Headline Day: Containment Uncontained – the Dulles Brothers and the Lukewarm War
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Today we look at the story of the Dulles Brothers, movers and shakers, or unravellers, actually - in the earliest years of the 20th century. Their influence in American politics is astonishing on several levels. You may have heard of Dulles International Airport, so the name might ring a bell. But their lives of privilege and influence shaped this nation like no other men could have. From a season of espionage following the first World War,  on up to the Bay of Pigs disaster under Kennedy, the entire span of that time belongs to them. Why should we care? Because God is allowing us to see the curtain pulled back just enough to reinforce the fact that spiritual influences in high places enslave more people than we can possibly comprehend. The Cold War, the CIA, regime changes in the 50s, Vietnam - all of these things have the Dulles signature all over them. Only the gospel frees a man.  A fascinating hour of dot connecting.   Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! https://www.redpillprints.com/stand-up-for-the-truth - Thanks for YOUR Support!
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