Welcome to a bonus episode where I feature my first guest from Melbourne! Thanks to Jai for featuring in this podcast and coming along to experience being a model in some food photography 😂… follow my instagram (eating_with_joy) for behind the scenes sneaky shots I took.. we also worked with a professional model/actor! We also talk about working from home VS having going into work and we learn about what IT people do… **sorry about the bad sound quality as we were recording while walking his...
Published 09/01/23
I’ve prerecorded this episode u pdates on my life! I am finally an official Victorian citizen now! And I am also broke..coz car rego is so much more expensive here…. i also I go through what I should stop buying at the super market.. check out my instagram food blog: eating_with_joy
Published 08/29/23
Literally a whole episode of me trying to think how I can save money in this day and age..#moderndaypoverty
Published 08/22/23
Celebrating three years In Melbourne.. 🥶…talk about lucid dreaming!
Published 08/15/23
Apologies , I’ve been sooo tired that I can’t remember if I have already recapped my weekend shenanigans 🥲.. I had an interview for a senior pharmacist role 😪😪😪💤… follow me on ig; eating _with_joy
Published 08/08/23
Finally tried bouldering for the first time! Have to say this is incredibly fun, yet painful exercise 😂… it’s said to be addictive and injury is sure to happen…
Published 08/04/23
*Spoiler alert* Only listen if you have already seen the Barbie movie or don’t plan to watch it.. !! Really recommend watching it though! Follow me on my food instagram for daily content: eating_with_joy
Published 08/01/23
Medical update on all the medical things happening to me… also what are my green in a potential partner? Are they just opposite to dating icks? Let me know what are green flags for you 💚
Published 07/25/23
Have you ever thought about what turns you off certain people on dating apps and on dates? They might not have started as deal breakers, but in the early days of dating it can be enough to stop you from seeing them again 🤔.
Published 07/23/23
Dating app reviews! What’s the common connection between Hinge, Tinder, Badoo, East meets east, Bumble, Coffee meets Bagel… ? I’ve signed up for them all (and then shortly deleted them not long after). 🥹.. Dating is hard, I also go through my experience with a fuccboi.
Published 07/18/23
Today’s discussion revolves around how to save money, make the most of it, and getting freebies! Listen for all my hacks 😍.. make sure to follow and subscribe to this podcast 😍
Published 07/11/23
A review of the BEST and WORST purchases from Temu. Also whether this is a scam or legit!
Published 07/04/23
A deep reflection on life, death, and being hypochondriac 😓.. Is my new mole actually a skin cancer? Also, its almost tax time! Find out why I am so excited for 30th of June! Please follow the podcast on your listening platform and leave a review 🙏🏻
Published 06/27/23
Had a really traumatic time having my bloods taken last week in Adelaide 😭.. Why am I so scared of needles, yet I was able to take other people’s bloods and give injections? Also, I can sympathise with patients in hospital patients and why they would want to leave 😭.. Also, I’ am sick again 🥹
Published 06/20/23
I don’t plan to have kids😅 it’s so expensive! I can barely afford to survive on my own 🥲. Physically and mentally I don’t feel like I am fit to be a mother😅.. but don’t get me wrong I love playing with my niece and nephew ❤️..what are your thoughts of having a kid? Leave a comment in reviews ✌️
Published 06/13/23
1 week post surgery and finally have my bandages off my ear and have FINALLY been able to wash my hair again 🎉! I’ve never felt so gross in my life! Also been having night sweats every nighttt.. not sure why😅
Published 05/25/23
Had my keloid ear surgery this week! Been waiting for months to have it done and have been eagerly waiting for work to give me time off to do it 😓😓.. you would be surprised what was the worst part of this ordeal 🤣🤣…
Published 05/20/23
Recently I have been dealing with more patients than I have ever… patients be suddenly deteriorating and I can almost know and feel when a patient is going to die..😅😅 . In this episode I also talk about my obsession with the Temu Fishland game and how I think it’s a clever scam😂… my mum is also coming this Sunday on mother’s day and eek I have not bought a present yet🥹
Published 05/11/23
Online dating = chadfishes, ghosting, catfishing, plain assholes … and yeah a lot of people wanting ONS or lying 😅.. you can really anyone online these days!
Published 05/02/23
Last week was a shorter working week, but it was full of events. Came back to a patient needing a codeblack … I also got my hair straightened on Monday and couldn’t get it wet for 3 days..😭
Published 04/16/23
Went back to the neurologist again and this time I am finally able to move onto injectable medications for my migraines.. Not sure if I am confident enough to do them myself.. and my first time spending Easter not in Adelaide… Apologies I had my dryer running in the back ground! So noisy🥲
Published 04/08/23
Hmm how do you think a beggar looks like? Did you ever think it would look like a 30 something working professional working in a hospital? Well it is.. I’ve never been so broke.. and I struggle to save any money after all my mortgage, medical, insurance, and bills are paid 🥲.. this is the life of a modern day beggar.. in the society where mortgage rates go up.. but our wages do not.
Published 03/27/23
New hospital rotation headaches 😭.. no swipe card access for 3 days? Having to do lunch cover? No staff to cover? No stock? Desk in the middle of the nurses station? Literally listen to me whinge about being a hospital pharmacist for 30 minutes 😂.. someone please offer me another job with same or higher pay please 🙏🏻..
Published 03/23/23
Being oncall screwed up your mental health, sorry, and your normal working day… It’s the most harsh thing to impose upon someone and I don’t understand how you can still work during the day and have to do it at night.. literally No work life balance..and no time off. It made me realise..Do I really want this life for myself? What can I do otherwise?
Published 03/12/23
The joys of hosting my first ever house warming party and noticing all the strange things that guests do and don’t do… and would I do it again? P.S Happy Valentines Day!
Published 02/14/23