Cortica - Igal Raichelgauz by Startup Camel
Published 12/15/17
EduTogether - Aryeh Eisenberg by Startup Camel
Published 12/13/17
Abilisense empowers IoT with Smart Listening Abilities, a Black-box that interprets sounds to alerts, for smart devices, applications and services. Established in 2015, and has been covered all over the world for their ground-breaking technology. Till today, they have sold over 100 thousand licenses, for sound analysis. Use case example: Your mother is home alone and suddenly slips and falls down, her smart-TV, with AbiliSense Technology, will send an alert to you immediately.
Published 12/11/17
Kanabo Research is a biotech company pioneering cutting edge solutions in the medical cannabis industry. Kanabo brings together decades of experience in some of the most important fields revolutionizing the medical world; including extraction technologies, medical devices, delivery systems and more. Kanabo’s mission is to provide turnkey solutions to licensed companies looking to expand their product offering, generate new revenue streams and learn the most advanced technologies developed in...
Published 12/09/17
WeKast makes it easy to connect screens together and share any experiences anywhere. WeKast's mission is to put an end to the painful presentation process that wastes time by creating a setup-free personal presentation solution that is compatible with all mobile devices. It connects to any screen and lets you present straight from your smartphone.
Published 12/08/17
NeuroApplied empowers Brand Managers and Consumer Insight Researchers in understanding their customers’ thoughts and quantifying them. Our technology accurately measures the true brand perception by consumers. Unlike traditional market research methods, our tool reads subconscious perceptions objectively. It does it in a fast, convenient and fun way. We use Neuro-Cognitive science combined with Deep Neural Networks algorithms and gamification to come up with a state of the art method that...
Published 12/04/17
eMojo Digital Marketing is an international data-driven full-service online marketing agency with offices in NYC and Tel Aviv. eMojo has been managing the online marketing efforts for both startups and global enterprises such as Disney, Samsung, Discount Bank, Electra, Hilton and more.
Published 11/27/17
Payoneer empowers global commerce by connecting businesses, professionals, countries and currencies with its innovative cross-border payments platform. In today’s borderless digital world, Payoneer enables millions of businesses and professionals from more than 200 countries to reach new audiences by facilitating seamless, cross-border payments. Additionally, thousands of leading corporations including Amazon, Airbnb, Getty Images, Google, and Upwork rely on Payoneer’s mass payout...
Published 11/20/17
Logz.io - Tomer Levy by Startup Camel
Published 11/13/17
Augury - Gal Shaul by Startup Camel
Published 11/06/17
Fetchy - Gilad Salinger by Startup Camel
Published 10/30/17
Seegnature - Yair Ravid by Startup Camel
Published 10/23/17
Intezer - Itai Tevet by Startup Camel
Published 10/16/17
Farm Dog - Michael Hermon by Startup Camel
Published 10/06/17
88: Soomla created God Mode for game developers (Feat Yaniv Nitzan, Soomla) by Startup Camel
Published 03/10/16
87: Create pixel-perfect, responsive websites for your clients. Code-free (Shmulik Grizim, Webydo) by Startup Camel
Published 01/24/16
86: Real Estate Investment, Simplified (Feat Lior Herman, Estatya) by Startup Camel
Published 11/24/15
85: A framework to tackle challenges of people around the world (Feat Arnon Zamir, TOM) by Startup Camel
Published 10/09/15
84: Israeli startups on the New York map with Guy Franklin by Startup Camel
Published 09/17/15
83: The COO of a billion dollar company Nir Zohar tells the story of Wix by Startup Camel
Published 08/24/15
SC 82: Innovation for survival – This is how ebay does it (Feat Sergio Gonzales, eBay) by Startup Camel
Published 08/11/15
PowToon's co-founder talks about using low-budget hacks to grow startups and how his company turned customer pain points into 5 million users
Published 07/13/15
80: Proven Tips for Managing Your Startup Like a Boss (Feat Oren Kaniel, CEO of AppsFlyer) by Startup Camel
Published 07/06/15
FeeX, the next startup by Waze co-founder, Uri levine, has already saved its users more than $300M. See how it's changing lives across the world.
Published 06/29/15
How can a small startup get Fast Company, Techcrunch, and many to write about it? Zula's CMO, Hilel Fuld, shares how his startup did just that
Published 06/15/15