i had an epiphany recently and it's been really fascinating because it's about a belief that i've had that i wasn't fully conscious of. the subconscious belief that i've carried almost my whole life is that people who are harder to get are better. people who are harder to get can provide more value in my life. this is a belief that if i had spoken it sooner, i would've demolished it sooner because i know in my conscious brain that it’s not true. but for some reason, i've always believed...
Published 02/11/24
[video available on Spotify] This episode includes discussion of suicide. Please keep this in mind when deciding if, how and when you’ll listen. For resources on these topics, visit spotify.com/resources. i remember when i was little, i became obsessed with efficiency and with taking the least amount of steps to get everything done. that's why i'm excited to talk to tim ferriss. tim is a household name in the self-help world. why? because, wow, this guy is productive. he's an entrepreneur,...
Published 02/08/24
oh boy. do i have a story for you? yeah, i do. i have a story for you and i can almost promise you that i'm not gonna have another scary story to tell you for a few years because this doesn't happen to me very often. so don't get used to this. this is like a rare treat for all of us. so without further ado, let me walk you through something that happened to me a few days ago. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Published 02/04/24
[video available on spotify] today, i'm going to be talking fashion with the only person i wanna talk about fashion with, jared ellner, my stylist and fashion soulmate. i've always been into fashion, and i truly believe that my relationship with jared has allowed me to explore fashion with less of someone who's telling me what to do, and rather a partner in crime. we are true collaborators. i can't wait for you to hang out with jared because, my god, i love hanging out with him. he’s my...
Published 02/01/24
a few weeks ago, i was talking to a loved one, and they were talking about how easy it is to make ambient music. i said i wish i knew how to make ambient music, but there's no way i would figure it out. and they were like, emma, it's so easy, you can learn how to do it. and i realized, i have a problem. i have all these poisonous thoughts floating around my head about why i can't teach myself how to make ambient music. and i realized that that was a limiting belief. i've explored the topic of...
Published 01/28/24
[video available on spotify] today i have a real treat for you. my mother. my mom and i have a very special relationship. in my older age, i would argue we have a special friendship. she’s definitely one of the girls and today we’re going to hangout. it’s a mother-daughter date and you get to listen in on it. we both love to overshare, so it’s going to be totally fun. so here is my mommy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Published 01/25/24
you want to know what all the cool kids are talking about? what's going to be in in 2024 and what's going to be out in 2024. actually, it's what all the cool kids were talking about a few weeks ago. i'm a little late because i'm not on tiktok. so this week, i'm going to be discussing what i think is going to be out in 2024. let's get into it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Published 01/21/24
[video available on spotify] today we're going to be talking to my very own father, michael chamberlain, also known as “chamberlain paintings” on instagram. it's long overdue for me to talk to my dad because i don't think i would have a podcast without him. he's an oil painter, a musician, and he creates youtube videos. he's one of the most creative people i know. you're gonna love him and want him to take over the podcast. so here is a conversation with my wonderful dad, michael...
Published 01/18/24
apparently, all the cool kids have been discussing what they think is going to be in this year, and what they think is going to be out. normally i find out about these conversations three months late through instagram reels, and in really dark times, youtube shorts. but not this time. emma finally gets to participate in the trendy conversation that's happening. so in this episode, i'm gonna share what i think is going to be in in 2024. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 01/14/24
[video available on spotify] today we're talking about something that many think is not sexy: parenting. this is something that's particularly interesting to me because i want to have kids eventually, so i'm thinking about how i should be preparing myself to be a parent one day. how can i start now? and that's why i'm so excited to be talking to dr. aliza pressman today. she’s a developmental psychologist and host of the podcast, “raising good humans.” her first book comes out in january of...
Published 01/11/24
[video available on spotify] today i present to you, amanda montell: a writer, linguist, and fellow podcast host. amanda has written three books. one of them, the age of magical overthinking, is about to come out. today i want to zoom in on one of our many common interests. she wrote an entire book about cults, the language used in cults, and cult-like behavior, and i'm excited to discuss how we participate in cult-like behavior on a day-to-day basis without even realizing it. she's really...
Published 01/07/24
[video available on spotify] today i'm going to be interviewing one of my favorite, if not my favorite designers. she is the founder of her brand bode. maybe by definition bode is a men's wear brand, but bode is very much more than that. bode is a luxury brand with this sort of casual, vintage, eclectic edge. her brand is truly the epitome of vintage-inspired clothing, like she f*****g nails it. bode makes it feel like you plucked it out of a store in the fifties. the brand really is helping...
