Have you ever done something for your life, or business, that someone called “weird?” I’ve been called “weird” many, many times in my life. And I can say with confidence that WEIRD... is what gets it done. I stumbled upon this quote the other day that brought me such joy: “Being weird is like being called a limited edition. It means you’re something people don’t see that often.” The next time you’re tempted to dim your shine, lean into being a “limited edition.”
Published 07/25/21
Joy isn’t always the easy choice. As humans, we are wired to choose drama. Drama is a powerful drug, releasing endorphins and dopamine-meaning that you’ll feel an intoxicating pleasure high when indulging in it. But when you choose JOY over DRAMA, incredible things happen. You’ll experience emotional wealth. And that richness pays off for your mind, body, and bank account.
Published 07/18/21
Have you ever owned something completely luxurious, but only wear it once? There’s a little thing going around that I call “special-occasion-itis.” Those who suffer from it believe that they only “deserve” things on special occasions. They can only slip on that dress for a fancy anniversary dinner. They only deserve flowers on Valentine’s Day. You get the gist. Well... no matter the occasion it’s time to GO ALL OUT.
Published 07/11/21
Do you want to do something but feel like it’s just not the “right time. You’re not alone.  Over the years, I’ve heard thousands of clients dish out the “right time” excuse when it comes to pursuing something they really want. You can spend the rest of your life saying “it’s not the right time”-or you can listen to this episode and ditch that noise so we can get you creating what you crave. There’s never going to be the perfect time, so the right time is now!
Published 07/04/21
Have you heard of Naomi Osaka? She is the number two ranked women’s tennis player in the world. During the last French Open, her anxiety was at an all-time high -particularly around tournament’s press junkets, where they have a history of asking women tennis players unnerving questions.  She decided not to participate in the press junket and the tournament fined her $15,000 in response.  So what did Naomi do? She upgraded her boundaries.
Published 06/27/21
Me and my entrepreneurial powerhouse besties, Robert Hartwell and Rachel Rodgers have joined forces to create the most epic mastermind experience: THE MOST.   THE MOST is a luxe, weekend mastermind experience for 50 entrepreneurs, ambitious professionals, authors, or artists who are ready to electrify their life, business, and relationships. Visit: https://youarethemost.com/ to learn more about THE MOST and why deserve the absolute most. 
Published 06/23/21
When's the last time you had a desire to burn something to the ground? I recently had the idea to host a dinner party in my backyard for free! This felt pleasurable and exciting for me, but this idea also kicked up some low-quality thoughts. When I have low-quality thoughts, I know it’s time to burn that low-quality mess to the ground and pivot to high-quality thinking. Head over to https://shyatt.com/podcast for more information and the full show notes!
Published 06/20/21
Whether you know it or not, your environment impacts you. Everything from your physical environment (like your home office), your media environment (like the shows you watch or the people you follow online), and your social environment (like friendships) influence how you move through the world. It’s so important to evaluate what things in your environment are toxic and sweep that hot mess out of your life.  Get full show notes and more information here: https://shyatt.com/125
Published 06/13/21
What you tell yourself - about yourself - can energize you... or drain you. Today’s show is all about doing your own thought work.
Published 06/07/21
Trading hours for dollars leaves many coaches burnt out and unable to solve the puzzle of how to scale.
Published 05/30/21
Any goals that make you miserable... cost you big!
Published 05/23/21
Spring is here, and I’m betting that your practice needs a good ole cleaning.
Published 05/16/21
Taking ownership means putting in the work to create a unique system of your own that will attract more clients, enable you to help them get better results, and hone your unique perspective. 
Published 05/09/21
Society teaches us that if we work hard, sacrifice sleep, ignore our family, pass out at our desk — That THESE are the success markers we should aim for. But here’s the thing - hustling to a point where you’re sacrificing your life and well-being will actually take you FARTHER AWAY from achieving your goals.  FREE RESOURCE: Snag my free coaching toolkit right here.   ENROLL TODAY: Quick Start is an 8-week Mastermind program where I help coaches, services providers, and entrepreneurs grow...
