Welcome to Straight Up Dog Talk! On our very first episode you will meet your Podcast Host Em and Producer Josh. This episode is just the first of MANY conversations we will be having about all things dog related!  From training tactics to breed banning, end-of-life care to pet nutrition, no topic is off limits on the Straight Up Dog Talk podcast. Here, dog experts and owners come together to share their stories and what they’ve learned along the way. Vulnerable and unfiltered, Straight Up...
Published 01/03/24
Can you imagine being offered $250 to turn over your beloved dog and euthanize it?   There is a lot of speculation about what IS going to happen with the Bully Ban in the UK. The descriptions and measurements provided on the government website are vague and best. UK owners are rightfully upset, confused and working hard to try to mitigate losing their dogs in this ban.   On this episode, Charleigh and her mother Nichola tell us all about their dog Enzo and the issues that they have faced...
Published 01/03/24
Training methods have evolved SO much in the past 20 years!   Methods and “certain” trainers that were popular in 2002 are now the bane of the training world. While many types of training are available, balanced and force-free seem to be the most popular types currently.   In this episode, we will chat with Lauren, a CPDT-KA. (Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed) about outdated training methods. Specifically on dominant and forced behavior training and why it is dangerous...
Published 01/03/24
Straight Up Dog Talk is COMING SOON!How soon you ask? Look for the Season 1 Release on 01/03/2024!On our final teaser episode, Em meets with Mattison and Jerri of unPACKed Podcast to make a BIG announcement!Catch up on Season 1 of unPACKed while you wait for Straight Up Dog to release on 01/03/2024 as well as Season 2 of unPACKed on 01/04/2024!Check out Mattison and Jerri’s Training pages as well as unPACKed on Instagram to listen today!Mattison’s Instagram:...
Published 12/06/23
A safe space for dog owners and experts to navigate tough topics. Coming soon!
Published 10/30/23