Today on the show I have the absolute pleasure of chatting with my writing coach and mentor, Chloe Caldwell about her unconventional path to becoming a writer. We talk about the power of choosing yourself, how Chloe and I never finished college but managed to become published authors, why we'll never need trigonometry, how heartbreak is her favorite topic to write about, and so much more. Grab a cup of something yummy and get ready to dig in! CHLOE CALDWELL is the author of the essay...
Published 10/26/23
Click here to grab your spot for my brand new program ALL IN Today on the show, I'm taking you inside one of my favorite launches that resulted in $107,000 in sales. I don't believe in gatekeeping and I know that if I am able to consistently make this happen, you can too. Get a pen and a notebook and get ready to take some notes because I'm spilling all the tea! From the exact emails I sent, to how often I posted on social media and what I said - I'm walking you through the whole process....
Published 10/17/23
Style Your Mind is looking for partners! If you are interested in sponsoring the show and you are a woman-owned business, please email me at [email protected] for our media kit and rates. Also! She Comes First is open for enrollment. We kick off on 10/18 and spots are limited. If you are ready to transform your relationships and start moving with more confidence in your love life, click here to grab your spot! And finally, I have room for 1 new private business coaching + mentoring...
Published 10/09/23
One of my favorite mantras when it comes to building your empire and becoming truly iconic is, "Create what you wish existed" and that's exactly what today's guest has done. Erin Meyer, LCPC and founder of Mindful Healing Works, is dedicated to making mental health luxurious by up leveling the client experience and unraveling the barriers that hinder their well-being. From building the first-ever mind spa of its kind, to treating her clients with the respect and attention they deserve, Erin...
Published 10/09/23
Click here to grab your spot for She Comes First, my 6 week group coaching program Click here to subscribe to my blog  
Published 10/06/23
We're just a few weeks away from my first BIG event in New York City with my girl Victoria Jenn Rodriguez and YOU are invited! It's no secret that ambitious women and men are struggling to balance healthy relationships while trailblazing their professional path. At the #SecureTheBigBag + Love Unapologetically summit in New York City this November, experts will share tangible strategies on how you can have it all - the financial security, the confidence to ask for what you want and deserve,...
Published 09/24/23
Click here to apply for the Girl on Fire mastermind We have 3 months left in the year. What will you do with them? You may feel you desire more money, clients, love, or opportunities, but before you can claim those things you need one thing first, which is clarity. In today's epsiode, I'm sharing 3 powerful questions that will change everything for you. Grab a notebook, this is a good one!
Published 09/20/23
"Am I willing to be misunderstood?" is a question Lindsey Schwartz believes we must all ask ourselves as we decide to try something new and I could not agree more. How many times have you stopped yourself from pursuing a dream because you were afraid you might be judged or talked about? How many times have you held back on truly expressing yourself and creating the life you want because of the fear of being misunderstood? In today's episode, Lindsey and I dig into that and share some real,...
Published 09/11/23
Apply to the Girl on Fire mastermind here.   Get your ticket to the NYC Summit here.   Have you ever felt really excited about a big move in your business or your career but then immediately talked yourself out of it? Or maybe you felt super clear and then suddenly felt unsure about whether or not to move forward? In today’s episode I’m helping you get out of your own way so you can stop sabotaging your best ideas and start living the life you are meant to live. Today’s episode...
Published 09/08/23
If you’ve been building your brand for a while, and you have a nagging feeling like – there’s something more for me, like you are BURNT OUT on what you’ve been doing and you’re REALLY interested in something else, then this episode is for you.   OR, maybe you just started out and you feel like you chose the wrong niche, or you’re going in the wrong direction. Things just don’t feel aligned? Then this episode is for you.   Either way, if you are ready to pivot, to expand yourself,...
Published 08/31/23
Today I have Renee Bauer back on the show - a previous guest that I absolutely adore. Renee's tough love approach to life and love is sure to snap you out of victim mode, help you ditch your inner good girl, and finally start designing the life you deserve. As a divorce attorney, speaker, and author, Renee helps women overcome uncertainty, let go of unhealthy relationships, and step into their power. Pour a glass of wine and get ready to get your butt kicked in the best way! Pre-order...
Published 08/23/23
Today's epsiode is as empowering and educational as it is heartwarming. I'm talking to Julie Castro Abrams, who I've dubbed as the Fairy Godmother of Investing for women. Julie is the Founder + CEO of How Women Lead, as well as a gender and social justice activist who is actively changing the financial landscape for women in the world. Her latest project, The New Table, is essentially Girl Code for women and wealth. In today's conversation, Julie talks about the energetics and accessibility...
Published 08/02/23
Grab your seat for SHE COMES FIRST here.   Click here to apply for my private coaching program. Grace Jones once said, “In a room full of people, want yourself first” and that quote changed my life forever. Today we’re talking about how to get your POWER back in your dating life + relationships. I'm sharing my top tips on how to detach and choose yourself first.  
