Contributor(s): Haruhiko Kuroda, Richard Fisher, Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte, Jon Danielsson, Ulf Dahlsten, Luca Fantacci, Lars Jonung, Sheri Markose, Bao Mingyou, Adair Turner, Alan Wheatley, Yongding Yu, Jean-Pierre Zigrand | Have we done enough to avoid a new severe financial crisis? There are fundamental issues surrounding money creation, increased private debts and underestimated endogenous risks. Can the financial system operate in a way that better supports the real economy and...
Published 03/21/14
Contributor(s): Haruhiko Kuroda, Richard Fisher, Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte, Jon Danielsson, Ulf Dahlsten, Luca Fantacci, Lars Jonung, Sheri Markose, Bao Mingyou, Adair Turner, Alan Wheatley, Yongding Yu, Jean-Pierre Zigrand | Have we done enough to avoid a new severe financial crisis? There are fundamental issues surrounding money creation, increased private debts and underestimated endogenous risks. Can the financial system operate in a way that better supports the real economy and...
Published 03/21/14
Contributor(s): Haruhiko Kuroda, Richard Fisher, Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte, Jon Danielsson, Ulf Dahlsten, Luca Fantacci, Lars Jonung, Sheri Markose, Bao Mingyou, Adair Turner, Alan Wheatley, Yongding Yu, Jean-Pierre Zigrand | Have we done enough to avoid a new severe financial crisis? There are fundamental issues surrounding money creation, increased private debts and underestimated endogenous risks. Can the financial system operate in a way that better supports the real economy and...
Published 03/21/14
Contributor(s): Haruhiko Kuroda, Richard Fisher, Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte, Jon Danielsson, Ulf Dahlsten, Luca Fantacci, Lars Jonung, Sheri Markose, Bao Mingyou, Adair Turner, Alan Wheatley, Yongding Yu, Jean-Pierre Zigrand | Have we done enough to avoid a new severe financial crisis? There are fundamental issues surrounding money creation, increased private debts and underestimated endogenous risks. Can the financial system operate in a way that better supports the real economy and...
Published 03/21/14
Contributor(s): Haruhiko Kuroda, Richard Fisher, Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte, Jon Danielsson, Ulf Dahlsten, Luca Fantacci, Lars Jonung, Sheri Markose, Bao Mingyou, Adair Turner, Alan Wheatley, Yongding Yu, Jean-Pierre Zigrand | Have we done enough to avoid a new severe financial crisis? There are fundamental issues surrounding money creation, increased private debts and underestimated endogenous risks. Can the financial system operate in a way that better supports the real economy and...
Published 03/21/14
Contributor(s): Haruhiko Kuroda, Richard Fisher, Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte, Jon Danielsson, Ulf Dahlsten, Luca Fantacci, Lars Jonung, Sheri Markose, Bao Mingyou, Adair Turner, Alan Wheatley, Yongding Yu, Jean-Pierre Zigrand | Have we done enough to avoid a new severe financial crisis? There are fundamental issues surrounding money creation, increased private debts and underestimated endogenous risks. Can the financial system operate in a way that better supports the real economy and...
Published 03/21/14
Contributor(s): Haruhiko Kuroda, Richard Fisher, Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte, Jon Danielsson, Ulf Dahlsten, Luca Fantacci, Lars Jonung, Sheri Markose, Bao Mingyou, Adair Turner, Alan Wheatley, Yongding Yu, Jean-Pierre Zigrand | Have we done enough to avoid a new severe financial crisis? There are fundamental issues surrounding money creation, increased private debts and underestimated endogenous risks. Can the financial system operate in a way that better supports the real economy and...
Published 03/21/14
Contributor(s): Professor Robert J Barro | The Stern Review's evaluation of environmental protection relies on extremely low discount rates, an assumption criticized by many economists. The Review also stresses that great uncertainty is a critical element for optimal environmental policies. An appropriate model for this policy analysis requires sufficient risk aversion and fat-tailed uncertainty to get into the ballpark of explaining the observed equity premium. A satisfactory framework,...
Published 03/20/14
Contributor(s): Daniel Finkelstein | To mark the completion of the Saw Swee Hock Student Centre, the first brand new building on campus for more than 40 years, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and the LSE Students’ Union have organised a series of ‘in conversation’ events with some of the School's distinguished alumni. These events will take place in the Saw Swee Hock Student Centre and will be open to LSE students, alumni and staff. This event will see Daniel...
Published 03/20/14
Contributor(s): Professor Wouter Den Haan | This lecture looks at the real and perceived weaknesses, strengths and challenges of modern macroeconomics. Wouter Den Haan is co-director of the Centre for Macroeconomics at LSE.
Published 03/19/14
Contributor(s): Professor Raymond Hinnebusch | This talk will examine Iraq-Syria relations with the aim of using their changing relations as indicators of changes in the regional states and regional states system. It will therefore use the current relationship as emblematic of the current state of the states system in MENA. Raymond Hinnebusch is professor of international relations and Middle East politics at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, co-founder of the Institute for the study...
Published 03/19/14
Contributor(s): Jonathan Fenby, Isabel Hilton, Wu Jian Min | Jonathan Fenby will talk about the theme of his new book Will China Dominate the 21st Century? Jonathan Fenby is the China director at the research service Trusted Sources. Isabel Hilton is a journalist and the editor of China Dialogue.net Wu Jian Min is former Chinese ambassador to France and vice chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee and spokesman of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).
