Buck is back to discuss what it means to be dead to the world.
Published 01/26/24
Fr John Whiteford joined me once again to give an update on the Ukrainian government and its schismatic church's persecution of monks and parishioners in Ukraine, replacement theology, and the Israel Hamas war.
Published 01/18/24
David Gornoski is back to discuss the direction of history, how Christians can direct technology, and the importance of a correct worldview to operate from.
Published 01/12/24
Thomas is back to discuss how WW2 reconstructed America.
Published 12/22/23
Pete joined me to discuss the occupation of the west by Zionists and Global Elites determined to import incongruent cultures into western societies in order to destroy western cultures and wealth.
Published 12/08/23
Coop and Thomas takes us all on a journey through the philosophy surrounding reality. This outline will prepare us for a series in which these two Goliaths walk us through the history of philosophy and technological evolution.
Published 12/02/23
Matthew Hoh and Kym Robinson joined me to discuss the US empire, then, after Matt had to go, Kym and I continue the conversation and move into MMA and BKFC.
Published 11/24/23
I invited Kyle, Buck, and Julie on to chat about the redpill mindset and the orthodox mindset on relationships.
Published 11/16/23
LB joined me to talk about the macro view of current events.
Published 10/26/23
Kyle joined me to discuss the latest news about the Israeli war and America's role in the Middle East. Conflicts of Interest Antiwar.com The Marc Clair Show Discord Year Zero YouTube Libertarian Institute 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Patreon Subscribe at Rumble Autonomy Virtual Fox N Sons Coffee Promo Code Zero for 18% off any Purchase of $25 or more
Published 10/19/23
Dave DeCamp of Antiwar.com joined me to discuss the Israel v Hamas conflict, Ukraine v Russia, Americas role: is this the beginning of a new World War? Antiwar.com Antiwar News The Marc Clair Show Discord Year Zero YouTube Libertarian Institute 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Patreon Subscribe at Rumble Autonomy Virtual Fox N Sons Coffee Promo Code Zero for 18% off any Purchase of $25 or more
Published 10/17/23
Adam joined me to begin digging into Thomas Malthus' famous essay on the Principle of Population, and how we see these ideas continue to today Adam Patrick Substack The Marc Clair Show Discord Year Zero YouTube Libertarian Institute 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Patreon Subscribe at Rumble Autonomy Virtual Fox N Sons Coffee Promo Code Zero for 18% off any Purchase of $25 or more  
Published 09/28/23
Adam joins the show again to discuss new revelations surrounding 9/11 Adam Reading Canastraro Declaration Substack The Marc Clair Show Discord Year Zero YouTube Libertarian Institute 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Patreon Subscribe at Rumble Autonomy Virtual Fox N Sons Coffee Promo Code Zero for 18% off any Purchase of $25 or more  
Published 09/28/23
I joined Jason and Mark on 2Bit Podcast to discuss Dugin, Trump, and Transgendering kids.,
Published 09/08/23
Courtenay is back to discuss Fabianism, culture, control and the future. Courtenay Turner Podcast The Marc Clair Show Discord Year Zero YouTube Libertarian Institute 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Patreon Subscribe at Rumble Autonomy Virtual Fox N Sons Coffee Promo Code Zero for 18% off any Purchase of $25 or more
Published 08/31/23
Rachel and Rose joined me to discuss the project, The Underground Cotillion, that they have been working on. From matchmaking to community building, The Underground Cotillion offers direction for people that are feeling alone and left out of society. The Underground Cotillion Give-Send-Go Plan The Marc Clair Show Discord Year Zero YouTube Libertarian Institute 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Patreon Subscribe at Rumble Autonomy Virtual Fox N Sons Coffee...
Published 08/24/23
Justin returnsa to discuss the FBI shooting in Utah, Social Media social engineering, and Rich Men North of Richmond.
Published 08/19/23
Spike Cohen joined me to discuss the case of Gastonia, NC working to shut down a church that has been acting as a homeless shelter, and an unsolved murder case in Mississippi. You Are The Power The Marc Clair Show Discord Year Zero YouTube Libertarian Institute 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Patreon Subscribe at Rumble Autonomy Virtual Fox N Sons Coffee Promo Code Zero for 18% off any Purchase of $25 or more
Published 08/11/23
Kyle joined me once again. This time we chat about recent events in life, and the presidential candidates.
Published 08/11/23
Scott joined me to chat about the latest news in the Russia Ukraine war. The Marc Clair Show Discord Year Zero YouTube Libertarian Institute 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Patreon Subscribe at Rumble Autonomy Virtual Fox N Sons Coffee Promo Code Zero for 18% off any Purchase of $25 or more
Published 07/21/23
I joined 2Bit podcast for a relaxed conversation about UFC fandom and manly baths. IT being 4th of July week I thought a nice chill episode would be a good change.
Published 07/07/23
Adam joins me once again to have a casual conversation about how our view of Christianity has evolved since discovering Orthodoxy The Age of Information The Marc Clair Show Discord Year Zero YouTube Libertarian Institute 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Patreon Subscribe at Rumble Autonomy Virtual Fox N Sons Coffee Promo Code Zero for 18% off any Purchase of $25 or more  
Published 06/30/23
David Gornoski joined me to discuss Jesus’ role as an archetype of masculinity. A Neighbor’s Choice The Marc Clair Show Discord Year Zero YouTube Libertarian Institute 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Patreon Subscribe at Rumble Autonomy Virtual Fox N Sons Coffee Promo Code Zero for 18% off any Purchase of $25 or more
Published 06/23/23
Fact Check This Podcast Libertarian Podcast Review The Marc Clair Show Discord Year Zero YouTube Libertarian Institute 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Patreon Subscribe at Rumble Autonomy Virtual Fox N Sons Coffee Promo Code Zero for 18% off any Purchase of $25 or more
Published 06/16/23
Matt Erickson and Buck Johnson join me to discuss the distractions of technology, and how to wade through the tumultuous waters of over stimulation. Kingpilled Counterflow The Marc Clair Show Discord Year Zero YouTube Libertarian Institute 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Patreon Subscribe at Rumble Autonomy Virtual Fox N Sons Coffee Promo Code Zero for 18% off any Purchase of $25 or more
Published 06/09/23