Published 06/28/23
Today's episode is a candid conversation about my divorce and all that has followed over the past three and a half years. A super vulnerable and personal account of what it looks like to start over at 40. Thanks for listening Join SHE COMES FIRST here: https://www.thechampagnediet.com/she-comes-first Click here to apply for my private coaching program.    
Published 06/20/23
There are more similiarites in our businesses and our relationships than I can count. And if one is out of whack, the other suffers! In this episode, I'm having a raw and candid convo with my girl Victoria Jenn Rodriguez, master mindset and business coach, about how we can all become more REAL in both areas of our lives. Click here to get on the waitlist for the Secure The Big Bag + Love Unapologetically summit happening in NYC this fall!
Published 06/16/23
I saw a quote this morning that inspired me. It's by Peter Diamandis and he said, "The challenge is that the day before something is truly a breakthrough, it's a crazy idea. And crazy ideas are very risky to attempt." If you've been stagnant and afraid to try something new, I hope this episode lights a fire in you! New RISKY things coming soon! Be sure to jump on my email list here so you don't miss a thing. Click here to apply for my private coaching program.
Published 06/13/23
We've all been there. We let a scary thought creep in about our business and suddenly, we're overwhelmed with fear and doubt and become paralyzed. It feels like nothing is ever going to work, nobody is ever going to buy from us, and all our ideas suck. In today's episode, I'm sharing my top tips on how to chill the f*ck out, get a grip, and get back into your power. Apply to my private coaching program here. Join the Girl on Fire Collective here.
Published 06/03/23
Today on the show I’m talking to Matt LeBris, award-winning entrepreneur and host of the Decoding Success podcast. I listen to Matt’s show, and recently I’ve heard him talking a lot about love and dating from the male perspective, so I thought it would be fun to have him on the show and ask him the questions me and my girls RACK our brains about when it comes to men.   With all the advice out there - from YouTube to TikTok to all the books that tell us what to do and what NOT to do when...
Published 05/25/23
Hey boo! Today's episode is all about the updates: what's happening in my world, what inspired my new blog, and news about the new book. Yay! Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and let's catch up, shall we? Subscribe to my new blog here. Coaching Queen is open for enrollment for a limited time. Enroll here. Work with me on designing YOUR brand. Book your power session here.
Published 05/20/23
I discovered Mayssa Chehata on TikTok a few months back and instantly loved her approach to life and love. As a fellow entrepreneur and young divorcee, Mayssa shares a similar perspective as I do when it comes to dating. In this raw and honest conversation, we discuss how to date from a place of empowerment rather than from our trauma, how to drop the shame around being ghosted or rejected by a man, how app culture has changed dating, and more. Pour a glass of wine and get ready to dive into...
Published 04/13/23
Enrollment is open for ICONIC at a very special price. Click here to grab your spot now! Can you imagine if your favorite store was too nervous to put their items on the shelves? Can you imagine if your favorite coach or mentor was too scared to put themselves out there and you never got to learn from them? Spending money on something you love that positively impacts your life is a beautiful thing. In today's episode, I'm helping you cultivate the queen-level confidence needed to put YOUR...
Published 03/28/23
Enrollment for my signature program, ICONIC, is open! Grab your spot here. Have you ever been told your dreams are silly or unrealistic? Have you ever been told you were delusional? Sadly, many of us are surrounded by people who lead basic lives and are quick to shoot down our big dreams, not because they hate us or want to see us fail, but because they truly don't think it's possible to live a really BIG life. In today's episode, I'm giving you the space and tools to feel safe expressing...
Published 03/25/23
Today on the show I'm talking to Val Jones, host of The Selfish Woman podcast and certified coach who has spent the last decade helping women burn the rule book, reinvent themselves, and take their power back. Val teaches and speaks from her own experiences of two divorces, emotional abuse, marriage to a narcissist, parenting three kids to adulthood, living as an expat in Spain, and reinventing herself at the age of 51. In today's episode, we discuss: >> How to know when its time to...
Published 03/25/23
We all tell ourselves lies about areas of our lives that we know feel off. But sometimes it's easier to deny our truth than face the reality of making changes. In today's episode I'm helping you identify where you may be abandoning your truth, and sharing tools on how you can create stronger standards and boundaries to live a better life.
Published 02/20/23
I am so excited to bring you today's episode! J'adore Lindsi Lane. She is one of the most genuine and kind women out there, and has built a career in fashion that is centered around lifting women up and helping them always find the silver lining (in a fabulous outfit to boot).   Lindsi shares how she got her start in fashion and how she's turned that career into a successful style influencer business, all while navigating the inevitable ups and downs of life.   About Lindsi:   Before...
Published 01/12/23