Published 05/02/21
As a coach, it’s so important to share your victories publicly. If you’re making an impact on your clients’ lives, if you’re really good at what you do, then you need to let the world know. This needs to become a regular practice, something you do all the time, part of your weekly and monthly routine. Let’s #NormalizeBragging FREE RESOURCE: Get the exact resources & tools you need to clarify your work & start bragging! Download The Ultimate Coaching Toolkit: https://utm.guru/udi97
Published 04/25/21
Are you “hoping” and “wishing” and “thinking about” making an impact, or are you actually DOING it? There is nothing wrong with posting a supportive message on Instagram. That’s fine. If you wanna do that, great. It’s good to create awareness. But I wanna know…what are you doing AFTER that? What are you doing IN ADDITION to that? 
Published 04/18/21
You pour your heart and soul into launching your new product or service, and the last thing you want is... crickets. But the avalanche of sales you'd hoped for is more like a flurry. The next steps you take are crucial to your future success, so let's discuss what to do after a disappointing launch. Hint: Don't give up.
Published 04/11/21
It's great to have big, ambitious goals--- but, it's equally important to be able to pause and laugh from time to time! At what moment did you realize you were an entrepreneur? Running your own business can be stressful. There are going to be hard moments as you grow. Don't forget to celebrate all the things that make you an entrepreneur... no matter how silly they might seem! If you need a little boost, I've got you covered with 9 Ways to Tell You're an Entrepreneur!
Published 04/04/21
The idea of becoming an entrepreneur can be terrifying. And your brain knows it because it will create any limiting belief it needs to keep you stuck in uncertainty-- no matter how unhappy that leaves you. In this episode, Koren Motekaitis joins me to discuss how you can know when you're an entrepreneur, limiting beliefs, and what life can become when you tap into your special talents. It's go time!
Published 03/28/21
All lucky people share one thing in common... Lucky people…create their own luck. They create their own opportunities. They create their own fantasy. They create their own dream job or dream situation. They create the right conditions for success. They don’t wait. They create. WEEKLY PEP TALKS STRAIGHT TO TEXT: Send Rich Coach Club to Susan at +1 (812) 408-1823
Published 03/21/21
Have you ever stumbled across a job description…or a scholarship…or a grant…or a speaking gig…and you GASPED and thought, Oh my GOSH. This is amazing. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. I pray that they pick me. So you apply and then cross your fingers…and wait and hope…and maybe you get it, or maybe you don’t. It’s not fully within your control to decide. On today’s show, we’re going to flip this around.
Published 03/14/21
Around 15 years ago, I was wandering through a bookstore hunting for something that would help stop feeling so stressed out, exhausted, and miserable. A book literally fell off the shelf and bonked me on the head. Serendipity. That book was my very first introduction into the world of life coaching. 
Published 03/07/21
Join me on the podcast this week to discover why it’s okay if you feel like you’re not offering anything groundbreaking. I’m sharing why there is space for every single one of us in this industry, and how to bake your individuality into everything that you put out there as a coach. Get full show notes and more information here: https://shyatt.com/130
Published 02/28/21
Tune in this week as I invite you to be unwavering in what you know and hold true. Asking for help and hiring specialists are always great ways to get the support you need in accomplishing your goals, but I’m showing you what I teach all my clients to do, which is to not allow anyone to derail your confidence and gaslight you into believing something that isn’t true.  Get full show notes and more information here: https://shyatt.com/129
Published 02/21/21
Join us today as Hillary introduces us to a concept she calls the entrepreneurial emo phase, and how this stage speaks to the frustrations and ceilings we feel like we hit in our businesses. She’s showing us why this is a critical experience for all business owners, and how to move through it to ensure your own success.  Get full show notes and more information here: https://shyatt.com/128
Published 02/14/21