I wish there was a book of rules, instructions, directions or recipes to follow for when it comes to navigating money and relationships. No two relationships are the same and everyone has their own personal values, boundaries, goals and dreams. So getting on the right page with your partner can be very challenging, triggering and simply uncomfortable. In today's podcast I chat with Adam Kol, a financial adviser, lawyer and mediator about how to find fairness, clarity and teamwork in your...
Published 09/04/22
To be honest, I am really proud of what I got right. I am really proud of my hard work, taking action and staying the course. The hard work payed off. When I do look back, I feel nothing but pride, relief and peace of mind. This has helped my sense of self worth and confidence (which is something I have always struggled with). Let me know what you think of this podcast and make sure you listen to the other one where I share my mistakes. The $1000 Project Book:...
Published 08/21/22
Part 1/2 - If I could go back in time, what would I do differently? Sharing with you my personal financial regrets, so that hopefully I help you avoid making mistakes like mine (saving you time and money!). In listening to my frustrations, I hope that this helps you make better, more informed and most importantly, more powerful decisions and actions that only help improve your financial wellbeing even more so. I would love to know what you would do differently with your own personal finances...
Published 08/14/22
Part 2/2: Sharon is now more than ready to enjoy her retirement. In this podcast, you will hear what Sharon has continued on to achieve 18 months later with her retirement planning. She has even more wise advice to share and shows us the importance of using your money wisely, getting informed and building long term passive income streams. Please make sure you share this podcast with anyone who is worried about retirement and doesn't know where to start.  The $1000 Project Book:...
Published 08/07/22
PART 1: It is never too early to start investing but it is also never too late to start investing. Sharon, in her mid 50's was reading The $1000 Project and it made her realise that she hadn't even thought about preparing for retirement. Other than owning her home, some savings and a "bit in super", she had no real financial assets and no passive income! The $1000 Project was the catalyst for change and she quickly swung into action. Listen to what she did, how she did it and why...it is...
Published 07/31/22
Budgeting, budgeting, budgeting! It is an art form of its own!  In this weeks podcast I talk about how I budget, my secret hacks and some tips to help you create your own budget.  Budgeting can be challenging, especially when our financial situation requires us to be strict and vigilant. In this weeks podcast I try to impart some knowledge about how to make budgeting feel like less of a chore and more of a daily practice for our wellbeing!  I hope you enjoy!  Accounts to follow:  My...
Published 07/17/22
In this weeks podcast I sit down with Carmel, an inspiring and confident woman, who details her history with credit card debt. For so many people, the allure of a credit card is irresistible and even essential to get through the month. However, mounting and unmanageable credit card debt is one of the most common financial obstacles that people face in their financial journey. Carmel shows us how to remain diligent when working towards our debt free goals and how she eventually got rid of...
Published 07/10/22
I'm sure all of us have walked into a supermarket recently, only to the price of our favourite affordable fruits and  vegetables sky rocket into all out luxury items. The anxiety of climbing grocery bills is very very real! In this weeks podcast, I talk to you about how to stay on budget, remain somewhat calm and still fill your tummy with nourishing, wholefoods. You don't need to live off two-minute noodles just yet! I hope you enjoy!  My Instagram accounts to follow: @SugarMammaTV...
Published 07/03/22
In this weeks podcast I divulge all my hacks to afford fashion without blowing my budget or generating mountains of credit card debt.  Now I love fashion and learning about fashion, but it is fair to say keeping up with current trends can be a source of anxiety and pressure. In particular now with how many resources there are at our finger tips to constantly buy, buy buy. It is too easy! I discuss how I manage this pressure and in particular how I use an empowering mindset rather than an...
Published 06/19/22
I listen and believe in affirmations. In particular financial affirmations. I listen to them on a regular basis and magical things happen. My fears and anxiety melt away, I have a new found confidence and faith and I feel even more open and grateful for what I have but also what exciting things the future holds for me. If you want this to work for you, you need to be open, you need to give it a go and give it a chance to work for you. The moment something happens, not matter how small, you...
Published 06/12/22
Sally Obermeder is a business owner, television presenter and in previously worked as an investment banker. Despite this, Sally still found herself three months away from declaring bankruptcy on her business and lied to the bank and borrowed her deposit for her first home.  Sally talks to us about resilience and pushing through the hard times while reflecting on mistakes with accountability and humility. This optimisitc attitude has gotten her back on her feet and is why we all love her so...
Published 06/12/22
In this weeks episode I tackle the headline of the year: Interest Rates.  Interest rate rises can sound scary and daunting, especially in this time of uncertainty all around the world. In this weeks podcast I try and explain how we can all stay in control in a rising interest rate environment and turn a potential negative into a positive. By remaining calm and mindful, we can all reconnect with out financial goals and stay accountable to a progress milestones.  Listen to my 7 steps to save...
Published 06/05/22
Today's podcast talks about striking the fine balance between fulfilling your goals as a high-performer and taking care of your wellbeing.  This podcast is from my heart and my own experience with exhaustion and burnout. I hope this reminds you take notice of your body when it is telling you to slow down, rest and recover. It is in those periods of exhaustion where we begin to make errors and sabotage our financial goals.  You can only reap the benefits of your financial milestones if you...
