There is a SOUND attached to your voice and to your purpose. Your sound was meant to shift the atmosphere and, it's a sound of anticipation, it's a sound that has power, it's a sound that travels. In this episode,  Dr. LaTanya is kicking off the new season with a word from God that will push you to make a sound in the earth. If you've been thinking about what you are supposed to do in life and in your purpose. This episode. will motivate you to move out of your comfort zone and into boldness....
Published 08/22/21
It's the last episode of the season and Dr. Moore is sharing one word that God gave her. INNOVATE! God is saying that this is the season to innovate and go back to the idea/dream/vision that He gave you. What God is doing is new to others but is something that He has already given you. There are so many things that can try to steal that innovation including fear and doubt, so Dr. Moore is sharing her experience with doubt that came along with innovation. Listen, this episode is for everyone...
Published 05/23/21
Relationships are a huge part of our lives and often have the ability to shift things significantly. However, many of us have a difficult time prospering, especially long term in relationships. This episode is all about practical tips to prosper in relationships. Jaycee is bringing the heat in this episode, sharing so many tips on how to be intentional in relationships by healing, setting boundaries, and learning to make effective decisions. Prospering in relationships is necessary for all...
Published 05/16/21
Have you ever been in a place where you felt like you were doing too much?  It’s time to take inventory and really take a look at what is taking up time and space in your life. Sometimes we take on things and assignments that are actually taking up space. Assignments that we continue to take on when actually the deadline has expired. Take inventory and learn more about what is inspiring you, keeping you close or pulling you away from God. In this season, where is God asking you to take...
Published 05/09/21
Have you ever felt yourself comparing? In the age of social media, comparison is at an all-time high. We are watching the highlight reels of everyone's life which can make us feel "less" than. This episode is all about ways to combat comparison and break the spirit each time it tries to enter your life. This episode is all about kingdom strategies to come against comparison and live the life that God has for you. Pastor Paul Calcote is bringing the heat this week as he shares his experience...
Published 05/02/21
In this pandemic, many of us have experienced shifts and changes in our local church. God began to show a group of "unchurched" who may not be fully connected to a local church at this time. Pastor Michelle and Dr. LaTanya are sharing experiences and practical tips about how to stay connected to God even when you are connected to a church. It is so important to get connected to a covering and local body of believers that will help lead and cultivate you. This episode is relevant to the...
Published 04/25/21
God said, there is more! We often praise God for all of the things He does for us but fail to really seek Him for an encounter. As I prayed about this episode, He showed me how we were settling and not seeking Him for more. There is an encounter waiting for you, one that will allow you to tangibly feel His presence. An encounter that will shift the way you think about Him and your faith. Encounters that are miracles, signs, and wonders in the present day. If you are ready to seek God for more...
Published 04/18/21
Pace yourself! It is the word and phrase that is resonating in the spirit right night to help us slow down and accomplish all that God is asking us to do. Sometimes, we can get overwhelmed with the many assignments and goals that we have, trying to complete everything at once. Pacing and timing are so important in the kingdom and in the earth for your success. It is time to seek God to ensure that you are pacing and moving in His timing and not your own. What gifts are your operating in...
Published 04/11/21
Forgiveness is so important for our freedom. We often hold on to things in our lives, situations and experiences, that hold us back from other things. Forgiveness is not for the other person, it is for you. Lack of forgiveness can cause sickness in your body, prevent you from receiving healing, or prevent you from receiving the gift of tongues. Sherita Thompson is sharing her story of forgiveness and how she overcame several life situations. Her practical tips are amazing and the application...
Published 04/04/21
We have all have experienced some type of health issue whether a chronic condition or a "common" cold. One thing that is certain is that God wants us healed from physical health issues and conditions as well. So many of us walk around waiting for our healing, but what are YOU doing to manifest that healing? God loves you enough to heal you! Ricky Watson Jr is sharing his amazing story of being healed from Epilepsy and Stuttering, a miraculous healing story that will have you on the edge of...
Published 03/28/21
Did you know that you have the power to heal? Healing is a spiritual gift that many have however, God has given all of us the power to heal the sick. Often, we walk past those with physical ailments, not realizing that our power is in prayer and belief. In this episode, we are sharing practical strategies to move past fear and into faith as you begin to heal others. Rosalyn Harris is sharing her journal with healing, including how she learned she had the gift of healing and ways that God...
Published 03/21/21
Many of us have grown up in church or found our way to Christ through a local church community. However, in many of those spaces, we have endured hurt from leaders, ministries, and situations. In this healing series, we seek to heal from various experiences of hurt and pain related to the local church. Whether it is rejection, a lack of validation from leaders, or being misunderstood because of your gifts. This episode will shed much light on church hurt and provide tips to heal. Lemoi Desina...
Published 03/14/21
It's time to heal! We have all experienced shifts and changes in our mental and emotional health that in turn shifted the way we live. Healing from mental and emotional scars takes work, patience, surrendering, and often therapy. In this episode, we are talking about the importance of healing from mental health issues and some practical ways to start the healing journey. God wants you whole and healing is your portion. Ask God to reveal areas that need healing so you can remove and replace...
