🦋Every action has consequences .. Be mindful of your words, you can “help or hurt” people .. Be kind to yourself, your deserve it .. You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) #hopecore .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1477
Published 04/28/24
😫Worrying actually compounds the problem .. Guess what? Smart people worry! .. Recognise the difference between finding a solution and needless worry .. You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) #hopecore .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1476
Published 04/27/24
🔮You can’t suffer the past or the future, because they don’t exist! .. The past is your memory, the future is your imagination .. Focus on what is real, live your life in the present and not in your mind .. Change yourself and you will change your world .. You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) #hopecore .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1475
Published 04/26/24
😇Your life is someone else’s dream! .. There is so much in your life to be grateful for .. Become aware of all your blessings, and live a life of gratitude and fulfilment .. You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) #hopecore .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1474
Published 04/25/24
😢What if someone doesn’t like you? .. People are struggling to like themselves, just like you are! .. So don’t worry about what they are thinking .. You need to focus on you .. You are already perfect, beautiful, and brilliant .. Learn to love yourself .. You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) #hopecore .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1473
Published 04/24/24
😭 Every failure is a lesson in disguise .. A failure is an opportunity to learn and grow .. It’s important to acknowledge and learn from failures as they occur, rather than waiting for time to pass .. You can turn your obstacles into stepping stones and move forward with your life .. You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1472
Published 04/23/24
💰🏆 There are no traffic jams on “The Extra Mile!” .. Break free from mediocrity and become a super star in your own life .. Decide that you won’t give up and push forward with your dreams and goals .. You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1471
Published 04/22/24
🧝🏼‍♀️ It’s the “possibility” of your dream, that keeps you going .. Keep your dream alive, it is unique and it belongs to you .. It gives you something positive to focus on .. “Without a vision, the people perish” .. You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1470
Published 04/21/24
💰🧠💵😊You can make deposits into your bank account .. Financially, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically ..You are in control of your own ecomony .. Keep depositing and the interest will grow .. You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1469
Published 04/20/24
👩‍🌾 If you want something new, then you have to stop doing something old .. It makes absolute sense, doesn't it? .. If you want something new in your garden, then you're not going to plant the same old plants .. The law of sowing and reaping .. If you want to change some things in your life, you have to change some things in your life .. You got to plant new thoughts and ideas .. Think about that in your own life emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically ..You can do it! .. SPEED...
Published 04/19/24
☎️ If your past calls you, don’t answer! .. This simple idea might set you free .. Learn to live in the “now” and use your unique gifts to make a difference .. Reach out with all your heart and soul, and “Change this World” ..You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1467
Published 04/18/24
📱How do I change Channels with no remote? .. There's no remote for your life .. You have to get up off the couch! .. Get up and change your physical, spiritual and financial beliefs .. Have you noticed when people are in a room watching television or a movie, and then they want to change the volume or the channel, and they can’t find the remote, it's a disaster! .. People have forgotten that there are buttons on the actual unit on the monitor or TV that you can change the volume .. Life's a...
Published 04/17/24
😓Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, but gorgeous at the end .. Breaking a habit, breaking an addiction, changing a relationship, or career .. These changes are hard at the beginning, and they get messed up, then it all just clicks into place .. Remember that if you're in the messy moments right now, just think about how this will be gorgeous in the end .. It's not far away ..You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot...
Published 04/17/24
📚You struggled growing up, but now it’s easy .. I encourage you to embrace challenges with renewed strength, remembering your past mastery and future potential .. Life is full of challenges that can be embraced as opportunities for growth .. You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1464
Published 04/15/24
🦸‍♀️You may face defeat in your life, but “YOU” not getting defeated .. It's the thing you tried to do .. Just like losing a tennis match, but YOU are still strong .. You are still everything you had going into it and more, because you learned from the experience .. You are unique and powerful, and perfect .. Never lose sight of it .. You are amazing! .. You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1463
Published 04/15/24
😁Enthusiasm has the power to transform all aspects of your life .. It is the title of a famous book by Dr Norman Vincent Peale, emphasising that enthusiasm can change the culture of an office, sports team, or relationship .. Enthusiasm is a contagious quality that can be expressed and embraced by anyone, and it has the potential to positively impact all areas of your life .. You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1462
Published 04/14/24
😀🧠How to reprogram your mind for success .. It is important to practice confidence, smiling more, speaking positively, and taking action to rewire one's mind .. Reprogramming one's mind is crucial for achieving confidence and success .. Take small steps towards your goals, such as using the stairs instead of the elevator, and to believe in yourself to make a difference in your lifetime .. You can do it! .. SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) .. SPEED Keith...
Published 04/12/24
🫵Your “Job” is not “You” .. 🏠Your “House” is not “You” .. 💰The money in your bank is not “You” .. You-are-You .. Powerful, capable, brilliant and beautiful .. You can do it! .. This is SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1460
Published 04/11/24
😭 Your self criticism can destroy your life .. Because “You actually believe what you say!” .. You are in control, you are in charge of your life, no excuses .. You can do it! .. This is SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1459
Published 04/10/24
👩‍🎓 Every single moment is a learning experience .. “Learn to Learn” .. Use the precious time you have on this amazing planet to grow and change .. Become all that you were intended to become .. You can do it! .. This is SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes of Enthusiasm and Determination) .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1458
Published 04/09/24
🧠 Words are incredibly powerful and your mind is always listening .. Your brain is listening to how you speak to other people .. Your brain is listening to how you speak to yourself .. Even recording these episodes of SPEED, I can hear myself .. My mind is being altered by these uplifting messages of enthusiasm, motivation, and inspiration .. Your brain is also changing .. Change your words, change your life .. You will be amazed .. You can do that! .. This is SPEED (Short, Powerful Episodes...
Published 04/08/24
🎉 Try this for 7 days .. Each morning say out loud “Something good is going to happen to me today!” .. It only takes a few seconds .. You have got nothing to lose by “having a go” .. Keep repeating it every day .. Create a habit of speaking positive outcomes .. The positive changes in your physical, emotional, spiritual and financial life will shock you! .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1455
Published 04/07/24
🤷‍♀️ Some people seem allergic to happiness .. Maybe you can help them .. I believe everyone is seeking spiritual peace, physical love and emotional happiness .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1454
Published 04/06/24
The only way to have a body that you love, is to start to love your own body .. Be careful what goes into head and into your mouth .. Stop putting yourself down .. You have a unique and beautiful body .. You're already perfect! You're already beautiful! .. You're already fabulous and incredible! .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1453
Published 04/05/24
❓Who told you? .. Is it true? .. Question your beliefs, especially those that might be doing you some harm .. Take a moment think about things you believe about yourself, and maybe they're not true .. Perhaps you are much more than you give yourself credit for .. I think that's true for everyone on this planet .. SPEED Keith Lightfoot NZ EP1453
Published 04/04/24