about it. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/11/24
Today pastor Jeff Johnson opens Matthew chapter six, where we’ll give attention to verses 30-33. Are you worried or anxious about something today? Many are, but the verses we’ll look at today can really help us out and show us what to do with these worries of life. You’re also about to see how we can increase our faith. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/10/24
Little faith can become great faith! We’ll explain how on Sound Doctrine. Pastor Jeff Johnson is taking his time through the Sermon on the Mount, due to its rich contents. And today we’ll return to Matthew chapter six and learn how to increase our faith. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/09/24
Worry and Anxiety is a real struggle for many of us. And maybe that’s something that you’re dealing with even as we speak? When it happens, what should we do next? And what are the reasons we shouldn’t worry? Let’s talk about that today on Sound Doctrine with pastor Jeff Johnson. We pay another visit to the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter six here in part two of, Don’t Worry, be Happy! To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/08/24
As parents we expect our kids to grow and develop over time, and if they don’t, we’d be rather alarmed! God expects His children to grow as well. And today on Sound Doctrine we’ll learn about the three stages of growth, as we turn to First John chapter two. We’re talking about Christian growth today with pastor Jeff Johnson. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/621/29
Published 04/06/24