Published 03/07/21
We have all experienced things in our lives that have created little puncture wounds in our hearts. For some, it may be a huge hole. God wants us whole and completely healed. This episode is full of #practical tips to identify areas in your life where healing should take place. There are so many experiences that we fail to realize impacted our thoughts about ourselves and ultimately our decisions making. Whether it's physical, mental/relationship, church hurt, or forgiveness, I teaching you...
Published 02/28/21
We're moving past just knowing our purpose to actually walking in it. You have a call on your life and a WHY that God has given you. This episode is about learning more about the purpose journey and how God uses where we are now to get us to our next. Brittany Morton, the founder of Saved in the City, is sharing her journey and encouraging us along the way. This episode is full of gems on purpose, comparison, and the importance of getting connected to others who see where you are going. If...
Published 02/21/21
Releasing on Valentine's Day, this episode is full of LOVE! We often experience different types of love from our relationships with others, but God's love is consistent and unconditional. Lady J is dropping gems on God's love, the importance of self-love, and breaking down the 5 love languages. She keeps it real as she shares her journey of self-love and how she began to discover God's love. There are so many nuggets to take away so grab your notebook!  (Guest) Lady J   ...
Published 02/14/21
This kingdom walk is a marathon, not a sprint! Have you ever felt like you were getting tired or tempted during your kingdom walk? Well, this episode is for you. We’re talking about all things motivation during the marathon. JimDre Westbrook is sharing gems on how to stay motivated while waiting, during a celibacy journey, and when implementing God ideas. It is so important to stay rooted in prayer, writing things down/journaling, and to develop accountability partners during the journey....
Published 02/07/21
Our generation has a tendency to say things twice...it's serious and cemented when you say it twice. (lol) The concept of being #savedsaved is really being sold out for God, going all-in while living a life for Him. However, we often straddle the fence, afraid of what we'll lose or how people will respond to our new lifestlye. Our guest, Jeremy Ashe, used the term #savedsaved with Dr. LaTanya and it was taken out of context. There's so much revelation in this episode that shows why you must...
Published 01/31/21
Have you ever wondered how to turn a good idea into a God idea? Maybe it's wondering how to manifest your God-given ideas but creating a plan. Well, this episode is for you. This episode is all about praying and planning so that you can prosper. Dr. Moore is sharing several techniques and practical skills that she uses personally and during her workshops. God is sending right now words, words that should be manifested fully into the world. If you are ready to take things to the next level and...
Published 01/24/21
Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about sowing? Or maybe how to reap a harvest by sowing a "seed"? Well, this episode of you. Many of us don't understand the true principles of sowing a seed and our knowledge is based on what "someone" told us. There are so many benefits of sowing a seed including breaking the cycle of poverty off of your life. It's time to put a seed in the ground and increase our faith and belief in how God is going to multiply it. If you a getting feed by a...
Published 01/17/21
We are all called to pray for others however intercession is a specific God-given gift of prayer. Did you know that God has called you to specific issues, people, problems, and systems? It is so important to understand who you are called to intercede for and how to activities resources on their behalf. Often, we fail to pray specifically for those who are in our sphere of influence. If you are wondering how to pray for others by being more specific and how to find the specific group that you...
Published 01/10/21
This episode is a full of teaching, down-to-earth and fun of course, on the benefits of having your heavenly language. Have you ever wondered what speaking in tongues really does for your spirit? Why wait for the spirit to move when you can move spirit with your heavenly language. We are wrapping up the GIFTED. series by learning about the "maturation" gift of tongues. Dr. LaTanya shares her experience on how it changed her prayer life and activated new gifts. If you are ready to take your...
Published 01/03/21
This episode continues the conversation on spiritual gifts, with a special focus on motivational gifts. Did you know you have several gifts? We are breaking down types of gifts, helping you to identify yours, and sharing experiences to help you operate in your gifts. If you want to know more about your gifts and launch into MORE, this episode is for you. Heather Gilliam shares her experience so gracefully and helps us to understand how God works in our lives. Grab you GIFTED. products from...
Published 12/27/20
God has graced EVERY person with spiritual gifts! In this episode, we are covering all things manifestation and ministry gifts. Often, our gifts are directly related to our passions and things that are interesting to us. God has given power through our gifts but we must identify and activate them so we can operate in them. Dr. Andrea Hart is sharing her experience as well as teaching in the episode to help you walk boldly into your GIFTED season. If you are ready to tap into the gifts that...
Published 12/20/20
Have you been the person who flakes when you fast or are you dedicated to putting down your plate to hear from God? We are covering all things fasting in this episode with Eric Marsh who has developed a fasted lifestyle. Fasting is the ability to deny your flesh so that your spirit can be more sensitive. It increases your spiritual strength and allows you to have more clarity. Tap into this episode for growth! (Sponsor) Pink Salt Riot https://pinksaltriot.com/ ...
Published 12/13/20