Published 03/18/14
Contributor(s): Sharon Meers | What would happen if more men, women and managers knew things like this: children of dual-career couples do at least as well as kids with a parent at home; divorce risk is 50% lower when couples evenly share the roles of making money and caring for kids; men don't value their careers any more than women do -- and men are better off when they invest time in their kids; teams that work fewer hours produce higher quality work – even in the most demanding...
Published 03/17/14
Contributor(s): Aidan Davy, Richard Meeran, Juan Pablo Sáenz, Jake White | A panel of international legal and industry experts discuss the fraught world of environmental justice, human rights, minerals and mining and explain why it should be of concern to us all. The EJOLT project (Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade) will also launch its global map of environmental (in)justice. Aidan Davy is deputy president and senior program director at the International Council for...
Published 03/13/14
Contributor(s): Martin Lewis | To mark the completion of the Saw Swee Hock Student Centre, the first brand new building on campus for more than 40 years, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and the LSE Students’ Union have organised a series of ‘in conversation’ events with some of the School's distinguished alumni. These events will take place in the Saw Swee Hock Student Centre and will be open to LSE students, alumni and staff. This event will see Martin Lewis in...
Published 03/13/14
Contributor(s): Mary Robinson, Professor Lord Stern, Sharan Burrow, Caio Koch-Weser, Marvin Nala, Sheela Patel, Henry Shue, Dessima Williams | LSE's Institute of Public Affairs and the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment invite you to an innovative public session which will explore who constitutes the innocent, how they are impacted by climate change and how they lack access to power. It will consider if these issues can be overcome and suggest ways in which they...
Published 03/13/14
Contributor(s): Professor Linda Colley | The onset and proliferation of new written constitutions after 1787 presented successive governments in the UK with both opportunities and challenges. Through its empire and international heft, the UK came to draft and influence more constitutions in more parts of the world in the 19th and 20th centuries than any other power. Yet governments have always resisted the introduction of a written constitution in the UK itself. Other states need their...
Published 03/13/14
Contributor(s): George Soros, Anatole Kaletsky | This event marks the publication of George Soros' new book, Tragedy of the European Union: Disintegration or Revival?: How Europe Must Now Choose Between Economic and Political Revival or Disintegration in which he reveals the roots of Europe's current financial crisis and comprehensively assesses the consequences of that crisis for the global economy and on the political ideals embodied by the European Union. In this concise and illuminating...
Published 03/13/14
Contributor(s): Theodore Pelagidis | The emergence of the current crisis, and its handling by successive Greek governments once the crisis led to the loss of the confidence markets had in the Greek government, has led many opinion leaders and academics to express doubts with respect to the wisdom of the decision of Greece to participate in the final stage of the EMU, and correspondingly of the European Union bodies to accept Greece in the final stage of the EMU. This paper/presentation...
Published 03/11/14
Contributor(s): Professor Timothy Snyder | The opening of borders and archives has permitted a much fuller acquaintance with the victims of the Holocaust as well as with the motivation and behaviours of the German perpetrators and the East Europeans who aided them in the murder. Must the national history of Eastern Europe now collapse into nothing more than a prehistory of catastrophe? Timothy Snyder is Philippe Roman Chair in History and International Affairs at LSE IDEAS for 2013-14.
Published 03/11/14
Contributor(s): Alison Nimmo | In the past 10 years London has seen the resurgence of Regent Street to one of the globe’s most iconic streets and the regeneration of London’s East End catalysed by London 2012. Hear from Alison Nimmo who helped to win and deliver the Olympic Park and is now chief executive of the Crown Estate, a business that is using its expertise and extraordinary assets to transform the heart of London’s West End. Alison Nimmo joined The Crown Estate as chief executive in...
Published 03/11/14
Contributor(s): Dr Yvan Guichaoua, Imad Mesdoua | The South of Algeria belongs to the widely integrated Saharan political economy also composed of large chunks of the Malian and Nigerian territories. As such, Algeria plays a key role in the livelihoods (through licit or illicit means), and geographical social and political mobility of Sahelian communities, using borders as resources and connected to each other through transnational networks. But Algeria is also a powerful hegemon trying to...
Published 03/10/14
Contributor(s): Professor Rajeev Bhargava | It is widely recognized that political secularism virtually everywhere in the world is in crisis. It is also acknowledged that to overcome this crisis, secularism needs to be reimagined and reconceptualised. In this lecture Rajeev Bhargava takes the first steps towards this. He argues that we need to move away from the standard church-state models of secularism and begin to focus instead on secularism as a response to deep religious diversity. He...
Published 03/10/14
Contributor(s): Anne Applebaum, Sir Rodric Braithwaite, Ben Judah, Olexiy Solohubenko | It was meant to be a moment of glory for Vladimir Putin, basking in the glow from a successful winter Olympics. Instead the world's attention was drawn away from the ski slopes of Sochi and towards the barricades of central Kyiv. The violence on the streets was the latest chapter in the long and unpredictable aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union. For the Kremlin, the Ukrainian revolution was a...
Published 03/07/14
Contributor(s): Sabrina Mahfouz plus special guests | Join award-winning poet and playwright Sabrina Mahfouz and special guests for an evening of live literature, performance and debate, as she explores climate change in the UK through storytelling and lively poetry performances. Special guests include performers and artists Deanna Rodger, Raymond Antrobus, Zia Ahmed and David Buckland, alongside climate change experts from the LSE. This free event, which reflects upon the risks of, and...
Published 03/06/14