On today’s episode Shandra interviews Lisa Green, a full-time travel nomad. Lisa is one of the many remote workers redefining the narrative of the ‘workplace’ and is doing it while living her dream life abroad. She answers every question from  “How does this lifestyle work?” to “How can I make this happen for me?” This episode is not to be missed!
Published 10/15/22
In this episode, Shandra shares all of the secrets of hostel-hopping that she wished someone had told her before her first hostel experience. If you want to skip the trial-and-error of hostel-hopping, tune in to figure out how to navigate the world of hostels like a pro.
Published 10/01/22
In this episode, Shandra interviews Shari, a friend she met abroad, about safety practices and cultural sensitivity while traveling. Together, they tackle subjects from scamming, strangers, theft and more while exchanging many stories to relate.
Published 09/24/22
In our first episode back from a summer long hiatus, Shandra reveals where she recently traveled to, and what that trip meant for her. She also discusses the lead-up to becoming a young solo traveler, and why she chooses to prioritize travel as a full-time student. Stay tuned for lots more exciting content to come!
Published 09/17/22
In this episode, Shandra is joined by Hannah Baron, a fellow BU student. Hannah spent a month backpacking after studying abroad in Europe, and her whole perspective on travel and the Western-working mentality changed forever. Listen in to learn about how to travel during and after a semester abroad, and how one trip can change your whole outlook on college, career and beyond.
Published 05/13/22
In this episode, Shandra reveals the most important thing that a traveler has to do before planning a trip with friends. She also explores some of the travel dynamics between partner and group travel.
Published 04/23/22
In this episode, Shandra explains some misunderstandings about solo travel and reveals some of the hidden perks that come along with traveling alone. She walks through her realizations during her first solo trip and relates this to a new mindset entering into future adventures. So listen in this week for a firsthand account of someone who never expected to love traveling the world on her own!
Published 04/13/22
For every reason that you say you can’t travel… Sunshine on a Dime will explain how and why you actually can. Embark with Shandra Back, a full-time college student and any-time traveler as she shares stories, interviews other travelers, and provides tips and resources to break down any barriers holding you back from buying that ticket. It doesn’t matter the budget, agenda, or whether or not you have a companion, listen in and get excited about all the adventure that awaits.
Published 04/02/22
For episode 3, Shandra and her travel companion Deva break down the travel essentials (and non-essentials) that they learned from their first trip together. This episode is truly packed with stories, insights and many lessons learned, so listen in and get your bags ready!
Published 03/28/22
In this episode, Shandra is joined by full-time traveler Marine, who she met at her first work exchange. Together, they break down the ins and outs of work exchanges, along with some crazy Costa Rica stories and tips for living abroad.
Published 03/22/22
In SOAD's first ever episode, Shandra breaks down the three most common reasons why people say they can’t travel, and explains how and why it actually is possible for anyone.
Published 03/14/22