This is part 2 of this series on intuition and how you can see through your ego’s voice to hear your intuition. I will help you understand the ways you sabotage your ability to connect with your higher guidance and the warning signs you are listening to your ego.  Find the Intuitive Awakening series here!
Published 08/11/21
This is part 1 to a two-part series on Intuition. After teaching thousands of people intuitive development, I have heard every reason someone can’t connect to their intuition. When you sabotage your connection to your intuition you are disconnecting with the best GPS available to you. In this episode I help you discover how you get in your own way when it comes to your intuition. Lionsgate Meditation and Channeling Intuitive Awakening Series
Published 08/04/21
Today I’m going to share what to do when you are bombarded with energy from many places. You are a sovereign being and you are not the victim to others. When you claim your sovereign power, you will notice a difference in your relationships. I take a down to earth approach to boundaries and being in your sovereign power. 
Published 07/28/21
I’m so excited to share with you some insight into all the opportunities you have, on a regular basis, to experience spiritual growth. There are times you may think you are moving backward but in reality; you are growing spiritually. At the end, I share some tools to help you with your spiritual growth.  
Published 07/21/21
In this episode Melissa speaks with spiritual coach and #1 best selling author, Vikash Shivdasani about his spiritual journey from party animal to multidimensional healer and coach. Melissa and Vik will help you understand how to empower yourself past the victim into your power.  Vik's Bio:   Vikash Shivdasani is a speaker, spiritual coach, and bestselling author of the book, "Rolling With It: Lessons Learned While Sitting Down." Rolling With It is a depiction of Vikash’s raw and humorous...
Published 07/14/21
In this episode we are going to talk about the lies you tell yourself and how they interfere with your spiritual expansion. The lies and deceptions you tell yourself can leave you powerless and they can also be very tricky to maneuver. Learn to take your power back and become aware when you buy into other people’s deception. Find out more about the retreat right here!
Published 07/07/21
In this episode you will understand more about how empaths are affected by their spiritual awakening and how to deal with anxiety during your awakening. Your spiritual awakening is all about you and your connection with your higher consciousness and has nothing to do with what’s happening in your external world. You are experiencing a spiritual awakening when you start to ask the deeper questions like why “I am here” and “what is important to me”. But sometimes that will challenge you and you...
Published 06/30/21
In this episode I share an experience I had that helped me understand ego dissolution and the spiritual ego. In spiritual groups the drama can be created by making one person into the “dark” or bad person and the one the savior. I will give you insight on what creates the spiritual ego and why things happen to help us evolve as people if we are willing to do the work.  Dark Night of the Soul Series: Episode 19, 20, 22 &...
Published 06/23/21
In this episode Melissa talks with mystic Diane L Haworth about the power of tapping into your own Divine wisdom using her Be Love Principles to enjoy more clarity, peace and confidence in your life. More about Diane: Diane L Haworth is passionate about facilitating the journey within for spiritual seekers ready to evolve. She’s a Heart-Centered Success Coach, teacher, author, Awake TV host and founder of the Be Love Principles who combines traditional coaching techniques with deep spiritual...
Published 06/16/21
In this episode you will learn more about the Ascension and the I AM presence. The ego dissolution will allow you to bring forward the I AM which is the higher consciousness of Oneness, Bliss, and Connection.  Ascension is always a process and there is no end game in the ascension process. So even if you reach enlightenment there is another level you can reach. If you think there is an end result you are living from the ego’s idea of ascension and enlightenment.  Questions to ask...
Published 06/09/21
What is the purpose of the ego? I am so excited to give you important insight into the ego so you can understand and empower yourself. I bet there are a few things I share that you didn't know about. Fear is the egos playground. 
Published 04/14/21
In this episode Dylan from In Search of Reality podcast and I go deep into the Matrix, spiritual expansion, how to raise your vibration and the subconscious reality. We talk about how meditation can help you change your brain and what happens when we...
Published 04/07/21
This is the second part of the Dark Night of the Soul: Ego Dissolution Series. In this episode I will be sharing some of my favorite information about the shadow side of all of us and how it relates to the ego self. I will explain the light and shadow...
Published 03/24/21
This will be part one of a series on the dissolution of the ego. In this episode I will share the important topic of the "Dark Night of the Soul''.  I believe all spiritual seekers go through this experience and sometimes it's the dark night of the soul...
Published 03/17/21
Hi!I'm so excited to share this episode that will support you on your spiritual journey. In this episode I talk about spiritual awakening and I share the best advice I've given my clients and students over the years. You will also understand how deal...
Published 02/24/21
In this episode I will share some insight and experiences I've had around time jumping and how it relates to parallel lives. What is a parallel life and why does it matter? I know I had so many questions about this topic and I have meditated and asked...
Published 02/17/21
You are on a path major change and in this episode Matthew, a recovery coach, interviewed me about the ascension. We talk about the addictive personality and I give some great advice about paying attention to the things you consume in your life. This is...
Published 02/10/21
I don't decide what I am going to share with you in each podcast I allow spirit to tell me what to share. Sometimes it's not what I would normally talk about but I share it any way. When you channel you want to do your best not to get caught up in what...
Published 02/03/21
There are so many different ideas of who and what are in the spirit world. As an advanced intuitive and an interdimensional traveler I will share with you my experiences and perception of the spirit world including Angels, Deceased Loved Ones, Ascended...
Published 01/27/21
People assume a purpose means that they are doing something really important in their life, whether it is a purpose of a job or spiritual community, or doing readings or healings. they assume a purpose means that they are  contributing to the spiritual...
Published 01/20/21
There is a different perspective to see the world and it's from a place of oneness instead of duality. But why are we fixated on the polarity of good vs bad and right vs wrong? It's because you were conditioned at an early age to perceive the world that...
Published 01/13/21
In this episode I will share two stories that will help you understand more about intuition and your ego's voice. In the firs story I joke that I am now a first responder and why I followed my intuition in that moment and what it felt like. I share some...
Published 01/06/21
In the Real Law of Attraction episode you will learn that manifestation and creation is important for your spiritual growth and how to use the law of expansion to support your manifestations. I share the things you do in your manifestations that make...
Published 12/29/20
 A karmic relationship is interconnected and entangled in your life and most of your relationships are karmic relationships.  A karmic relationship can cause suffering and it can help you transcend and raise your vibration.  In this episode I will...
Published 12/22/20
What's been happening energetically for the last few weeks? Have you been experiencing some upheavals and emotional jolts? Yup, if 2020 hasn't been crazy enough let's throw some transformational light codes and eclipses in the mix. In this episode you...
Published 12/15/20