The Gita Series - A triune pilgrimage - 129 - Ch 09 - Slokas 27 to 29 "Whatsoever you do, whatsoever you eat, whatsoever you offer, whatsoever you give away, whatsoever austerity you practise, O Arjuna, do that as an offering to Me."
Published 05/21/24
This series is a discussion on Bhagawan's writings on various topics which are available as the Vahini series of books. Prema Vahini is Swami's first book.
Published 05/20/24
Discussion on Discourse 8 (May 28, 1991, Morning) Among the thousands of discourses delivered by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, those that He gave as part of the Summer Course series are remarkably special. They are focused on specific spiritual themes, and as they are for youngsters, the elucidation is gradual. In this series, members of Radio Sai and some senior devotees, go through the discourses delivered as part of the 1991 Summer Course Series. 'Shravanam Mananam Nidhidhyasanam' which...
Published 05/18/24
The Gita Series - A triune pilgrimage - 128 - Ch 09 - Sloka 26 पत्रम् पुष्पम् फलम् तोयम् यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति... Whoever offers to Me, with devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water...
Published 05/14/24
This is a discussion on Bhagawan's own writing "Prema Vahini" that was published in the 1950s and 60s in the Sanathana Sarathi magazine of the Prasanthi Nilayam ashram.
Published 05/13/24
This is a discussion on Bhagawan's own writing "Prema Vahini" that was published in the 1950s and 60s in the Sanathana Sarathi magazine of the Prasanthi Nilayam ashram.
Published 05/13/24
Discussion on Discourse 8 (May 28, 1991, Morning) Among the thousands of discourses delivered by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, those that He gave as part of the Summer Course series are remarkably special. They are focused on specific spiritual themes, and as they are for youngsters, the elucidation is gradual. In this series, members of Radio Sai and some senior devotees, go through the discourses delivered as part of the 1991 Summer Course Series. 'Shravanam Mananam Nidhidhyasanam' which...
Published 05/11/24
The Gita Series - A triune pilgrimage - 127 - Ch 09 - Sloka 25 & 26 Yoga-kshema-centred approach vs Bhakti-centred approach
Published 05/07/24
This is a discussion on Bhagawan's own writing "Prema Vahini" that was published in the 1950s and 60s in the Sanathana Sarathi magazine of the Prasanthi Nilayam ashram.
Published 05/06/24
Discussion on Discourse 7 (May 27, 1991) Among the thousands of discourses delivered by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, those that He gave as part of the Summer Course series are remarkably special. They are focused on specific spiritual themes, and as they are for youngsters, the elucidation is gradual. In this series, members of Radio Sai and some senior devotees, go through the discourses delivered as part of the 1991 Summer Course Series. 'Shravanam Mananam Nidhidhyasanam' which can be...
Published 05/04/24
This episode shares the story of how it is to be with Bhagawan in Kodai Kanal from a students' and devotees perspective.
Published 05/01/24
The Gita Series - A triune pilgrimage - 126 - Ch 09 - Sloka 22 to 24 Yogakshemam Vahamyaham
Published 04/30/24
This is a discussion on Bhagawan's own writing "Prema Vahini" that was published in the 1950s and 60s in the Sanathana Sarathi magazine of the Prasanthi Nilayam ashram.
Published 04/29/24
This is the episode which helps one to learn a Sai bhajan with explanations on its tune, rhythm and meaning of the lyrics.
Published 04/28/24
Discussion on Discourse 7 (May 27, 1991) Among the thousands of discourses delivered by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, those that He gave as part of the Summer Course series are remarkably special. They are focussed on specific spiritual themes, and as they are for youngsters, the elucidation is gradual. In this series, members of Radio Sai and some senior devotees, go through the discourses delivered as part of the 1991 Summer Course Series. 'Shravanam Mananam Nidhidhyasanam' which can be...
Published 04/27/24
This is a conversation series with former students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning wherein they share their learnings and experiences that shaped their life and living.
Published 04/26/24
The Gita Series - A triune pilgrimage - 125 - Ch 09 - Sloka 22 ananyāśh chintayanto māṁ - one who thinks of Me alone...
Published 04/25/24
Discussion on Discourse 7 (May 27, 1991) Among the thousands of discourses delivered by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, those that He gave as part of the Summer Course series are remarkably special. They are focussed on specific spiritual themes, and as they are for youngsters, the elucidation is gradual. In this series, members of Radio Sai and some senior devotees, go through the discourses delivered as part of the 1991 Summer Course Series. 'Shravanam Mananam Nidhidhyasanam' which can be...
Published 04/20/24
This is the inspiring story of Saint Andal who rose to be a Goddess in the Indian tradition.
Published 04/20/24
This is a conversation series with former students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning wherein they share their learnings and experiences that shaped their life and living.
Published 04/19/24
The Gita Series - A triune pilgrimage - 124 - Ch 09 - Sloka 20 & 21 The concept of Swarga or Heaven
Published 04/16/24
This is a conversation series which offers you interviews with people who have had blessed moments with Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba or have been touched by His Love in myriad ways.   This is an offering from the Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre, Prasanthi Nilayam.
Published 04/16/24
Discussion on Discourse 7 (May 27, 1991) Among the thousands of discourses delivered by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, those that He gave as part of the Summer Course series are remarkably special. They are focussed on specific spiritual themes, and as they are for youngsters, the elucidation is gradual. In this series, members of Radio Sai and some senior devotees, go through the discourses delivered as part of the 1991 Summer Course Series. 'Shravanam Mananam Nidhidhyasanam' which can be...
Published 04/15/24
The Gita Series - A triune pilgrimage - 123 - Ch 09 - Sloka 16 to 19 I am the goal, the support, the Lord, the witness, the abode, the refuge, the friend, the origin, the dissolution, the foundation, the seed...
Published 04/10/24
Discussion on Discourse 7 (May 27, 1991) Among the thousands of discourses delivered by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, those that He gave as part of the Summer Course series are remarkably special. They are focussed on specific spiritual themes, and as they are for youngsters, the elucidation is gradual. In this series, members of Radio Sai and some senior devotees, go through the discourses delivered as part of the 1991 Summer Course Series. 'Shravanam Mananam Nidhidhyasanam' which can be...
Published 04/06/24