How do Star Trek's most powerful creatures relate to Jewish ideas of the divine? Reb Alert guest Rabbi Mimon Mamane of Congregation Magen David of Manhattan talks to us about monotheism, as well as HaSatan (the Accuser), Malachim (angels) and Sheydim (demons). Hava and Josh consider how this stacks up against Q, Nagilum, the Organians and the entity inhabiting Sha Ka Ree.
Published 03/25/20
Voyager's "Day of Honor" is Trek's only Yom Kippur special. Reb Alert guest Rabbi Steve Wernick explains the concepts of "teshuva" and "vidui". Hava and Josh explore why B'Elana Torres--a secular Klingon--feels connected to this most important Klingon holiday, and question if Seven of Nine's teshuva is adequate, or even necessary.
Published 02/25/20
Introductory episode. We discuss goals of the show and situate ourselves in the Jewish world and Star Trek world. We question if this show should even exist given Gene Roddenberry's views on religion, discuss the explicit mentions of Jews in Star Trek, and explore the portrayal of Jews in contemporary TV. Special guest Rabbi Steve Wernick.
Published 02/18/20