Published 05/29/22
We have all spent the last 20 years feeling like we know Britney Spears, she was and remains a complete pop-icon. So when the news broke of her tragic situation, we all wondered how could this happen to her? With all that money and fame? How could she not be protected?    In this weeks podcast I speak to Chris Herrald from Mullins Lawyers to spread some very important information. We wanted to ensure that everyone becomes more aware of the importance of estate planning, binding death benefits...
Published 05/22/22
Maria has seen it all! Join me in this weeks podcast where Maria is very candid with us about a difficult and chaotic time in her life. After beginning construction work which was supposed to create a long-term income opportunity, it all started to go down hill, all the while she was pregnant....  Construction nightmares are a common experience for many homeowners, costing families 1000s & 1000s of dollars. Hear how Maria came out on top and is thriving more than ever! My Instagram...
Published 05/15/22
Leila Lutz from The Body Never Lies is a Nutritionist, mother and passionate about helping ensure we all listen to our bodies, eat well, move and not let our financial situations hold us back from living our best and healthiest life. She shares her best hacks and habits as to how she not only balances high quality ingredients and produce in her food budget but most importantly her mindset and attitude towards expensive food. You can follow Leila @LeilaLutz and definitely check out her...
Published 05/01/22
Today's Podcast is proudly sponsored by Otivo - with their mission to help Australian's be better off financially.  One of the biggest issues in the financial planning world is that there aren't enough Financial Planners and their cost to engage can be too restrictive. Leaving people who need advice the most, left out to dry. This is something I worry about all the time. I chat with Paul from Otivo about this problem, and ask him how he is helping bridge the financial literacy gap in the...
Published 04/21/22
Make sure you watch my Manifesting March VLOG on YouTube to see all this happening live! You can watch the highs and lows and how it all added up! WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz7V0vtTHyA&t=2s - in the meantime, listen to this podcast and hear about the life lessons that I gained.  If you did this challenge for yourself, I would love to hear from you. Please message me via Instagram @SugarMammaTV or @CannaCampbellofficial - I will be doing more frugal no spend challenges...
Published 04/13/22
Make sure you watch my Manifesting March VLOG on YouTube to see all this happening live! You can watch the highs and lows and how it all added up! WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz7V0vtTHyA&t=2s - in the meantime, listen to this podcast and hear about the life lessons that I gained.  If you did this challenge for yourself, I would love to hear from you. Please message me via Instagram @SugarMammaTV or @CannaCampbellofficial - I will be doing more frugal no spend challenges...
Published 04/11/22
Make sure you watch my Manifesting March VLOG on YouTube to see all this happening live! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz7V0vtTHyA&t=2s - If you did this challenge for yourself, I would love to hear from you. Please message me via Instagram @SugarMammaTV or @CannaCampbellofficial - I will be doing more frugal no spend challenges and more manifesting money projects - so stay tuned! My Instagram accounts to follow: @SugarMammaTV @CannaCampbellofficial  My YouTube channel - over 500 bite...
Published 04/10/22
Amy and her husband had had enough of the stress and pressure of a mortgage so they decided to pivot their financial goals and focus on their financial wealth including passive income rather than their lifestyle wealth. Amy shares with us how this all came about, what new businesses and blessings were formed and how they now feel about their financial future.  You can follow Amy here: @amybett_ My Instagram accounts to follow: @SugarMammaTV @CannaCampbellofficial  My YouTube channel -...
Published 04/03/22
In this podcast we have another AMAZING debt-free story from Clara, who I've come to call The Finance Witch. Why? Because her personal growth and insights regarding her finances have fuelled her determination to take control of her financial future the point she's paid over $195,000 off her home loan in less than 2 YEARS! She's here to share the hacks, habits, tools and steps she's used for motivation and inspiration with anyone who wants to get out of debt or continue to build their own...
Published 03/27/22
One of my greatest joys in doing this podcast is highlighting the stories of financial, familial and business success of strong independant women that have truly inspired me. This week I had the absolute pleasure to interview Kyly Clarke, who's awe-inspiring business savvy, drive and hustle mindset truly reveals that having and achieving your financial dreams is more than possible, even as a single mother.  She wants to share what's inspired her and how much her money mindset elevated her...
Published 03/20/22
With Manifesting March well underway this podcast is here to help you secure the money mindset that helps keep me grounded and focused on a daily basis when it comes to saving! These are the kind of money affirmations I always listen to when I need tranquility and guidance, (especially during Manifesting March) and could be just what you need to calm your money stresses and find determination, confidence and focus to truly manifest money into your life in a natural and positive way.  So if...
Published 03/13/22
With another year comes another Manifesting March! Right on the coat-tails of Frugal February I was chatting about it and money manifesting to the lovely girls in my SugarMamma team Bella, Claudia and Yasmin, who were all very curious and open to trying it themselves and wanted to ask some questions. So I decided what a better way to discuss what Manifesting March is, what it can do and what it means to me with all of you, than by taking this conversation to SugarMamma's Fireplay! So in...
Published 03/06/22