Published 01/04/24
[video available on spotify] today we're going to be talking to dr. lori gottlieb. she’s a psychotherapist, author of the new york times bestselling book “maybe you should talk to someone,” and co-host of the “dear therapists” podcast. she’s an expert on all things therapy, mental health, psychology, you name it. i wanna specifically talk to her about romantic relationships. there's a lot of challenges that come with dating in the age of technology, and i'm curious to talk to a...
Published 12/31/23
[video available on spotify] today we're going to be talking to michael bess. michael bess is chancellor's professor of history at vanderbilt university, where he has been teaching for the past 34 years. he's the author of five books, and a specialist in 20th and 21st century europe with a particular interest in the interactions between social and cultural processes and technological change. today i want to discuss with him how technology has impacted our quality of life over the past few...
Published 12/28/23
[video available on spotify] today we're going to be talking to one of my best friends, owen thiele. i am so excited to be interviewing a friend today because i just think it's gonna be a total hoot. owen and i have a lot in common: we're both only children, we have anxiety about the same things, we tend to like the same people… i absolutely adore him. owen is an incredible comedian and an incredible actor, and if you want to see owen in a movie, mark your calendar for july 14th and go see...
Published 12/24/23
[video available on Spotify] today i have a very special guest. someone who actually shifted my music taste in a big way. today we have mac demarco. when i was like 15 i found his music on vine, and i've been such a big fan ever since. i think what's so special about mac’s music is the way it always sounds like him. whether it's kind of funky, deep and sentimental, or just an instrumental, it always feels like him. his last album having almost 200 songs and being like nine hours long is so...
Published 12/21/23
[video available on Spotify] today i'm doing my very first interview. we're getting into serious podcast territory. i'm bringing dr. lembke on the show today because i've been obsessed with the sneaky addictions of our modern day. you know, the addictions that our grandparents and parents are warning us about: social media, food delivery, porn, gaming… all of the addictions that we're sort of in denial of. she describes the time that we're living in now as the age of indulgence, and i've...
Published 12/17/23
[video available on spotify] 2023 is almost over and in some ways thank god, and in some ways, oh no. i'm getting to the age where getting another year older is starting to become daunting. i don't want to think about how quickly time is moving, but i do still have the mental bandwidth to talk about fashion. so in honor of us approaching a new year, i thought i would predict some fashion trends for 2024. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Published 12/14/23
here we go, this is part two of breakup advice. this is about the equally challenging and arguably more complicated phase of the breakup. in some ways it's easier because you're through the thick of it. you've survived the first week or two after the breakup. but now you kind of have to get back to your life, and that's why it's complicated.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Published 12/10/23
breakups are almost an inevitable part of life. but despite how f*****g awful they are, they can also be really transformative in a positive way. i've gone through a handful of breakups throughout my life, and i've learned a lot. so i'm going to be doing multiple episodes of breakup advice. this is episode one, where i'm going to be talking about the period before the breakup, the breakup itself, and the week or two following the breakup. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 12/07/23
[video available on spotify] i spent the last few years peacefully unbothered by hookup culture. why? because it was none of my business. i was in a relationship and hookup culture is for the singles. but it's back on my mind because these days i'm back to being a lone wolf. and with that comes hookup culture being relevant in my life. i wanted to reexamine the concept with a fresh lens. so, you know what? i dabbled a little bit, and i wanna share what i found because i came out of it with...
Published 12/03/23
[video available on spotify] listen. nobody wants to talk about this. i'm talking about it but i don't want to because it's mortifying. this is a behavior that we all participate in privately. maybe we discuss this with our closest friends, but there's something so deeply personal and private about this that i'm absolutely terrified to discuss it today. but, you know what? we're doing it… social media stalking. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Published 11/30/23
[video available on spotify]  it's an online trend to post about wellness routines. well listen, i’m here to participate in the wellness content, because i’m about to lay out for you my wellness routine. and before you're like, "emma, no, stop. we don't care" - i know that. but i'm gonna tell you anyway. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Published 11/26/23
we all get embarrassed. it's part of being a human being. embarrassing things happen to me all the time, and that can't be prevented. but i think the feeling of embarrassment can be prevented. i used to think that it was sort of out of my control. but today i'm gonna be sharing with you how i keep embarrassment to a minimum in my life.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Published 11/23/23
[video available on spotify] i feel like everyone falls into one of two categories. category number one, mysterious unknown category. number two, super open, super honest, super vulnerable. i personally fall into the second category. everyone knows so much about me. mysterious people are the opposite. they keep all of their information close to heart and they never find themselves in a place where they're like, oh my god, everyone knows so much about me. and i envy that. so today i wanted to...
Published 11/19/23